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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. I've always just used AUTO-INSTALLER DELUXE 4.5 to format drives. Doesn't that work fine? http://www.aideluxe.com/index.php?title=Au...nstaller_Deluxe he's probably right, for drives above 250 gig you have to use xbpartitioner to format your f drive clusters to 32k. Otherwise wierd data losses occur. But those symptoms wont occur unless you have filled it with more than 250gb. here is a bit of info: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/lofiversion/i...hp/t502036.html
  2. Hmmm, wonder if my custom Xbox and Nexus 80mm fans are the culprit of my high temps. I'll try a standard case tonight and let you guys know.
  3. AH, good to know. My Black shroud is gone too. Here is a pict of what my board looks like: Hot glue is a BRILLIANT idea by the way! Think this will work with the 1.4 too?
  4. OK, I have it TSOP'd now, but I'm going to install a chip as I'm used to those. Also, it feels like the TSOP boots slower. Its weird. Nice heatsink! Thank you! Did you need to do any sort of modifications to get it to fit on there?
  5. Also, how can I set my fan to run 100% all the time? I noticed that when I exit XBMC and boot into an emulator, it slows back down to the default speed. Thanks again
  6. Hi, Yes, there are a lot of holes, but I will look around for improvement. Could you let me know what model that heatsink/fan combo is and where you got it? Did you have to modify it? Thanks!
  7. Wow. So, I have the Trusty upgraded Xbox running now in a custom case, 3 fans, one in the back blowing air onto the heatsink/cpu and two on each side blowing it out. The fans are running 100% and its idle. Guess what my temp is? 170/171 degrees Fahrenheit. RIDICULOUS. Did I mention I replaced the horrible thermal paste with Arctic Silver 5? Did I also mention it sitting in the middle of my living room so it can get the most air possible? The case is this, in case anyone is wondering: http://pictures.xbox-scene.com/hsdemonz/Ho...view/1-Xpod.jpg This thing is a mess. The heatsink is obviously not adequate. Anyone have any suggestions on a replacement? We would need something with the approximate dimensions: 60mm wide 75mm long 20mm tall Really, this is batshit insane. I'm so annoyed with this thing. It can't even play a game because its so hot.
  8. Didn't seem to help much for me. My Xbox was in a back-enclosed entertainment center. I'm going to take that off tonight and see if that helps. I'm looking into better heatsinks too. I'll post if I find anything. It'd be nice if we could get something that doesn't need modification.
  9. Hey Guys, How hot is your Trusty box running? Mine is super hot. About 180 degrees F IDLE, which is crazy. Any suggestions as to how hot is should be and how to keep it cool? Thanks
  10. It could also be the upgraded cpu needing to be re-seated. You should definitely contact trusty and ask him before you do anything.
  11. Hello, I got my own Trusty Xbox and I'm having a bit of an odd problem. First of all, i1ts a a version 1.0 Xbox, so it has the annoying daughter-board for the controller ports. Controller port 1 does not work, but ports 2, 3, and 4 do. The first thing I checked was the daughter-board and controller ports. Luckily, I have plenty of spare parts. Unfortunately, the same problem presented itself, even with these parts swapped out. To better diagnose the issue, I went to the info window within XBMC. When i would change the controller to different ports it would ALWAYS register as port 3. For clarity I will detail this below: Port 1 - Nothing Port 2 - Reads as gamepad in port 3 Port 3 - Reads as gamepad in port 3 Port 4 - Reads as gamepad in port 3 I checked the pin points and whatnot and I can't seem to see any issues. Could this be due to the fact that this is softmodded? I've always used modchips in the past, so I'm not as familiar with this exploit. Does anybody have an suggestions? Thanks, Phil
  12. You could use this with a cab setup pretty easily I think. All your really doing is piggy backing the signal of the original Xbox controller. What you could do is make a DB-15 port on your cab and just keep the controller inside. Then you could plug in your modified NES, Genesis, whatever controller into it.
