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Everything posted by ricklixo

  1. Im having a weird trouble with alien breed. Every time i start the game, the amiga cd 32 screens appears, with a cd spinning, so enters in a screen with a KEY and two locks, one green and othe red. I just cant get the game to work, can anybody help me? see ya and thanks!
  2. thanks a lot fumanchu yes i have the emulator, actually im trying to configure every emulator on my xbox, its getting tough sometimes, especially amiga and x68000, but im getting there. I ive just discovered this KI emulator and i want to play it. I love killer instinct, used to play a lot on SNES, but never on arcades, so i think i will be surprised with the graphics!
  3. Hello people! how you doing? I really need help with this thing. I got a lot of tutorials from internet on "how to convert ki.chd to ki.img", but i all the links are broken! can anybody help me? i need the converting tools, i just cant find ANYWHERE. See ya and thanks!
  4. Can i get a pm with the link for this awesome emulator?
  5. Actually im playing Metal Gear solid 2 substance and gi joe for NES. Trying to configure my emus to looks like original hardware.. actually im doing fine! (cant stand flicker filter anymore, its damn blur!)
  6. can i have a mp with the link? thanks!
  7. Hello everybody, first of all i'd like to congratulate your guys for having this wonderful forum, which i ve just joined yesterday. I love xbox emulation and i have this question: is this new version of IGNITE much better than the old one? i have one that runs games very well, i think it came with 4000 roms, called 'big pack emulator disc' or something like that. I just want to play old classics, like sunset riders, double dragon, etc. See ya
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