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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. I have an old Xport Xpod replacement case for one of my Xbox systems and it has three 80mm fans in it. I didn't do any mod to them or anything and they work fine and have been for over 5 years now. I think if you leave the fans alone and use them as is, it won't hurt the board. Also, what the hell size is the Xbox's stock fan? Its so odd...
  2. Woot! Thanks! Nes, just out of curiosity, if you do any updates to this to fix a bug or something, could you build these presets into the emulator for peferectionists? Thanks again for a fantastic emu! Hey Brother (you know I love you), I am here! Here are the numbers I was able to find for both 512x448 and 640x448 (using 10x11 pixel aspect ratio under 480i/480p). Also, together are the PIXEL SHARP settings already... For the 10x11 pixel aspect ratio users under 480i/480p! (640x480... full screen horizontally, but tiny tiny tiny distortion... accepted sometimes!) zLeft=-0.740000 zRight=0.800000 zTop=1.200000 zBottom=0.050000 SoftwareFilter=13 HardwareFilter=0 vsyncEnabled=1 pixelRatio=1 FlickerFilter=0 Soften=1 For the real thing (512x448, pure NES, but as you may know, with some black borders on left and right. [They really don't bother me!]) zLeft=2.079998 zRight=-1.699999 zTop=1.200000 zBottom=0.050000 SoftwareFilter=13 HardwareFilter=0 vsyncEnabled=1 pixelRatio=0 FlickerFilter=0 Soften=1 Please correct me if I am wrong. I did it in a hurry! Regards, Cospefogo. cospefogo you are the best dude! im sending you another wife! LMAO thats if you are married, seriously though thats sweet im gonna try that now man! thank you so much bro!
  3. Hey Nes, Tried out Nestopia and its awesome! Thanks again. I was wondering if there was a way to input a precise pixel height and width? I want to use 512 x 448 because I run my Xbox through a scan converter to force 240p. If anything is off slightly, it creates a weird distortion. I don't mind editing INIs if that's the only way to do it. Just want to be pointed in the right direction. Again, great emu, fantastic job! All the best, Phil
  4. Wow, awesome! Its even a snow day here, perfect!
  5. This is the way the scene ends This is the way the scene ends This is the way the scene ends Not with a bang but a whimper.
  6. What the heck is going on with the forums? All of DOA's posts are periods.
  7. Oh, you wrote that patcher! Thanks! I heard on it while researching. Would you mind trying out the X68000 emulator? There are two games I'm curious about: Akumajō Dracula - Will this run smooth without frameskip enabled? With a stock Xbox, it slows as soon as you get into the castle without frameskip enabled. Reinforcer - Will this game run smooth at all, with or without frameskip? It runs awful now. I'd be getting a 1.4ghz/128 RAM Xbox. Thanks!
  8. Ha, I thought you'd like that Cospefogo. By the way, I sent you an email to your Gmail account that you have listed on Fancy Xbox. Did you get it? This is what I EVER DREAMED for a MAME emulator. Just opening a game and having the choice to display it on it original size - centered, or displaying on its regular mode, stretched and distorted and blurred filling the TV screen. Is there any chance for this to beeing done one day? Cheers, Cospefogo.
  9. Great, thanks for letting me know DOA. I didn't realize that the MAMEox 128 code had been implemented into CoinOps. Thats really awesome!
  10. Hah, it is. Try to keep three going at once, no more or less.
  11. Would anyone else like to share their experience with emus on an upgraded Xbox?
  12. I wouldn't let it bother you. That guy Pulsemasta is a jackass anyway and no one takes what he says seriously. CoinOps is a great emulator, you can't contest that. I thank you for your efforts.
  13. Awesome! Thank you for taking the time to do that!
  14. Thank you for the reply! Thats interesting. What games CPS3 game specifically? Also, could you try out Majora's Mask by playing through the beginning (5-10mins) until you reach the town. I've noticed that, even with the new INI file, the sound gets very choppy. Do you have a copy of X68000X? Anyone else?
  15. Hello, I wanted to check to see if any owners of upgraded Xbox systems (1.4 ghz/128 RAM combo) have tried out various emulators to see if they perform better. Two systems I've noticed that would benefit from more power are X68000 and N64. Anyway, let us know your findings. Thank you
  16. Do you know who exactly?
  17. Hey, OK, I'll have to give the new version of Surreal a try. I figured that there wouldn't be a huge improvement, because, as you said, the emulators aren't optimized for the 1.4 CPU or additional RAM. I have heard that the XBMC interface and some playback is improved. I don't think that alone is worth the cost for the upgrade though. I do remember that MAMEox (?) did have a special 128 edition that was for Xbox systems with upgraded RAM. I'm guessing that code was dropped from CoinOps a while back though. I've been using the 16mhz option in X68000X. Unfortunately, some games such as Akumajo Dracula, still run choppy because frameskipping needs to be enabled. Its still playable, but you can see that the background scrolling is choppy. Its a minor thing, but I always notice it! Maybe I should try 24mhz for that game. i can tell you that there are some improvements with 5.1ce and if you use the ini file you will have all the best settings as far as i remember you do get some improvements with n64 emulation but you have to remember surreall is optimised for a stock xbox with a 733mhz processer and 64mb of ram as for other emulators i dont really think it would make much difference and that includes mame. as for you mentioning the x68000 emulator that already runs full speed,what to do is in the options screen when you select a game set the speed to 16mhz,this overclocks the x68000 cpu and you will see a difference if you think some games are slow.
  18. Its been a while since I touched this emulator myself. Has the speed been improved much? I remember playing Majora's Mask and once you got to the town, the slowdown and choppy audio were pretty awful. Also, on a somewhat unrelated note, has anyone here tried those upgraded 1.4 ghz. 128 ram xbox systems that Toasty over on X-S is making? I'm curious if the emulators are improved at all. I know that you have to run any XBE that you want play through a patcher first. It'd be great if N64 and X68000 speeds were improved by it. this new version does not add anything that is not in surreallxxx b5.1 ce,stick with that version.there is a new ini fiel for this emulator which some members at xbox scene have been testing games to find the best compatibility. here is the ini file just replace it with the ini file in 5.1ce or whatever and run the emulator. http://www.mediafire.com/?mtynmv1qtgo you might need to delete your gamesave in t and u data foldrs and then start the emulator.this has all the best settings. edit/i should mention that v6.0 could possibly have some changes in the gui,buti am not sure.
  19. Hi Fumanchu, Could you PM me as well? Thanks!
  20. Hey DOA, How did you manage to convert those properly? I was having issues with the HQ ones and they were coming out too large. Thanks
  21. Don't give in to hate....
  22. I'd love to get those as well.
  23. Hey DOA, What are the resolution of the videos in Showacase?
  24. Hah, ahh, Apple tax. There's nothing like it. Actually you had a good point about the Xbox scene slowly fading away. I think its actually a good thing. Like you said, the hardware is aging and, at this point, there are just interface refinements going on, as well as adding a few games here and there. I'd be fine with everything just getting polished up at this point. What more do we need? It does most console emulation really well, same for Arcade. Sure, it'd be nice if someone came along and did a 3DO or Jaguar emulator, but I'm content. It even does HD up to 1080i, so its somewhat future proof, at least for 10 years or so. I've often thought about building a small PC for retro games, but you still have to deal with Windows and its annoying. Plus, the PC front ends suck for the most part.
  25. Ya, I thought the concept of "Meld" could work, I'm just not 100% on the name. Maybe I've been using Apple shit too long. iMeld
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