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  1. I figured out what was going on. Thank you so much though for the help Now I must figure out Skies of Arcadia...
  2. If you don't mind subs, fundimation has FMA Brotherhood online. It's more accurate to the manga, and has a different set of Japanese VA's There is a new episode every week, or at least it's aimed at that. http://www4.funimation.com/video/?page=video&v=1832
  3. Best of luck!! I hope you do well
  4. Yup, done that, no second data, and it's still not working.
  5. So I've followed the instructions to download and move the bios and flash, and rename them as such (dc_boot,bin and dc_flash.bin) When I open the emulator, the bios seems to be unable to be found C:\Users\Elyse|Desktop|Null DC 1.6\data\data\dc_boot.bin I have the feeling that it has to do with the double data, but I can't get rid of the second data Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
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