  13. Hey Guys, You should review these two pages before doing anything: http://www.xerxes3rd.net/staticpages/index...ontrollerOnXbox http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=510168 I did this mod with a DB-15 cable and it works great. Last winter I modded NES, SNES, 2600, GENESIS, etc using this method. I even went as far as to do up a controller using a DB-25 cable so I could mod a N64 and 5200 controller to work fully with the Xbox. Here is a post with a few picts I did a few years ago: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho...amp;pid=4474043 Its pretty easy as long as you take your time. Good luck!
  14. Couldn't he just get a chip, install it and then upload his custom BIOs to it? This way, he doesn't have to worry about the onboard chip right? Neo, you should also ask Trusty what the best option would be.
  15. That is odd isn't it: Last Seen: 13th September 2006 - 02:38 AM This is HK$ Build: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17869 Released back in 2006. Never, ever updated. HK$ is gone forever. This guy is a mistery. Nobody knows nothing about him. C.
  16. Would that really work?
  17. It looks like you have a v1.0 board there. I know a way to cut the noise significantly. That fan on the GPU is ridiculously loud. What you need to do is remove it, along with the heatsink its connected to. Order this part as a replacement: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835118002 You'll also need thermal adhesive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835100005 Taking the heatsink off is a bit of a pain, there is a lot of pulling and wiggling involved, but it will come up eventually. Once you get it off, there will most likely be thermal pad residue. You need to remove this with 99% or better rubbing alcohol. Once it is sparkling clean, afix the new heatsink with the adhesive and you'll be good to go. I've done this to all of my 1.0 xbox systems and it works like a charm. Good luck
  18. Good to hear RX! I'm seeding again now.
  19. Ha, that's cool! Unfortunately, its a lot of work and the quality of bezels would vary greatly. Is that on Xbox Live?
  20. Hi BP, Would it be possible to line up screenshots for games similar to how you have the movie box art in that first screen capture with Watchmen in the background? It would be cool if you could scroll through those screens and when they are selected, the games movie preview would play. The games name could then be listed below it, in the style of Blood, the Last Vampire. I could mock something up like this if you'd like. These skins remind me of the Apple iTV "look." Is this more of the style your looking for? Talk soon
  21. Hey Cos, I'll bounce you my file when I get back from work tonight. Once we get the basic look down, then maybe we can work up an SD version, as well as SD & HD vertical cab versions. Then all our bases are covered. Talk soon
  22. Hello, I wouldn't want the game names to ever be truncated. The only areas that would be hidden would be to the right and left of the list. They would "fade" away. I'm including a sample below. I used Battletank as an image since I wanted to see how this would look with simple vector games. Also included below is a splash screen. I imagine this animated. I thought it would be cool to have 1 or a few arcade boot screen "garbage" in the background looping. I was always fascinated by that stuff. Anyway, I have to head to bed. Hope you like. Talk soon
  23. Hello, Below is my take on a skin. Pretty much, I wanted to make it as simple as possible and make it all about the previews, which is what I look at most when browsing to play a game. Arcade games are so in-your-face that I thought it would be nice to have an interface that is pulled back a bit. The entire background image would be video that would stretch to fit the screen. The upper portion shows the logo and sorting method. The sorting method would align to the right. The biggest difference is the game selection menu. This would scroll side to side and I imagine long names would fade out to the left and right. I think this can be done with transparency pretty easily. The game you have selected is bold and highlighted in red. Additional game information (year, manufacturer, type, etc.) would be displayed underneath of it if wanted. This setup leaves more room for the preview and reduces the huge CoinOps list to smaller visual servings. Different screens are shown below, but all the menus are the same because I'm lazy and didn't feel like faking it. Lemme know your thoughts.
  24. Can you test out the X68000 emulator? I can email you a packet of games with what to look for. Thanks!
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