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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. Maybe try to mess with the virtual memory settings manually? Stryder, have you been able to test X68000 yet?
  2. Right, the fact that it doesn't have a hard drive is why I never messed with it. You should try out the CPS1/CPS2/NeoGeo emulators on the PSP Slim. The newest version runs 99% of all the games at full speed, 60FPS. Its pretty impressive. e roe from what i can recall some of the wii emus are updates of existing gamecube emulators such as the snes emu,but they do use the newest cores unlike the xbox emus which are a older cores but still do the job just fine. i know that mame on wii does not run most of the games the xbox version of mame does,but mame on wii is still getting worked on and will improve.the advantage for us xbox users when it comes to arcade emulation is the fact that we can use VMM for the bigger arcade roms for example neogeo. but then again there is a neogeo emu on ds which runs pretty much full speed...how the hell they accomplished that i do not know. the main advantage we have with emulation on xbox is with playing games in hd,which obviously the wii cannot.
  3. Has anyone ever compared the performance of the Wii emulators to that of the Xbox? I never bothered to mess with them. It'll be nice to see where things go with emulation on the 360. I do think it will take a few years to mature, as the Xbox1 did. Fu did bring up a good point that the original Xbox was pretty easy to mod from the very beginning that added to its popularity. Its always possible that things will change in that regard with the 360.
  4. Hello, I noticed one possible bug with CoinOps. I just played through Double Dragon. Right after I beat the final boss with the machine gun and his remaining henchmen ran to the exit, the game froze with a pink, blue, yellow and gray artifact pattern, similar to the sort that are displayed as an arcade game boots up. Has anyone encountered (or can they reproduce) this? If so, any fix available? The rom I'm using is from Showcase. Thanks again, Phil
  5. it is working across the board, thanks again!!!!
  6. Just for fun: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/29031 Fumanchu, I thought you'd get a kick out of this especially.
  7. Hi BP, I can help test the perfect pixel with rotation tonight. I should be online after 8pm my time. Talk soon
  8. Hello, I noticed this to. The game I used to test was Ms. Pac-Man. With that game, you can see that the dots are slightly different sizes in various areas of the game. As Cos noted, this doesn't happen if the vertical games are rotated if 'monitor onside mode' is disable. Thanks again
  9. Yes, that would be... perfect.
  10. I think PSX would be difficult to get working in COINOPS. For instance, it has to use multiple files right? A BIN and a CUE? Personally, I ended up just sticking with COINOPS for MAME. Its nice to have the option for the other console however for those that want a very basic setup. For instance, if I were going to give my nephews, 7 and 4 years old, an Xbox, I would put a copy of COINOPS on lockdown for them to use. This isn't happening though because I want them to play in the sun.
  11. Hi, I think your best bet would be to get ahold of Madmab and talk to him directly since he is working on this emulator currently. He is over at Xbox-Scene and AtariAge. He is very nice. Just do your homework first and make sure everything is coherent and organized before you contact him. Just my advice. Good luck
  12. (XBOX), someday you'll write an intelligent, coherent post and surprise us all.
  13. Second that motion. JacKc, you only serve to prove yourself to be a jackass with random comments like that. I worked with BP on the perfect pixel functionality and he is not a theif. No other emulator can do this functionality. Speaking of perfect pixels, good site: http://nfgworld.com/mb/thread/660 Cos, they talk about Capcom 384 games and how they were reduced 20% horizontally to fit the old cabs. Guess we got that number right! B E G O N E .
  14. PhilExile


    The advance options are there if you need them.
  15. PhilExile


  16. PhilExile


    These are all really great points. I've had similar issues myself when showing people how to use the emulators.
  17. Ditto to all of that! Thanks BP!
  18. Hi Cos, I think we should shoot for 608. I believe that's the standard width for SDTV.
  19. Brilliant, thanks! Hey guys, The best 20% is a number different from that one we made tests that night. I performed some experiences with FBA (that permits the screen adjustments) on the fly and with the game running on BG and got a better result. Just did not take note of the exact number. I will find it again and post later tonight yet. Cospefogo.
  20. Looks great Cos! Thanks for the in-depth post! BP, do you think it would be possible to leave in the code for pixel perfect 2x overscan that reduced the size of just 384 native width games by 20%? I found this was the best solutions for games like Strider, SF2, etc on an SDTV, even though it caused slight pixel distortion. Thanks, Phil
  21. Good to know. Thank you for the heads up! I may someday get an upgraded XBOX. You'll be the first to know if I do.
  22. Ah, OK. No worries. I was hoping that we'd be able to somehow make a scanline PNG (one for 480p, one for 720p) set it to 50% opacity and have it just overlay on top of the image being displayed. If this is going to impact performance though, its not a good thing. Thanks again
  23. Hi BP, Ya, some people love scanlines, some hate them. I guess you're in the later group. I wasn't opting for the CRT effects. As I stated above, those filters replicate cheap, old CRTs in my opinion, not the top of the line (or even middle of the road) models that I prefer. Would you consider adding a scanline option for those of us that do prefer them? It would be 'off' by default of course and could reside in the hidden advance section of settings. I think some people would really love the feature. I'm going to take a look at the GUI tonight and get some notes together for you. I also want to work up a skin, but I won't be able to start until sometime next week due to the holiday this weekend. Thanks again!
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