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  1. kof 94, 95, 98 for story 96 and 97 for variety of chars 2002 ultimate match (ps2)
  2. now in 2009 naomi emulator works fine
  3. hi, for me the best are gang wars, captain commando, teenage mutant ninja turtles 1 and 2, final fight, simpsons, battletoads and crime fighters 2. sorry for my english see you... bye
  4. super street fighter 2 teenage mutant ninja turtles punisher king of fighters 95 double dragon
  5. wow men, awesome, congratuylations for the colelction great work and money ejejee bye
  6. you need nulldc naomi version, i have the rom of capcom vs snk 1 and 2 (the original arcade, no dreamcast), and run great, google it and good luck. (sorry for my english) bye...
  7. you can try change hardware strech to 0 and direct draw in 1 mk2 need more hardware if the pc is too slow i think is dont work to maximun speed. (sorry for my english) bye...
  8. for emulation of all street fighters 3, the emulator "cps3 emulator v1.0a" works great.
  9. Hi guys i think they are: crime fighters 1 and 2 ninja turtles 1 and 2 captain america and the avengers captain commando the punisher cadillacs and dinosaurs double dragon 1 and 2 (3 sucks) hook robocop 2 simpsons bucky o'hare violent storm gang wars growl final fight x-men warriors of fate metamorphic force the combatribes ninja gaiden mmmmm... for the moment i dont remember others (sorry for my english) bye...
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