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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. Hey Neil, I think it looks pretty good. My only comment would be that the type and background color do not look to be from the 'world' of RESIDENT EVIL. Its just a little too glossy and pretty. Just my opinion though. By the way, I really like your Blue Fire Arcade skin for FBL. Best, Phil
  2. Hey Fu, Out of curiosity, did the 360 come preloaded with all of this? I have a 360 as well, but I was considering getting JTAG for the same purpose. (Though no emulators - those all seem half-baked thus far) Talk soon
  3. Sounds awesome BP! Thanks!
  4. Hi, If its running like that in the current build of MAME for the PC and you're sure its too fast, I would make a note of it on the MAME forums. Maybe someone on the team can take a look at it and update the driver or whatever is causing that issue. Best Regards
  5. I don't get it, what's the problem with Pac-Land? I've played that a number of times with CoinOps and it seemed to be just the way I remembered it. (But that was from over 25 years ago now)
  6. BP - what do you think? Maybe scanlines for 480p mode only in Advanced? Definitely not a 'front burner' thing, but it might be nice for the purists out there. Stevxxxxx, if you are using an HDTV, you should try the SLG3000. More info on that here: http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=33454
  7. Try COINOPS - you'll be impressed. I've looked at PS3/360/Wii for emulation and, honestly, none of them can hold a candle to what the XBOX can do.
  8. Yes, see my previous post(s) and refer to this website: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/ If BP sees the demand he MIGHT consider adding a scanline feature to CoinOps, but he doesn't like scanlines, so don't bet on it. My girlfriend and both of my 7 and 5 year old nephews hate them too - so I think this is for older, big game nerds only If this happened, it would only make sense to be enabled in 480p mode. It wouldn't work properly in 480i mode and the scanlines look too small in any resoultion higher than 480p.
  9. If you are outputing via SCART (RGB) to the PVM 2030, then you are only going to be able to do 480i. I'm guessing this is what you're doing now. For 240p, what you would need to do is either get XBOX component cables and a component-to-VGA transcoder or build your own VGA cable and use a custom BIOS. I would recommend the first option since its easier. You would then output the VGA signal to the Emotia and output RGBs - same as SCART, but with separate BNCs - to the PVM. You then set your emulators and dash to 480p mode and flip a switch on the front of the Emotia. This changes the signal from 480p to 240p. 320x240 games? This is pretty standard for TV - 640x480. Do you mean games like Street Fighter 2 that are widescreen 384x240? CoinOps has you covered there, just enable Widescreen Tweak in Advanced. Also - using pixel perfect is essential for 240p or the screen looks blurry. You'll see what I mean. When you get it right, the pixels 'lock' and become very sharp. Good luck I use a Sony PVM 2030 with RGB cable right now. I was looking through the CoinOPS options and disabled "720p Hi Def Support". That may have made a difference in the output but I need to study it more. Does anyone know if that option will affect 320x240 games?
  10. Well, that depends on your setup. Usually, the Super GX Emotias do YUV (component) output as well, so that's preferred for some people since that's on most modern TVs. If you are using a production video monitor, RGBs is the way to go and any Emotia will output that. Some of the later Emotia models do NOT enable 240p from 480p sources, so post here before you buy something. Also, another tricky thing is getting one with a working PSU (power supply unit). A lot of times on eBay they are sold without - which makes them useless. No power = no scanlines. Personally, I have a Super Emotia GX and an Emotia Plus in storage in case that one ever bites the dust. Do you have a video monitor to hook this up to? Which Extron do you use. I see Super and Super GX. Is there a preferred model to use? thanks
  11. cmekki, I'm betting something is goofed up with your save data. Do you know how to go into the TData and UData directories and delete previous CoinOps files? Usually they have the word 'babe' in them. Phil
  12. Street Fighter: The Movie runs at 60FPS on a Trusty Xbox.
  13. Hey BP, I'm working on testing each of these roms, with the help of Nextel, to make sure each works without any issues and there are no dupes. Also, I'll provide you with the videos/screens I have for each. There are a lot of vertical games included, so the black bars will need to be removed. I'm also working on getting you a list of those. I'm not sure how to remove the bars, but I know you know that trick - so I was hoping you could help. Talk soon
  14. Not with a SD monitor like a PVM. He would need the Emotia to create a real 240P signal. The SLG3000 replicates scanlines by overlaying them overtop a 480p image. There's another way that's a little bit easier than hooking up an Emotia, and that is the SLG3000 Scanline Generator available from http://www.arcadeforge.de
  15. Hi, I have a similar setup with a PVM. You should try outputing VGA from the XBOX and use an Extron Emotia to convert the 480p signal to 240p. Check out this site, I really think you would enjoy it: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/ 240p looks much better than 480i for these retro games. Good luck!
