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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. Hello, Anyone know if it would be possible to get a spinner control working with the Xbox? Here is a link: http://retroblast.arcadecontrols.com/reviews/roundup.html It would be great for certain arcade games. Thanks
  2. PM me please, this looks great!
  3. Sin and Punishment would be a good N64 to add.
  4. Ya, I have to say, especially as someone who this effected, it happened to me on a SATA HD and after I installed about a zillion different versions of CoinOps and other emulators because I was testing. As soon as I installed on a normal ATA HD that was a clean start, the issue was gone. By the way, what happened to Zuess?
  5. I don't see the point of icons either. It will be stated in the documentation. If people can read, they will see it. I'm actually going through the source .084 set to see if there are some games that will play on an upgraded box that wouldn't on a stock. So far I've found a few. I may eventually send a pack over to BP and let him decide how to best implement it as a release add-on. This probably won't happen for a while since I have a job and other responsibilities to take care of. Maybe by the end of Summer though. I'm also going through and seeing what old games I want to add for myself. A lot of these were not included in previous releases of CoinOps because, well, they aren't as exciting as the other games that were included. That said, I find a number of them charming ,so I may add them for myself. Again, I'll possibly make a batch for BP to review as an add-on for people that want them as well.
  6. Another CoinOps Update Star Blade, a 3-D game from Namco circa 1991 loads with sound and averages 45-60 FPS. Sound echos a bit, but its very playable amazingly. I was genuinely shocked to find this working due to the complexity of the game and hardware. For whatever reason, other Namco21 games do not fare as well.
  7. Been working well for me. I pointed out a few bugs to MadMab, but those were specific to the emulators, not the Xtras.
  8. Hi Carlo, I had a chance to play with the PSX emulator last night using some of your settings and I had promising results as well. I only had BIN/CUE games on hand, so I had to use those. I will try to create a few CloneCD images sometime this weekend to try a comparison. It will be interesting to see if there is an improvement. One game that I tested that I had difficulty with initially was Castlevania Chronicles. With the default settings, the game played at 60 FPS, but the music was pretty slow and off tempo. I tried your settings, but when I turned the CPU interpreter - ON - it actually slowed the framerate to 35-40 FPS. This is an issue for this game because when your character is hit sometimes he disappears instead of 'blinking' because the framerate is unstable. However, with your sound settings, the music was perfect. I decided to switch off the CPU interpreter and found that this allowed the game to run at 60 FPS, while having great music because of the proper sound settings! I also tried Tony Hawk. You should use core 1.4 for proper textures. Here, when I had the CPU interpreter - ON - it slowed the framerate to 15 FPS and when it was off, it was mostly steady at 31 FPS. However, when you go through an 'effect' such as the puddle on level 1, it dropped to 24 FPS. This said, the music remained steady, which didn't happen before when I was testing this game. At first I though this was pretty crappy, since it wasn't 60 FPS, but then I found this: http://www.gametour.com/site/review.php/title/274 It states, for the DC mind you: "Naturally, the game looks fantastic on the Dreamcast. The game runs at acceptably fluid 30 frames per second, the character models have been nicely fleshed out...." That said, I guess this is the proper framerate. All in all, a great first run. Thank you for pointing this out Carlo. Also, you should run the 1.4 ghz patch on all your emulators. I've found that the emulators sometime run at unstable speeds, definitely not better, without it. This is most obvious in CoinOps, probably because of all the different MAME drivers involved. Lastly, do you know if there is online documentation on what the various settings in the PSX emulator do specifically? Best Regards
  9. Hi Carlo, Could you please check what the FPS are in these games your testing? It should usually be a steady 60 FPS. This FPS counter can be displayed by activating it the general configuration menu. Thanks
  10. Hi Zeuss, I think a video would help. Please take the time to post it. I believe something else is at work here if you literally have a 60 second black screen. If you're using an IDE HD it could be one of the following: 1. The entire HD has become extremely fragmented 2. The E directory is fragmented and needs to be reformated 3. The HD itself is failing 4. There isn't enough free space on your 80 gig HD. (AKA, only a few megs left) << I would check this out first 5. Check your VMM settings in CoinOps. Set them to 'auto' if they aren't already The reason I'm saying this is because even when I had issues with CoinOps launching games slowly on my SATA, it never took THAT long. Good luck PhilExile, thanks for the ON TOPIC reply - ( No, im not up Mount Olympus -just working and a different timezone, i understand your trepidation seeing my recent join but ive browsed these forums before and understand that you need to be cautious, i assure you im just wanting some help. TO Everyone else that is trying to be a smart arse- please fuck off to another thread. I've browsed these forums before and know what you are trolling about- and im NOT interested. This is NOT an invitation to reply - thanks ) Now, back O/T.... I can make a vid but it will be over 60sec of blank screen. My first post describes what happens, i will get some more details taking note of my actions, screens, and time it takes for each change and post back soon. Just tested loading roms from the same place using the GBA and Genisis xport engines and loads normal (fast), So my trouble-shooting seems to rule out hardware. Can someone please list the U/T DATA folders that Dox/CoinOPs has used through out the years so i can make sure all are clean, thanks.
