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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. Hey BP, Regarding DOUBLE DRAGON, this has happened for a while. I remember I asked IQ about it and he pointed this post out from MAWS: 8th January 2006: Bryan McPhail - Double Dragon has a crash which sometimes occurs at the very end of the game (right before the final animation sequence). It occurs because of a jump look up table: BAD3: LDY #$BADD; BAD7: JSR [A,Y]. At the point of the crash A is 0x3e which causes a jump to 0x3401 (background tile ram) which obviously doesn't contain proper code and causes a crash. The jump table has 32 entries, and only the last contains an invalid jump vector. A is set to 0x3e as a result of code at 0x625f - it reads from the shared spriteram (0x2049 in main cpu memory space), copies the value to 0x523 (main ram) where it is later fetched and shifted to make 0x3e. So.. it's not clear where the error is - the 0x1f value is actually written to shared RAM by the main CPU - perhaps the MCU should modify it before the main CPU reads it back? Perhaps 0x1f should never be written at all? If you want to trace this further please submit a proper fix! In the meantime I have patched the error by making sure the invalid jump is never taken - this fixes the crash (see ddragon_spriteram_r).
  2. Sounds awesome, can't wait to try it!
  3. Hey Fu, Thanks again for that new 68k rom! I've played it too, but there must be something up with it. From the contents of the v1.01 info: What's new/fixed: * Sprite Priority Fix (Crossed Swords 2/Last Blade 2 etc) * Added 480p and 720p modes. Automatically selected depending on dash settings.
  4. I've been playing around with this emulator recently too - its really great and has the best scanline filters I've seen on Xbox. I did notice a few things though, which are noted below: 1.NeoCD-SDLx V1.01 by Lantus >> This is the most up-to-date version of the emulator. It added support for 720p and fixed a few games, including the NeoGeoCD exclusive CROSSED SWORDS 2. 2.NeoGeoCDLX unleashed by gogoackman >> This is a modification of Lantus' V1.0 source code, it only supports up to 480p and does not include the fixes implemented in the V1.01 release. Also, as stated above, the interface is lacking. It would be great if someone out there who knew SDLx could take a look at doing the following: - Adding a proper front-end with a scrolling game list. Nothing fancy - simple, like CoinOps, with maybe screenshots displayed as you scroll through the game list. - Adding 720p support - Implementing the fixes from Lantus' V1.01 release
  5. Hey BP, Just curious, what were the virtual memory issues with CPS2 games? Can't wait to try the new build! Hopefully tonight. Talk soon
  6. I Googled and found what you were referring to - CoinOps Raped Edition. You can tell by the name it is some amateur hour crap. What the correlation is between rape and reducing the number of ROMs is beyond my comprehension. People are really twisted sadly.
  7. Its legit I bet, but there is a whole lotta frameskippin' going on. You can get a modded Sega Saturn pretty cheap these days. Totally worth it.
  8. Sounds to me like either the HDD or DVD power/data connections are loose. I would open it up, make sure everything is tight and try again.
  9. It loads on an upgraded XBOX, but its not playable. It ran at about 7-9 FPS if I recall correctly.
  10. hahah - snap!
  11. The stock sticks are fine, but they are 8-way. 4-way are mostly for older games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong.
  12. Hi, Yes, that's the one I have. The trackball works well. I think you need to plug the trackball into port 3, but I may be wrong. There isn't much setup involved, it just works with the mouse games - ie: Crystal Castles, Missile Command, etc. I did a lot of work on the joysticks though. I wasn't that impressed with the stock ones. I got two of these instead, which can be switched between 4 and 8 way: http://retroblast.arcadecontrols.com/revie...plus_part1.html It works great, but, its not sensitive enough for games like Ms Pac-Man.... which I'm obsessed with. This guy had the same problem: http://www.togeo.com/togeo/wordpress/?p=67 I just got replacement switches that were more sensitive. Anyway, there you go.
  13. Yes, I use the converter. I never tried another way, but I'm fairly certain you need it to get the controller to work properly. Also, for the trackpad, you'll need a controller port to USB adapter. They are easy to make or cheap to buy on eBay.
  14. Haha, OK, I get the hint - what do you need from me? By the way, I'm back working on the arcade adds list. Should be done by weeks end.
  15. Exactly why I use CoinOps for arcades. Also, if you want to hook the Xbox up to an arcade monitor, you can. You just need a 'Frosty' VGA cable for the Xbox and a scan converter called the Extron Emotia, which basically changes the VGA 480p signal from an Xbox to 240p with the flip of a switch. More on that here: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/ I use the Tanksticks trackball with CoinOps no problem, but I've never tried Gold Tee. I'm guessing that if it supports mouse input it will work fine. --- BP, that reminded me. Can you add custom controller settings possibly? We had spoken about it before. For instance the game Robotron was played with 2 joysticks in the arcade and in CoinOps its mapped to the 2 thumbsticks. I can change it to use the direction pads on the player 1 and 2 controllers, but the change is only temporary. (I do this for Robotron on the Tankstick) It would be great if these were permanent. I also tweak the 'sensitivity' on some of the mouse games - like Missile Command - but it resets when you quit the rom. Thanks again, new logo is looking good. Talk soon
  16. The GBA games are widescreen - 240x160, while the GB/GBC are 160x144.
  17. Hey BP, I can help you out testing. Hit me up on MSN when you get a chance. Talk soon
  18. That sounds awesome! For cheaters!
  19. Hey BP, Can I get a hold of that build? By the way, will you be on MSN this week?
  20. For anyone who is interested, Cos and I have been working on a set of INIs for FBL that set each game to perfect pixel. For 480i/p they are absolutely perfect, but for 720p, its 99% perfect since, in some instances, the game is scaled if it was too small. For HDTV, perfect pixel doesn't matter so much. This will be huge job in visual quality for anyone who has been playing these games stretched edge to edge, which is the default.
  21. Ya - see, stuff like perfect pixel are essential in my opinion, which is why I'm waiting. Also, for anything pre-1996 the XBOX seems to do fine. As BP said though - great things in the future if the right tools are there.
  22. It would be nice to see a recent MAME core on the PS3 with a great, simple front-end - like CoinOps has. Somehow, I think we will get stuck with something cumbersome due to the PS3 being difficult to code for. For instance, take a look at emulation on the PSP. Hope I'm wrong though.
  23. I think you need to download EPIC
  24. Here is a list I found - though I don't know how official or precise it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Turbo...Engine-CD_games Talk soon!
  25. 499!? Are there even that many CD games? Exactly that is the point, the pc version does not have the bugs, but either the "perfect cue system" that was implemented by the author (xport) to make the games playable on xbox the best he can, the list is gonna be ready soon but exactly there are 499 games on that list so you got the picture ...
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