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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. Right, that's the idea. I have two Sony PVMs which are the pinnacle of low-def, CRT tech. I don't have a real SNES anymore, but I do have a NES with PowerPak (in case anyone wants comparisons there). Its hooked up to a Sony PVM. I may get a SNES someday if I can find it cheap. I got my 'new' NES randomly on a street sale for $5. The thing is - do you want to imitate RGB or composite (or, worse RF)? The SNES has the capability to output RGB (via SCART), as far as I know. Chris Covell did some awesome comparisons that can be found at the site below. These comparisons include the Super Famicom and a whole slew of other systems. http://www.disgruntleddesigner.com/chrisc/...creenshots.html The best case scenario is RGB, but most of us probably hooked our systems up via the shitty RF connector. From what I've seen, some TVs have stronger scanlines than others. For instance, my two Sony production video monitors have very prominent scanlines. I've noticed a lot of arcade monitors, that are in good condition, also have strong scanlines. Chris's screens show weak scanlines and I think that is a result of his monitor - nothing wrong with that though. If you have an HDTV and setup your SNES9x the way I specified above and use an SLG3000, that's pretty close to a real, RGB output. I still haven't figured out how to do this on an SDTV setup though. Even using the Extron Emotia horizontal stretch function, I'm still unable to extend the image enough to fill the screen. I think that functionality needs to be added to the emulator. Also, the NES emulators, both Madmab's and NES6502's, have this 'problem' too. However, if you have an HDTV, you basically follow the same steps and get the same results.
  2. Oops, I made a bit of an error. I had forgotten that I had the sharpness on the VGA input of my TV turned down to minimum, along with the VGA switch's peak, which is sort of like sharpness. The output from the PC was output via HDMI, so those images were correct. The image is much sharper and more on par with the BNES 480p output image. Sorry about the glare. 480p - with Scanlines via SLG3000 (Corrected Image) In closing, Xbox 480p with the SLG3000 is all you really need - even on a fancy, modern 1080p HDTV. Although, make sure you buy one with a good built-in video processor.
  3. OK, this image shows MadMab/XPort's SNES9x port playing on Sony PVM2950 - output 640x480 VGA (Frosty Cable), through an Extron Emotia, which switches the output to real 240p. After looking at these side by side, you can see two things. In terms of image softness, the 'real' output it somewhere between the bilinear filter and the natural softness of 480p. Though, this is so close it doesn't really matter. The other issue is that SNES9x on the Xbox outputs a 512 pixel width and doesn't have an 'aspect ratio fix' like BNES does. I've tried manually stretching the image size to 640, but this introduce image distortions when playing games. This aspect ratio fix is one feature that would be great to add to SNES9x if its possible. There is a way around this though, but only if you are using an HDTV.... Below are more pictures, this time of SNES9x on the Xbox outputing to my LED. Note: The Xbox outputs YUV component, which is then transcoded to VGA by DVDO iScan HD. The signal is passed through an SLG3000 for scanline emulation as well. This model DVDO is know to soften the image, so I may eventually try this out using the Xbox 'native' VGA output - via a Frosty cable. Xbox - 480p The softness here is likely due to the DVDO iScan HD. For more info on that and other deinterlacing devices, check out this site: http://retrogaming.hazard-city.de/ Xbox - 480p - with Scanlines (SLG3000) With scanlines. (See everything looks sharper) Now, the next two images shown are with me 'tricking' the TV into displaying the SNES emulator output 640 width instead of 512. What you do is set your pixel perfect size in SNES9x - 512x448 usually, then activate 10x11 pixel size. <- this is important. Then on your TV you set the screen to stretch. Every TV is different, but on my Sony HX929 this is under the menu item - Wide Mode. You get 3 options: 1. Normal - displays the resolution as-is, centered with no scaling 2. Full 1 - scales the image proportionally 3. Full 2 - stretches the image to 16:9 <- This is what you need to do By selecting Full 2, the TV is taking the signal from the Xbox - 512 pixel width image, which has been compressed by 10x11 pixel mode - and stretches it to 16:9 mode. This basically mimics the proper 640x448 SNES resolution. The 10x11 pixel mode is needed to compensate for the stretching involved. To my eyes, it seems perfect. Again, this won't help out SDTV users unfortunately. Xbox - 480p - Stretched 16:9, 10x11 pixel mode Xbox - 480p - Stretched 16:9, 10x11 pixel mode - with Scanlines (SLG3000) Again, I think the blurriness shown here is likely due to the DVDO I'm using, but its hardly bad - especially with scanlines. This is a pretty accurate picture and probably better than you would get if you line-doubled a real SNES outputing RGB to an HDTV - or directly to an SDTV for that matter. Also, this is nearly indistinguishable from BNES outputing 1080p with video smoothing activated. More in a bit. Actually, looks like this is it. I just tried outputing to my TV via the Frosty VGA cable and it doesn't seem to want to sync the signal, even when passed through an Extron 203rxi (fancy VGA switch) which usually helps with this sort of thing. Sony HDTVs are picky these days. Anyway, that is all. I do think that the output via the Xbox could look 'sharper' if it were hooked up to a better device to transcode the component signal to VGA - but whatever, as I said, its a pretty accurate picture.
