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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. 55% isn't bad IMO. That's for 2 days. You guys are spoiled! This is 18gb! More seeds = faster speeds. This will be slow for the first, but in a few weeks dls will be cruisin' Hi i'm at 55% With BT :-/ i don't have acces to alt.binaries.boneless but i have acces to alt.binaries.game.xbox, binsearch said that Coinops Epic is there but i can't grab it "files no found" so the only way for me is to wait for BT !! I maybe can have it in 2 days !! lol Anyway thx for your work BP !!
  2. There was no password on the original RARs. If this new one on the usenet has a password - someone put it there without our blessing. Regarding the torrent being slow - be patient! It takes time, its been up less than two days guys. This isn't a 3000+ seed thing. You're all spoiled by the interwebs! CoinOps EPIC is the newest. It can be found on KickAssTorrents.
  3. There are now 3 seeds on the torrent, one with a particularly fast connection. Things should be moving much faster on that front as a result. As people complete - please seed! Also, if people manage to pull down the RARs from usenet, please seed the torrent as well since it can reach a larger group. Thanks
  4. Oh - I remember the comic. Here is a random cover:
  5. Its about 20 or so gigs when decompressed - there are a LOT of games in here. It will definitely keep people busy while other sets are built. I'm working on one that will add back old arcade games from the older era - think gorf. Some of these are black and white and I find some fun, some visually interesting. Also working on adding a few games that will only work on upgraded Xboxes. That will be a small set though.
  6. butt sex?
  7. Hi Lacerta, If you want to help out with usenet end of things - PM me and we can arrange something. It would be good to have it in both places, but I really don't know anything about that end of things. Thanks
  8. Well, the nature of torrents are that they need people to seed. As we get more people with complete sets of files, the faster things will be for others. For now its working but slow. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of the usenets.
  9. I did something just like this too. Maybe I'll post some picts tomorrow. If you mod the X-Arcade, it works really well too.
  10. OK, looks like another seed or two popped up, so that should help things along. Guys, when you finish dl'ing don't be a bitch and kill the torrent. Continue to seed for a few weeks at least to help others out. Thanks!
  11. Right - there is only one seed right now. Hopefully that will change soon. Ace? DL'ing now, stuck on 50kb/s though. Its gonna take me nearly 5 days to get this!
  12. That's actually a GREAT idea, Waal. I bet you all would get along fine once you bitched at each other in person for a bit, then got shitfaced together. OK guys, the torrent for CoinOPS EPIC is now up. It should be available in a few hours if you search for 'CoinOPS EPIC' at either BTJunkie or KickAssTorrents. Enjoy!
  13. Scanline emulation would be cool. I think that BP said this would impact performance, but I wonder if we could include something janky like PNG overlay? I think at some point I did an example at the different resolutions 480p & 720p using Rastan as an example and it looked pretty good. This definitely would only be useful in 480p and 720p mode. Since scanlines are a result of 240p - doing overlays in 480i would look silly. The 480i signal is sorta jumpy, while 240p is 'solid' if that makes sense. Perfect pixels across all cores would be the best in my opinion though. Lacerta, you should check out an Extron Emotia. If you use one in conjunction with a VGA output, you can make the Xbox output 240p. Check it out: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/
  14. Perfect Pixel in all the cores would be fantastic! Also, it would be nice to integrate the UI controls, for instance - making back + black pull the FPS across all cores.
  15. Hi, I was helping BP as a tester and from what I could tell all the games (PSX, N64 etc) ran full speed on a stock XBOX. I'm going to continue to play around with it some today, so I'll post if I see any issues - doubt it though. Phil
  16. Hi NES, I think it runs full speed 60 FPS (no frameskip) on my upgraded 1.4ghz, Trusty Xbox. Are there any games in particular that you recall have low FPS? I'd like to test it out to see how it runs. Hope you're well.
  17. Wow - looks like a lot is happening. Can't wait to check out the new release! BP, I'm still working on that arcade list. Hopefully I'll have it done by mid-November. Work and freelance has been killing me lately! Best Regards
  18. Maybe its just not drawing enough power from the signal XBOX port - or maybe its a USB2 device. Since the XBOX1 was USB1, it may not be compatible. I have a customized X-Arcade and it works great with CoinOps. Good luck!
  19. Hey BP, I'm still working on my arcade games add list. My job has been keeping me too busy unfortunately. I'll give you an update sometime this week. Talk soon, Phil
  20. I like: CoinOPS GameRoom
  21. Sounds great, I'd be glad to help. I'll be on vacation until mid-September though, so it will have to be after then. I'm sure Cos will be around though. I'll let him know to hit you up. Improvements are looking good. Thanks again! Cheers
  22. I really like playing Castlevania. That game was ported to the PSX, but they changed the graphics and it runs at a slightly lower resolution. There are some cool games on here RX, but I know what you're saying. This system was mainly know for its arcade-perfect ports and if you can emulate the arcade well already with CoinOps and FBL, then it becomes redundant in some respects. This said, there are a number of unique games to the system, as noted above, which make it still desirable. Good to see your back around. Hope you are doing well!
  23. Ha, thats a good idea to add Xbox games. Never thought of that. CoinOps could eventually act as a primary dash for people with cab setups.
  24. Hi, Virtua Fighter and Racer run full FPS on my Trusty upgraded Xbox. People appreciate it. Thank you, BP! The better question is: Why complain? If you don't want to play it at 20 FPS (a framerate many PS1 games run native at), don't play them.
  25. Heck ya! Thanks Fu, you turned me onto the x68000, its a great system! (By the way, most games play perfect with no frame skipping enabled on Trusty upgraded Xbox)
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