  11. History will prove you an ass Excellent. That's exactly what I was waiting for: just get the f*** out and keep maintaining your lame patchwork between you, band of morons. To re-establish the truth, and regular readers of this forum know that since many months and others can read the archives, many people lost interest because of Bold Paranoid's stupidities. I could list all the great people, some were actual coders and releasers, that left during this year for whom the reasons were many but the origin was always unique. And the sum of these people far exceeds in quality your little gang of ass-lickers.
  12. So Zeus, where are you man? What happened to that video? Why are so many others posting not offering any help while at the same time you're remaining silent? Why are you describing a problem that has only shown itself to happen on SATA drives and stock HDs? Oh look, you just joined: Joined: 24-June 10. Interesting. I switched from using a SATA to a standard IDE and this removed the issue of loading. Also, I tried an old pre-BP build of MAMEox and the same loading issue is present on a SATA HD, although its not as pronounced. It may be slightly slower on newer CoinOps versions due to its support for multiple systems. Zeus, are you hiding out on Mount Olympus or are you a figment of another members imagination? I'm betting on the second choice there. Also, BP is right, this type of petty bickering is killing this forum. Things are and will continue to happen behind the scenes and definitely off of this forum. Just an FYI, BP isn't bullshitting anyone regarding that. Grow up guys.
  13. What frame rate are you getting for these games? You can turn on 'show frames per second' in general configuration.
  14. Hi Carlo, Sounds like you're getting great results. I had pretty much given up on PSX on XBOX, but this renewed my interest. Could you try out Tony Hawk if you can get a hold of it? Best Regards
  15. Zeuss, Can you upload a video of the loading problem you are experiencing? That would help. Im runnin a custom Maxtor 80GB IDE 2MBcache, but HDD not the problem, DOX=Fast RX=Slow, again: THE ONLY VARIABLE IN MY TESTS WAS THE EMULATOR
  16. Are you running on a SATA HD or stock XBOX HD? Both of those cause issues.
  17. Street Fighter The Movie loads without any issues, full framerate.
  18. Ray Storm works great, between 57-60 FPS, 49 megs of RAM free
  19. Daraku Tenshi runs great, full 60 FPS and no weird screen glitches! I tried this in FBL and plays really bad for whatever reason. (Maybe its not optimized for Xbox systems that have been upgraded?) The MAME core plays this great on the Trusty XBOX though. RevolutionX also runs full 53 FPS. The controls haven't been setup though.
  20. Got Virtua Fighter to work with the following settings threshold: 32, commit: 256, distribute: 65535 Runs mostly 56-60 FPS Unfortunately, you get to the fight and it announces: fight 1, then DRAW, fight 2, then DRAW, game over.
  21. Little update: Sengeki Striker runs fairly well, usually averaging at 38 FPS, but sometimes as high as 60 FPS or as low as 20 FPS when the action really kicks up. All Midway games work full speed and with sound, including NBA Jam, Rampage World Tour, Narc, etc
  22. Mild retardation is the cause perhaps? +1 +1. +1 Sux big time. Can't believe some of you guys can waste so much energy and time posting this. Time to move on. Steve
  23. LOL, that is awesome Bigby! Emsley, I haven't broken any terms of service, so good day to you sir. Didn't you just post pornographic images here the other day?
  24. Shit Bigby, you get me! I was evoking the Fozzie! Props! Waal, you're homosexual chocolate. Wacka, Wacka ? Don't you mean "Wocka Wocka Wocka"
  25. Why so serious, Waal? Maybe you need to get out there and get laid? Cheer up, its just the forums. Wacka Wacka You're not funny. Really.
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