  16. Hi Cmekki, OK - great! BP will need you for testing since you have just the 128 upgrade. I noticed some odd audio as well and I have an 1.4 ghz upgraded XBOX - so its unlikely that this is caused by the CPU being too taxed. I'm guessing this may be able to be fixed with a driver update. (This is just a guess though) The sound wasn't horrible though right? Just a little choppy and tinny? Talk soon
  17. He is looking to rotate vertical games. There is a setting that says something to the effect of 'display orientation' which allows you to rotate it for tate in either direction. I would take a pict, but it seems like a waste of time. I pestered BP to put this in last year. Believe me, its there.
  18. Well, yes and no. If you want to do it the easy way, you can use a standard BIOs and XBOX component cable. You could then get any component to VGA transcoder, like the NeoYa and use that to have a VGA output. The other option is to, as you said, use a custom (FrostyVGA) bios in conjunction with either a self-made VGA cord or a comercially available 'Frosty" cable. These used to be available through Divineo, but they've sold out.
  19. Hey, XBOX isn't able to output 240p - only 480i/p, 720p, and 1080i. However, if you use an Extron Emotia in conjunction with VGA output, you can convert a 480p signal to 240p. It works quite well. I do this for use with my PVMs. Check out this website for a better explanation: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/ Enjoy true low-res! I plan on running my XBox in my low res EGRET II cabinet using RGB video, so I'll be running in the lowest possible resolution available to me. I don't know if the XBox is capable of 240p, but if it is then I already own Progear CPS2 board and the Ibara, ESP Ra.De. and ESPGALUDA PCBs, but I'd like to be able to run Ketsui (my favorite CAVE release) as the port runs too fast. I have all the 360 ports that I'm running in my Japanese 360, see. IIRC, some MAME dev was a bit surprised that the PGM hardware need lesser hardware to run smoothly than the NEO GEO. Of course, sprite buffers etc can eat up memory pretty fast and CAVE kinda pump out bullets at you. I'd love to play some more Garegga as well. I might be able to upgrade the memory (the soldering) but isn't it hard to find the parts today? I'll also try to find some video of the video settings. I'm still looking for an XBox locally as I'd rather not pay out the *** for shipping. Thanks a lot information and sorry that I can't be of more help as I don't have the hardware to test stuff.
  20. OK and these are the ones that need fixes of some sort: NEED FIXES Aqua Rush (aquarush) - loads, but freezes - 7 megs free Bang!(bang) - loads - controls need a tweak Beast Busters (bbusters) - loads - controls need a tweak Cheyenne (cheyenne) - loads - controls need a tweak Chiller (chiller) - loads - NOTE - This gun game works fine w/ DPad, maybe apply the fix here to other Exidy gun games? Clay Pigeon (claypign) - loads - controls need a tweak Combat (combat) - loads - NOTE - This gun game works fine w/ DPad, maybe apply the fix here to other Exidy gun games? Cookie & Bibi 2 (cookbib2) - Needs driver tweak to run Crackshot (cracksht) - loads - controls need a tweak Crossbow (crossbow) - loads - controls need a tweak Crypt Killer - loads, needs controller fix - 45fps, 24 megs free Darius II - works great, but no sound – fixable? Egg Venture (eggventr) - works great, controls may need tweak (gun game) Golly! Ghost! (gollygho) - loads fine, but needs controller fix - 59 megs free Hit'n Miss (hitnmiss) - loads - controls need a tweak (gun) Hydra (hydra) - loads fine, but needs control fix ** Lethal Enforcers (lethalen) - need CHD ** Lethal Enforcers II (le2) - need CHD Maximum Force (maxforce) - crashes, driver fix? Night Stocker (nstocker) - loads, but needs controller fix Numan Athletics (numanath) – needs controller tweak One Shot One Kill (oneshot) - works great (maybe remove extra crosshair) Pirate Ship Higemaru (higemaru) – Needs controller fix Point Blank (ptblank) - works great (maybe remove extra crosshair) Police Trainer (policetr) - loads, but needs controller fix Sharpshooter (sshooter)- works great (maybe remove extra crosshair) Showdown (showdown) - loads, but needs controller fix Shrike Avenger (shrike) - loads, needs driver