  4. I always tell people not to worry so much about 1080p for old games - which is constantly brought up to me as a weakness the Xbox 1 has, since its highest progressive output is 720p. I decided to take some pictures of my new TV setup using the PC SNES emulator, BSnes. I am using scanlines and in each image the screen is scaled to properly match the proportions of the original SNES' output. I have the scanline filter active too, which is basically an overlay. 1080p - No filters The image looks good, but its a bit too sharp. This is because the resolution is too high and you can really see how the scanlines overlay is interacting with the image. However, if you love the artificial, blown-up pixel look - this mode, minus scanlines, probably would be for you. 1080p - w/ video smoothing This is with video smoothing activated. This is a bilinear filter. (I think) More than likely, this is how the game would look on a consumer TV from the time this game was released, if not better. However, I noticed that it was a bit too much when compared to real 240p output to a RGB video production monitor.... 480p I found 480p mode, without any filters to best reproduced the look of the SNES on a RGB 15khz monitor. You will see its not quite as sharp as the pure 1080p image, but not as blurry as the filtered on either. As we all know, 480p on an Xbox is very possible and helps games like STAR FOX run well in SNES9x. If I have time later today, I'll add one more picture of Madmab's newest SNES emulator outputing 240p (15khz) via the Extron Emotia to my PVM. Cheers
  5. Mega, what are you trying to do exactly?
  6. Sigh, this is the sad thing about the internet and message boards. Ace, in real life, you probably would never, in your right mind, say that to anyone. If you did, you would probably get clocked in the kisser right quick - and deservedly so.
  7. Thanks, Fu!
  8. You should try patching the XBE. I've always run into problems when I didn't do so.
  9. woot!
  10. That's interested. Hopefully, a solution can be found. Garcimak, I think Neo is testing on his setup - so maybe we will be hearing from him soon.
  11. Thanks, +T+ - can't wait to try this! Are their DATs included?
  12. Hello, On a Trusty upgraded (1.4ghz/128 RAM) Xbox system, VIRTUA FIGHTER runs full speed in COINOPS. This is a good example of how the Trusty upgrade not only allows games to play that usually wouldn't, but also how overall performance is improved, such as frame rates.
  13. No, I would buy directly from Trusty.
  14. Carlo, You should definitely contact him. I'm guessing that he will help you out in any case. Overheating isn't an issue as long as you do some modifications to the case and/or use the included fan at 100%. Also, I think he recently redesigned the heatsink, so any of these issues should be a thing of the past. But ya - contact him. I've had mine over a year and its going strong. I did focus on getting the cooling exceptionally good during the first few months though. Currently, my temps max out at 100-105 degrees F for the GPU and 120-125 for the CPU. That's after hours of playing too. By the way, did you try swapping out the PSU? A lot of times, that's the issue. Good luck
  15. Carlo, Have you actually tried these emulators? I didn't think they were actually available. Please elaborate. You're saying they run 2fps, which doesn't make sense since the whole point is that the hardware (aside from the RAM) is identical to the Xbox. Its not like trying to emulate foreign 3D hardware in MAME.
  16. Trusty is actually from China and postage is much less than you'd expect. Also, once you see the amount of work he does on the upgraded board, you'll be shocked at how little you paid. Seriously. The only way this works out is because China's exchange rate is so low. The dollar (or the Euro or Pound) will go very far there. Otherwise it wouldn't be work. As far as I know, Trusty is the only person who ever did this sort of thing. Although, I think some company did this when the Xbox was first out as some sort of promotion. I'm not sure if they were ever sold commercially though. Just to bring this back to topic, for Chihiro games, it sounds like the 128 upgrade alone will do it - so you don't necessarily need the CPU upgrade. I think that the RAM upgrade alone was very inexpensive - far less expensive than I remember people charging for them in the States.
  17. No, absolutely not. Trusty is an electrical engineer and he knows what he is doing. If there are ANY issues, he will always help. This is the official Trusty thread - his name is 'trusty' on the board, he isn't a member here, so you will have to join X-S to chat with him: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho...694933&st=0 Again, I always recommend the full upgrade for people who want to get the most out of their Xbox. Good luck
  18. Hello, Trusty at X-S does RAM upgrades, in addition to his CPU upgrades. As I recall, it wasn't extremely expensive service. Trusty is also a really nice and helpful guy - so you'd be in good hands with him. For anyone considering doing this on your own, you must have a LOT of soldering experience, as well as a good workstation. I've been soldering for years and I wouldn't even bother with this mod. However, I did hear that if you have a heat gun, its not that hard to get those RAM chips off. That's the hardest part from the way I understand it. Anyway, this is a pretty amazing development. Lets how we see an official release, even its only for upgraded boxes. Maybe some more people should be investing in a 1.4ghz Xbox? Cheers
  19. T, do you mean in tate mode? I have been able to do it. I will eventually make a video or take pictures to show my setup. Hurricane is on its way though, so I'm going to be on lockdown and bagging and moving all my stuff to higher ground.
  20. T, yes, please don't do that! For hardware generated scanlines, see the SLG3000. It will add scanlines to any resolution mode and any emulator on your Xbox (or other system) - http://tinyurl.com/3q78mzf If people have questions about how to set it up, just PM me. You're going to get me in trouble with Cospefogo and PhilExile. I would like to change the default rotated screensize to be perfect 3:4 which would fix the scanlines (it's just an arbitrary value at the moment) but it would mess up the pixel perfect inis for rotated games that those guys are working on and I think I've caused them enough trouble as it is by changing default values. I'll see if I can find some videos of vertically orientated games running on actual hardware and see how FBL's proportions compare. If there is a significant difference I'll make the change.
  21. Wow, T, this is great, thanks!
  22. I'm interested in the CPS Changer alone. That sounds really cool.
  23. Ha, that's clever!
  24. 88games gives me an error when I try to launch it. Its almost like a PCB debug menu. Anyone else have this issue? By the way, thank you for the rotation on/off +T+
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