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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. I got that working in CoinOps (with some graphics glitches) pretty much full speed on my Trusty upgraded Xbox.
  2. Let me be more specific - A LIST OF ROMS THAT WERE ADDED. No roms discussion! You should know better!
  3. Did anyone here actually play in the real tournament? I almost went....
  4. People have been saying shit like this since 2004. The Xbox has unique advantages: 1. Standard architecture (easier to port to than say PS3) 2. Fixable - aka, if some part shits the bed, like a PSU, its not difficult to fix 3. HD output - 720p and even 1080i - broadcast quality 4. Devoted fan base 5. Inexpensive - I've scored complete, working systems for $10
  5. This is great, thank you, T! Could someone post the newest roms that were added? I'm still in the middle of getting these perfect pixel INIs built and it would help.
  6. I'm a bit confused by this new emulator. Is Madmab still working on his version? If so, will these two builds coexist or is this acting as a stopgap while we wait for the official update from Madmab?
  7. That skin is amazing, but I don't think there is a 480i/p version. Could that be created? If I could get the layered PSDs, I could move the stuff around and then pass it onto someone to configure properly. EDIT - It does exist! When the hell did that happen? Anyway, here are links for both 720p and 480i/p for those that are interested: NESMES - 720p NESMES - 480i/p
  8. Ha, want to sell your ROB or trade him for something?
  9. That would be awesome!
  10. haha, ya, cranky. I feel a bit better today.
  11. You should! While you're at it, you should do a controller mod. I basically took what this guy wrote up here: http://www.xerxes3rd.net/staticpages/index...&mode=print and did it for a TON of different controllers, including a NES pad. This way, ROB could 'hold' the pad like usual. It works perfectly (the mod, not ROB) and it introduces ZERO lag. The only trick is that most VGA cables no longer have the necessary number of wires. I recommend instead buying a DB-15 M-F from here: http://www.cablewholesale.com/specs/mac-mo.../10d2-01206.htm Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like that have black cables in stock anymore - but whatever.
  12. OH, OK! I wonder if it would work though. All you would need is a NES controller that connects to the Xbox, which isn't hard to do. lol. thanks phil. No, you dont actually use the robot with this emu, everything is already emulated in nestopiax, you just set your controller 2 to R.O.B. the robot and you can play the game with one controller. lol.
  13. Seriously, Rob would work with the emulator? That's pretty crazy and unexpected. I actually was really excited... but then I remembered how fucking annoying Rob is in reality. Thanks for the update!!!
  14. So it was just loose in the case? Usually, they are fitted onto those pin things. Well, if were me and I didn't know if the chip worked or not - I would just pay the $32 rather than waste my time dicking around with some chip that may or may not work. Wasting an afternoon soldering sucks! Good luck!
  15. Probably in a few weeks. I'm taking a break from this right now because I feel like I'm getting a cold - which makes me more cantankerous and impatient than usual.
  16. This is a later version of the chip, but this install should work. Do you have the pin header attachment? http://www.yoxbox.com/tut/xecuter2-6v1-6/ (Your chips full name is Xecuter 2.6 Lite) Did you have that chip and just dig it up?
  17. This happens on a lot of FBL games, like GHOSTS & GOBLINS. IQ, could you please explain this? I remember you told me once, but its become muddled in my brain.
  18. What was the problem? I'm just curious.
  19. This is going very well by the way. I'm guessing that they should be available in a few weeks or less. We mainly just have to check each game, which is time consuming.
  20. It will be worth it: http://tinyurl.com/g7nsd What do you mean, no leads or pads?
  21. Pixel perfect for Final Burn core.
  22. Kenshiro, kisses.
  23. Ace, just get a modchip - they aren't that hard to install.
  24. Ya, I never understood what the different bios do. Is there a Wiki on it?
  25. No idea. I don't have either so I can't test but most games in FBL run at full speed in HD with filters anyway, so it's hard to see why you would need them. Of course there are the CPS3 games that still run out of memory on a standard Xbox but based on iq's video it looks like those days could be numbered. Neo and I could help you test. We both have upgraded Xbox systems. The reason I ask is because it does help play games at a consistent frame rate and would likely enable some game that may prove unplayable on a standard Xbox work. For instance - in CoinOps, ELEVATOR ACTION RETURNS plays at a steady 60fps, whereas on a normal Xbox it runs between 35-40fps. Also, I can load and play MONSTER MAULERS at 60fps. This rom can't load on a standard.
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