update Steel Gunner (sgunner) - needs control fix (gun) Syvalion (syvalion) - loads fine, but needs controller fix Tattoo Assassins (tattass) - works, but needs driver update for improved graphics - 24 megs free Terminator 2 (term2) - loads, but needs a driver update Tickee Tickats (tickee) - works great (maybe remove extra crosshair) Turkey Shoot (tshoot) - loads - controls need a tweak (gun) Under Fire (undrfire) - loads, 39 megs free - needs controller tweak (gun) VS Duck Hunt (duckhunt) - works, but needs controller tweak (gun) VS Freedom Force (vsfdf) - works, but needs controller tweak (gun) VS Gumshoe (vsgshoe) - works, but needs controller tweak (gun) Vs. Hogan's Alley (hogalley) - works, but needs controller tweak (gun) WEC Le Mans 24 (lemans24) - rename LeMans 24 per MAWS? loads, but doesn't play well Zero Point (zeropnt) - works great (maybe remove extra crosshair) Zero Point 2 (zeropnt2) - works great (maybe remove extra crosshair) And here are some I broke into sections of fixes: FREEZES/ERROR - may be possible to fix with driver 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (gtmr) AmeriDarts (amerdart) Clutch Hitter (cltchitr) Dunk Shot (dunkshot) Jumping Pop (jumppop) Lotto Fun (lottofun) - When you see "MEMORY PROTECT SWITCH MUST BE DOWN!", hit F1 to proceed Slither (slither) - The first time you run the game, it will say 'CMOS INVALID'. Press P2 START to save CMOS and proceed. DRIVER 9 Ball Shootout (9ballsht) – CPU # uses wrong 16-bit handlers for address space 0 (should be 8-bit)! Air Combat (aircomb) Air Inferno (ainferno) Angel Kids (angelkds) Battle Cross (battlex) Battle of Atlantis (atlantis) Battle of the Solar System (botss) B.C. Story (bcstry) Big Karnak (bigkarnk) Blaster (blaster) – doesn't load Buggy Boy (buggyboy) Change Lanes (changela) Complex X (complexx) – sticks at lang select Cool Pool (coolpool) - Error: CPU # uses wrong 16-bit handlers for address space 0 (should be 8-bit)! Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (cgangpzl) D-Day (ddayjlc) Deroon DeroDero (demon) Dog Patch (dogpatch) Double Cheese (dcheese) Dragon Ball Z V.R.V.S. (dbzvrvs) Drakton (drakton) Eagle Shot Golf (eaglshot) Espial (espial) F-1 Grand Prix Star II (f1gpstr2) Face Off (faceoff)– driver Field Combat (fcombat) Final Lap (finallap) Fire Barrel (firebarr) – loads, but needs driver fix, bad sound and layers are messed up Flower (flower) Forty-Love (40love) Four Trax (fourtrax) Gardia (gardia) Get Star/Guardian (getstar) Grand Champion (grchamp) Grand Striker (gstriker) *128 Xbox? Hot Pinball (hotpinbl) – needs fixed screen res, driver? Vs. Hot Smash (hotsmash) Hunchback Olympic (huncholy) Imago (imago) Intrepid (intrepid) IQ-Block (iqblock) Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (jchan) Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu (jitsupro) – slow Kamikaze (kamikaze) Joyful Road / Munch Mobile (joyfulr) Jump Kids (jumpkids) Kick Rider (kickridr) Kram (kram) Laser Ghost (lghost) ­Lethal Enforcers (lethalen) Lethal Enforcers 2 (le2) Line of Fire (loftier) Looping (looping) Mad Alien (madalien) Mat Mania (matmania) Mermaid (mermaid) Metal Hawk (metlhawk) Major League (mjleague) Moon Patrol (mpatrol) Moon Shuttle (mshuttle) Mustache Boy (mustache) MVP (mvp) Numan Athletics (numanath) New York! New York! (ninny) No Man's Land (nomnlnd) Noboranka (nob) Opa Opa (opaopa) – encryption key available Prebillian (pbillian) Pro Soccer (prosoccr) Professor Pac-Man (profpac) Quasar (quasar) - crashes R2D Tank (r2dtank) ­Rafflesia (raflesia) Razzmatazz (razmataz) Risky Challenge (riskchal) Rougien (rougien) Run and Gun (rungun) Sand Scorpion (sandscrp) Scorpion (scorpion) SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (grainbow) Sea Wolf 2 (seawolf2) – update driver for samples Sengeki Striker (sengekis) *128 Ram? Senkyu (senkyu) Shingen Samurai-Fighter (tshingen) - slow Shooting Gallery (shootgal) Sky Army - messed up graphics Sky Bumper (skybump) Slip Stream (slipstrm) Solitary Fighter (solfigtr) – when a characted is hit the FPS become choppy Solvalou (solvalou) Space Cruiser (spacecr) – update driver to stop reset Space Encounters (spcenctr) – also needs overlay and sound samples Space Laser (spclaser) Space Odyssey (spaceod) Sprint 4 (sprint4) SF-X (sfx) Space Firebird (spacefb) Street Football (sfootbal) Stocker (stocker) Street Heat (strtheat) Super League (suprleag) Talbot (talbot) Tattoo Assassins (tattass) – loads OK, but needs driver update to fix graphics - 128 RAM Tecmo World Cup '90 (wc90) Tee'd Off (teedoff) Vamp 1/2 (vamphalf) Venture (venture) Victory (victory) Victorious Nine (victnine) Video Vince and the Game Factory (vidvince) Violence Fight (viofight) Warlords (warlords) - needs driver update for art overlay Wild Western (wwestern) CONTROLLER American Speedway (amspdwy) AREA 51 (area51) Ataxx (ataxx) Aztarac (aztarac) Baseball The Season II (basebal2) Blue Shark (blueshrk) Boxing Bugs (boxingb) Bradley Trainer – (US MILITARY COMMISION, VERY COOL) Cerberus (cerberus) Cloak & Dagger (cloak) Cloud 9 (cloud9) Cosmic Chasm (cchasm) Country Club (country) Danger Zone (dangerz) Datsun 280 Zzzap (280zzzap) Dead Eye (deadeye) Dyno Bop (dynobop) Gimme A Break (gimeabrk) Kick Start Wheelie King (kikstart) Lucky & Wild (luckywld) *128 Xbox? Max RPM (maxrpm) Mayday (mayday) Mini Golf (minigolf) Mole Attack (mole) Orbit (orbit) Pachinko Sexy Reaction (sxyreact) *128 Xbox? Pirate Ship Higemaru (higemaru) Power Drive (powerdrv) Quarterback (quarterb) Reactor (reactor) Redline Racer (redlin2p) Revolution X (revx) Runaway (runaway) Snacks'n Jaxson (snakjack) Space Duel (spacduel) Space Dungeon (sdungeon) Space Seeker (spaceskr) - no coin input Spiker (spiker) Strata Bowling (stratab) Space Fever (spacefev) Shuffleshot (shufshot) - doesn't shot Space Position (spcpostn) Speed Up? (speedup) Stagger I (stagger1) Steel Talons (steeltal) *128 only? - if this driver is updated, possible Hard Driving too? Super Chase (superchs) Syvalion (syvalion) Tac/Scan (tacscan) – loads ok, also needs sound samples – possible driver update? Tailgunner (tailg) - also needs sound samples – maybe driver? Viper (viper) Wanted (wanted) Zektor (zektor) – also needs sound boost SOUND Astro Fighter (astrof) Berzerk (berzerk) - needs samples & driver Checkmate (checkmat) Double Play (dplay) Frenzy (frenzy) – needs driver update for voices/sound Gorf (gorf) - update driver for new sound samples Inferno (inferno) – update driver for sound, needs art Ixion (ixion) Leprechaun (leprechn) Journey (journey) – needs driver update for sound sample Lupin III (lupin3) – needs driver update and sound samples M-4 (m4) - needs driver update for sound samples M-79 Ambush (m79amb) Minesweeper (mineswpr) Mission 660 (m660) Nyan Nyan Panic (nyanpani) Porky (porky) Rolling Crash (rolling) Safari Rally (safarir) Sasuke vs. Commander (sasuke) Sea Wolf (seawolf) Shark Attack (sharkatt) Shuffleboard (shuffle) Space Chaser (schaser) Speed Freak (speedfrk) – driver update for new samples Star Hawk (starhawk) Star Blade (starblad) - plays well, but a driver update would help a lot Star Trek (startrek) needs both sound and control fix Tank Battalion (tankbatt) - needs driver update for new samples Vanguard (vanguard) – needs driver for sample support War of the Worlds (wotw) - needs driver update for sample support Wily Tower (wilytowr) Yosaku To Donbei (yosakdon) Wiz War (wizwarz) – needs controller fix, also driver update for sound OTHER Rock'n Tread (rockn) – need updated rom? Sheriff (sheriff) – missing roms? Vicious Circle (vcircle) - needs CHD War Gods (wargods) - needs CHD
  21. I have an idea on how to add this feature: Notepad and a pencil
  22. Yes, this is possible. BP added this functionality last winter around this time.
  23. Hi Robot3, Yes, I know that game. I actually have a bunch of gun games to be added from the company that produced CROSSBOW - Exidy. Another (really cheesy) one they made is CHILLER. Its awful, but I love it. Some of these games work OK, but a crosshair is left in the middle of the screen (maybe for a 2nd player?), others the control is mess up so you can't move the crosshair to any of the four corners of the screen, and others work fine. I'll be adding notation to each of the ROMs so its clear which is which. I'm going to be posting these games, along with some others that need a little work at the end of the list. All the ones here can be played as-is, without any fixes from BP. Talk soon
  24. Ya, there are likely some dupes in there. I found a few myself after going through the list again before posting. The set needs a fresh pair of eyes and you know this the best.
