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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. Awesome! Thanks again, Fu!
  2. LOL this place is crazy.
  3. Are you talking about the blurry/billinear bug? Yes, I noticed that was CoinOps when you went to the controller config screen and then returned to the game. That was in Xports code for a while. I cannot confirm for sure, but I believe Madmab also isolated the cause and will be rolling out the fix for the next release of his emus. Also, people still use Madmab's emulators - myself included. I also use consoles in CoinOps, but that's mainly for my nephews that need the simple streamline interface CoinOps offers. Its good to have choices. Additionally, I (and Cos) have been asking for perfect pixel in the Final Burn core for a while. Do you think you'll have time next week to look at that? I should have time to test after this weekend.
  4. Big thumbs up and thanks, XxHellsFuryxX!
  5. What is that XBMC skin you're using? It looks very simple. I actually have to figure out how to do something like that. Now that I'm using a PC for XBMC (1080p output), I only use my Xbox for emulation. Looks like a great cab. I agree with Fu, put it in storage or something!
  6. Thanks, very awesome indeed!
  7. Because a lot of these guys like to argue.
  8. Really, Waal? Bow out gracefully, there is Amiga to consider....
  9. Thanks for the heads up, Sparda. I didn't know that. I'm actually really hating my plasma. It has image retention (burn-in) from playing Fallout 3 for a whopping 3 - 5 hours straight. Its absolutely permanent as I have been running static and 'wipes' for over two and a half weeks now. Zero improvement. If you have an LED recommendations, let me know. I had wanted plasma because of the faster response rate and (IMO) better picture, but the hell with that now. This technology is still crap, no matter what the companies say. Plasma screens cannot be "Tated", its really dangerous. You can kill you plasma if you rotate it. CRT or LCD and LED are ok for Tate
  10. Hi, What ever happened with this? I was looking forward to those picts. Hope all is well.
  11. Ditto on all points. it's a shame i found your post terribly abusive and aggressive, What right do you come here to give us lessons ? fumanchu always cooking informative post and rare links thanks to people like him that the scene can remain active cheers fu!
  12. Ugh, don't remind me, BP. Had I known.... Those that don't know Haze: http://mamedev.emulab.it/haze/ Sadly, it looks like he pulled his archive of blog posts, which were pretty amazing and informative. Waal, I think you need a PC. I've always found MacMAME to be spotty with support. If you have an Intel Mac, you should be able to install Windows 7 on a separate partition.
  13. Sparda, realize who you're talking to and show some respect.
  14. That reminds me of this movie:
  15. Didn't you just say that BP stole that skin and just altered it for CoinOps?
  16. Hey +T+, Responses below. It's actually not stated in Xport's documentation of Neogenesis. Its possible the original Gens author is unknown. See the link below: http://xport.xbox-scene.com/frame.html?htt.../neogenesis.php Isn't this what you (or others) are asking BP to do? I believe Waal pointed out that NES went the extra mile and did just this, but, to my knowledge, Xport and Madmab never did. No disrespect to either of them, as I think its overkill too. Also, I don't think the original authors care much - at least about Xbox 1. Well, I wouldn't go that far. He did add a lot in terms of usability. I honestly hated MAME on the Xbox until I tried CoinOps. Also, BP added features that i know MAMEox didn't have such as 720p and perfect pixel functionality. Well, a counter point could be made that BP never credits himself in the GUI at all. I'm betting that half of the CoinOps users out there have no idea who BP is. I didn't know until a few years ago and I was using CoinOps/MAMEdOX long before that. I think BP has stated that he is more of a GUI guy than a coder. He also is big on details and making sure what is there works. I know from working with him on the perfect pixel stuff that he can code. No one up until that point was interested to add that specific functionality. I asked NES about it for FBL and he ignored the request, saying it was impossible. Anyway, I'm not saying anymore. There is so much bad blood in this, it will never be resolved. Also, I don't think BP is innocent in this either, he most definitely antagonizes you guys. In turn, you all take the bait every time and start a new flame war, so I'm guessing there must be some enjoyment in it for you too, right? Wait till you see the new SNES port that is in the works. Its MUCH better than any SNES emulator currently on the Xbox1. Nearly perfect in my opinion.
  17. I believe he is referring to the original authors. For instance, Xport ported NeogGenesis from Gens and Madmab then added further enhancements. That much is credited. However, Gens' author isn't credited. (I'm not actually sure who that person(s) is either)
  18. I'm not sure if that needs a driver update. I've gotten that to play on my Trusty Xbox. It could be an issue with the virtual memory settings or that it just needs the faster CPU and additional RAM.
  19. Well, at the time, I'd rather post here than answer ridiculous emails from my coworkers. I believe you. I'm actually looking forward to messing with that emu. I'll check that out. I never noticed. Does it include all the driver people like IQ? Right, I've seen Madmab and Xport's 'name' but not the original coder(s). How is that accessed? I know where to find everyone. I'll probably nerd out with you over the Amiga set you built soon enough. That'd be awesome actually!
  20. Highly doubtful.
  21. This whole forum is getting ridiculous - both sides. I don't see the point of it. I'll just chat with you all via IM/IRC. Your all fine one-on-one, but the forums create some sort of mental-retardation field. Surreal - not sure about - haven't played with it yet FBL , Nestopia, ZNes - Can't recall, but I will check as I use them all except ZNes. Xport-Madmab - Where? I just looked at the v1 readme for NeoGenesis and it only mentions that its a port of Gens. No where is the original author name given. Additionally, its not in the GUI of the emu anywhere. I use those all the time and I'm sure its not included in the interface. I don't really feel they need to be either. I know why you have a beef with BP and he with you, but I don't see the objective of either side feeding into it. Its not like one day either of you is going to wake up and say: Hell, I see it their way now! Let me apologize in a post. I'm not posting in response to any of it anymore.
  22. This whole argument is ridiculous. Each and every emulator on the Xbox is a port of an existing, Windows-based emulator. The original authors are SOMETIMES mentioned in the read-me, but never in the emulator itself as far as I know. I have an idea - Add an "about box" in Coinops and every other emulator that says something like: "GENESIS emulation provided by NeoGenesis, ported to the Xbox by XPORT from the Windows emulator Gens by XXXX" Hell, you know, while you're at it, why not credit the actual engineers who created the Megadrive in the first place or maybe Sega themselves? I'm sure they'd appreciate it!! (If you can't tell I'm being sarcastic)
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