  25. OK - below are the initial arcades adds I'm working on. There will be a few more. Any marked 128 only are ones I believe will only work on upgraded Xbox systems, but I could be wrong. NUMBERS 4 Fun in 1 (4in1) A Ace (ace) Agress (agress) Ah Eikou no Koshien (koshien) Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) All American Football (addb) Alley Master (alleymas) Amazing Maze (maze) Aquarium (aquarium) Ark Area (arkarea) Arkanoid Returns (arkretrn) Arm Wrestling (armwrest) Armor Attack (armora) – needs sound samples and overlay art Armored Car (armorcar) Armored Scrum Object (aso) Astro Blaster (astrob) Atari Baseball (abaseb) Atari Football (atarifb) Atari MiniGolf (mgolf) Atari Soccer (soccer) Avalanche (avalnche) Azurian Attack (azurian) B Bakuretsu Breaker - works great Balloon Bomber (ballbomb) Balloon Brothers (ballbros) Bang Bang Ball (bangball) Barricade (barricad) Barrier (barrier)– needs artwork Basketball (bsktball) Beraboh Man (berabohm) Big Run (bigrun) Big Twin (bigtwin) Bigfoot Bonkers (bbonk) Birdie King (bking) Birdie King 2 (bking2) Birdie King 3 (Birdie King 3) Black Hole (blkhole) Blades of Steel (bladestl) Blasto (blasto) Block Carnival (blockcar) Blockade (blockade) Blue Print (blueprnt) Boggy '84 (boggy84) Bomb Bee (bombbee) Bongo (bongo) Boot Hill (boothill) Borench (borench) Bottom of the Ninth (bottom9) Boulder Dash (bouldash) Bowl-O-Rama (bowlrama) Brain (brain) - (weird distortion on this game – looks like an X) Bubble 2000 (bubl2000) Bullfight (bullfgt) Bull Fighter (bullfgtr) Bulls Eye Darts (bullsdrt) C Calipso (calipso) Cannon Ball (cannonbp) Canyon Bomber (canyon) Capcom Baseball (cbasebal) Capcom Bowling (capbowl) Car Jamboree (carjmbre) Carnival (carnival) Cassette: Astro Fantasia (castfant) Cassette: Boulder Dash (cbdash) Cassette: Disco No. 1 (cdiscon1) Cassette: Fighting Ice Hockey (cfghtice) Cassette: Flying Ball (cflyball) Cassette: Cluster Buster / Graplop (cgraplop) Cassette: Highway Chase (chwy) Cassette: Mission X (cmissnx) Cassette: Night Star (cnightst) Cassette: Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (cppicf) Cassette: Pro Bowling (cprobowl) Cassette: Pro Golf (cprogolf) Cassette: Pro Tennis (cptennis) Cassette: Rootin' Tootin (clapapa) Cassette: Scrum Try (cscrtry) Cassette: Super Astro Fighter (csuperas) Cassette: Terranean (cterrani) Cassette: Tornado (ctornado) Cassette: Treasure Island (ctisland) Cavelon (cavelon) Challenger (challeng) Champion Boxing (chboxing) Check Man (checkman) Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) China Gate (chinagat) Circus / Acrobat TV (circus) Cleopatra Fortune (cleopatr) Colony 7 (colony7) Columns (columns) Columns II (columns2) Commando (Sega) (commsega) Comotion (comotion) – needs sound sample Competition Golf – Final Round (compgolf) Cops 'n Robbers (copsnrob) Cosmic Avenger (cavenger) Cosmic Guerilla (cosmicg) – needs sound samples Cosmo (cosmo) Cosmos (cosmos) Crazy Kong (ckong) Crowns Golf (crgolf) Crush Roller (crush) Cuby Bop (cubybop) Cutie Q (cutieq) D D-Con (dcon) D-Day (dday) Daisu-Kiss (daiskiss) *128 ONLY Dangerous Dungeons (ddungeon) Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels (daraku) *128 ONLY Darius (darius) Dark Planet (darkplnt) Dark Warrior (darkwar) Dazzler (dazzler) Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (redufo) Demon (demon) Depthcharge (depthch) Devil Fish (devilfsh) Deep Scan or Invinco (invds) – needs sound samples Diamond Run (diamond) Dingo (dingo) Disco No.1 (disco) Dock Man (dockman) Domino Man (domino) Dominos (dominos) Dommy (dommy) Dorodon (dorodon) Double Axle (dblaxle) Drag Race (dragrace) Dragon Master (drgnmst) - 30 megs free Dragonball Z (dbz) - 36 megs free Dragonball Z II (dbz2) - 28 megs free Dream Soccer 94 (dsoccr94) Driving Force (drivfrcp) Dynamic Country Club (dcclub) E Eggor (eggor) Eight Ball Action (8ballact) Eliminator (elim2) – needs sounds samples Emeraldia (emeralda) Enigma II (enigma2) Espial (espial) Evolution Soccer (evosocc) *128 ONLY Exciting Soccer (exctsccr) Extra Bases (ebases) F Field Day (fieldday) Fighting Golf (fitegolf) Fighting Roller (fightrol) Fire One (fireone) – no sound Fire Truck (firetrk) Fit of Fighting (fitfight) – no sound Flash Point (fpoint) Football Champ (footchmp) Free Kick (freekick) Freeze (freeze) Frisky Tom (friskyt) Frogs (frogs) – needs sound samples & art overlay Funky Bee (funkybee) Funky Fish (fnkyfish) G Gaiapolis (gaiapols) *128 ONLY Galactic Warriors (gwarrior) Galaxy Gunners (galaxygn) Galaxy Wars (galxwars) Gals Hustler (galhustl) Gals Panic S2 (galpans2) *128 ONLY Gee Bee (geebee) Genpei ToumaDen (genpeitd) Gigas (gigasb) Gigas Mark II (gigasm2b) Gimme A Break (gimeabrk) – needs controller tweak Goal 92 (goal92) Goal! Goal! Goal! (goalx3) Gold Bug (goldbug) Golden Tee Golf (gtg) Golden Tee Golf 2 (gtg2) Grand Striker 2 (gstrik2) - 40 megs free Grand Tour (grndtour) Great Swordsman (gsword) Gridiron Fight (gridiron) Gridlee (gridlee) – need sound samples Grudge Match (grudge) Guided Missile or Missile X (gmissile) – needs sound samples Gumbo (gumbo) Gun Dealer 94 (gundl94) Gun Fight (gunfight) – needs sound samples Gunbuster (gunbustr) - 64 megs free Guzzler (guzzler) Gyakuten (pbancho) Gypsy Juggler (gypsyjug) H Hachoo (hachoo) Hard Yardage (hardyard) HAL 21 (hal21) Hang On Jr (hangonjr) Hard Hat (hardhat) Hat Trick (hattrick) Hatris (hatris) Head On (headon) Head On 2 (headon2) Heart Attack (heartatk) Heavyweight Champ (hwchamp) Hebereke no Popoon (heberpop) Hero (hero) Hexa (hexa) High Impact Football (hiimpact) High Voltage (hvoltage) High Way Race (hwrace) Hoccer (hoccer) Homo (homo) Hopper Robo (hopprobo) Hopping Mappy (hopmappy) Hot Shocker (hotshock) Hot Shots Tennis (hstennis) Hustle (hustle) – needs sound samples I Indoor Soccer (idsoccer) Insector (insector) Ikki (ikki) I'm Sorry (imsorry) International Cup '94 (intcup94) Invaders Revenge (invrvnge) – needs sound samples Invinco (invinco) J Jack Rabbit (jackrabt) Jack the Giantkiller (jack) John Elway's Team Quarterback (teamqb) Jr Pac-Man (jrpacman) Jumping Cross (jcross) Jumping Jack (jjack) Jump Bug (jumpbug) Jump Coaster (jumpcoas) Jump Shot (jumpshot) Jungler (jungler) K Kaiser Knuckle (kaiserkn) - 37 megs free Kaitei Takara Sagashi (kaitei) Kamikaze (kamikaze) Kaos (kaos) Kick (kick) – need driver update? King & Balloon (kingball) Kitten Kaboodle (kittenk) Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (eto) Konami GT (konamigt) Kozmik Kroozr (kroozr) – needs artwork Krazy Bowl (krzybowl) L Lady Master of Kung Fu (ladymstr) Las Vegas Girl (lvgirl94) Lasso (lasso) Last Striker (kyustrkr) Lazer Command (lazercmd) Levers (levers) Libble Rabble (liblrabl) Liberator (liberatr) Liberation (liberate) Lizard Wizard (lizwiz) Lock'n'Chase (lnc) Loco-Motion (locomotn) Logger (logger) Lost Tomb (losttomb) Lot Lot (lotlot) Lunar Lander (llander) M Mariner (mariner) Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (machbrkr) - imperfect sound *128 ONLY Macho Mouse (machomou) Mad Planets (mplanets) Magical Spot (magspot) Magical Spot II (magspot2) Magix (magix) Major Title (majtitle) Mania Challenge (maniach) Maniac Square (maniacsq) Marine Boy (marineb) Markham (markham) Mars (mars) Martial Champion (mtlchamp) *128 ONLY 3 Megs Free Maya (maya) Mayhem 2002 (mayhem) Meadows Lanes (medlanes) Megadon (megadon) Megatack (megatack) Meosis Magic (meosism) Mighty Monkey (mimonkey) Minefield (minefld) Minky Monkey (mmonkey) Miss Puzzle (mspuzzle) Mogura Desse (mogura) Money Money (monymony) Money Puzzle Exchanger (miexchng) Monster Maulers (mmaulers) *128 ONLY Monte Carlo (montecar) Moonwar (moonwar) Mosaic (mosaic) Motos (motos) Mouja (mouja) Mouse Trap (mtrap) Mouser (mouser) Mr. Goemon (mrgoemon) Mr. TNT (mrtnt) Mr. Kougar (mrkougar) MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (rocktrv2) Mutant Fighter (mutantf) N Naname de Magic (naname) NATO Defense (natodef) – needs sound samples Naughty Mouse (nmouse) Navarone (navarone) Neck-n-Neck (neckneck) Net Wars (netwars) New Fantasia (newfant) New Sinbad 7 (newsin7)– distortion? New York! New York! (nyny) – driver update? News (news) Nibbler (nibbler) Night Driver (nitedrvr) – needs art overlay (possible to fix resolution of art?) Nova 2001 (nova2001) O Off the Wall (offtwall) Omega Race (omegrace) – needs overlay Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (onna34ro) Orbitron (orbitron) Ozma Wars (ozmawars) Ozon I (ozon1) P Pac-Man Plus (pacplus) Pairs (pairs) Palamedes (palamed) Paradise (paradise) Paris Love (pairlove) Penguin Brothers (penbros) *128 ONLY Pepper 2 (pepper2) Perestroika Girls (perestro) Perfect Billiard (pbillrd) Phozon (phozon) Pickin' (pickin) Pinball Action (pbaction) Pinbo (pinbo) Pioneer Balloon (pballoon) Pisces (pisces) Pistol Daimyo No Bouken (pistoldm) Pit & Run (pitnrun) Play Girls (plgirls) Play Girls 2 (plgirls2) PlayBall (playball) Plotting (plotting) Poitto! (poitto) Polaris (polaris) Poly-Play (polyplay) Ponpoko (ponpoko) Poolshark (poolshrk) Pop Flamer (popflama) Popper (popper) Power Instinct 2 (pwrinst2) Power Play (powrplay) Power Surge (psurge) Premier Soccer (prmrsocr) Progress (progress) Puzzle Club (puzlclub) Puzzle De Pon (puzzledp) Q Q*bert's Qubes (qbertqub) – needs sound samples Quantum (quantum) Quester (quester) R Rack 'em Up (rackemup) Raimais (raimais) Red Baron (redbaron) Red Robin (redrobin) Relief Pitcher (relief) Rescue (rescue) Riddle of Pythagoras (ridleofp) Rip Cord (ripcord) Rip Off (ripoff) - needs sound samples Robby Roto (robby) Robot Bowl (robotbwl) Rock Climber (rockclim) Round-Up (roundup) – distortion S Sadari (sadari) Safari (safari) Samurai (samurai) Samurai Nihon-ichi (tsamurai) - works great Satan of Saturn (satansat) - needs samples Saturn (saturn) Scion (scion) Scooter Shooter (scotrsht) Scrambled Egg (scregg) Screw Loose (screwloo) Sea Fighter Poseidon (sfposeid) Sengeki Striker (sengekis) – update driver *128 Ram SF-X (sfx) – update driver Shanghai Kid (shangkid) Shoot the Bull (shootbul) Shot Rider (shtrider) Shuuz (shuuz) Side Track (sidetrac) Sky Base (skybase) Sky Fox (skyfox) Sky Lancer (skylancr) Sky Raider (skyraid) Sky Skipper (skyskipr) Snap Jack (snapjack) ­Solar Fox (solarfox) Solar Quest (solarq) – needs art overlay Soldam (soldam) SOS (sos) Space Fortress (spacefrt) Space Fury (spacfury) Space Intruder (spaceint) Space Invaders II (invad2ct) Space King 2 (spcking2) Space Launcher (spacelnc) Space Panic (panic) – needs samples Space Trek (spacetrk) Space Wars (1977) (spacewar) Spatter (spatter) - works great Sparkz (sparkz) Speak & Rescue (speakres) or Stratovox (stratvox) (better sound?) Spectar (spectar) Speed Ball (speedbal) Speed Coin (spdcoin) Speed Spin (speedspn) Splash (splash) Splendor Blast (splndrbt) Springer (springer) Sprint 1 (sprint1) Star Cruiser (starcrus) – needs samples Star Guards (stargrds) Strategy X (stratgyx) Streaking (streakng) Steel Gunner 2 (sgunner2) Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (sfz2al) Street Fighter The Movie (sftm) *128 Xbox only Strength & Skill (strnskil) Subroc-3D (subroc3d) – need samples Super Basketball (sbasketb) Super Sidekicks 2 (ssideki2) Super Sidekicks 3 (ssideki3) Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (ssf2t) - 52 megs free Super Bug (superbug) Super Cup Finals (scfinals) Super Doubles Tennis (sdtennis) Super High Impact (shimpact) *128 only? Super Mouse (suprmous) Super Rider (suprridr) Super Tank (supertnk) Super Toffy (stoffy) Super Visual Football (svf) SWAT (swat) Syusse Oozumou (ssozumo) T Tactician (tactcian) Taisen Tokkae (tokkae) - 128 only? 5 megs free Taito Cup Finals (cupfinal) Targ (targ) Target Ball (tgtball) Target Hits (targeth) Taxi Driver (taxidrvr) Tazz Mania (tazmania) Tecmo World Cup (wc90) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Extra (tmnt) - 4 players, maybe rename to (4 player) Teeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (4 Player) (tmnt2) Terra Force (terraf) Tetris (tetris) The Crystal of Kings (crysking) - works great, very rarely the fps drop slightly (during cuts) very rare though - 1 meg free The History of Marial Arts (histryma) - works great, but no sound, driver update? The Next Space (tnextspc) The Ninja Warriors (ninjaw) The Simpsons (Extra) (simpsons) - rename to 4 Player? Thunder & Lightning (thunderl) Time Scanner (timescan) Top Player's Golf (tpgolf) Top Ranking Stars (trstar) - 58 megs free Top Speed (topspeed) Triple Fun (triplfun) Triple Punch (triplep) Twin Falcons (twinfalc) U Ultra Balloon (uballoon) Ultraman (ultraman) V Van-Van Car (vanvan) Virtua Fighter (vf) Virtua Racing (vr) – needs some sort of fix Volfied (volfied) Vs Atari R.B.I. Baseball (rbibb) Vs Balloon Fight (balonfgt) Vs Baseball (vsbball) Vs. Battle City (btlecity) Vs Block Breaker (vblokbrk) Vs Castlevania (cstlevna) Vs Clu Clu Land (cluclu) Vs Dr Mario (drmario) Vs Duck Hunt (duckhunt) Vs Excitebike (excitebk) Vs Freedom Force (vsfdf) Vs Gong Fight (vsgongf) *128 RAM Vs Gradius (vsgradus) Vs Gumshoe (vsgshoe) Vs Hogan's Alley (hogalley) Vs Ice Climber (iceclimb) Vs Ice Climber Dual (iceclmrj) Vs Mach Rider (machridr) Vs Mighty Bomb Jack (mightybj) Vs Ninja Jajamaru Kun (jajamaru) Vs Pinball (vspinbal) Vs Platoon (platoon) Vs Raid on Bungeling Bay (bnglngby) Vs Slalom (vsslalom) Vs Soccer (vssoccer) Vs Star Luster (starlstr) Vs Stroke and Match Golf (smgolf) Vs Super Mario Bros (suprmrio) Vs Super SkyKid (suprmrio) Vs Super Xevious (supxevs) Vs Tennis (vstennis) Vs Tetris (vstetris) Vs The Goonies (goonies) Vs TKO Boxing (tkoboxng) Vs Top Gun (topgun) Vs Wrecking Crew (wrecking) W Wacko (wacko) Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! (wwjgtin) Warp & Warp (warpwarp) Water Match (wmatch) Wheel of Fortune (wfortune) Who Dunit (whodunit) - loads - NOTE - This gun game works fine w/ DPad, maybe apply the fix here to other Exidy gun games? Wild Pilot (wildplt) Wizard of Wor (wow) - needs samples for sound Wonder Momo (wndrmomo) World Class Bowling (wcbowl) World Tennis (wtennis) Wiping (wiping) Wild Western (wwestern) Wit's (wits) Wiz (wiz) Wolf Pack (wolfpack) World Soccer Finals (wsf) World Stadium (ws) X Xyonix (xyonix) Y Yam Yam (yamyam) Yamato (yamato) Z Zaviga (zaviga) Zero Hour (zerohour) Zodiack (zodiack) Zzyzzyxx (zzyzzyxx)
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