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  1. Can I get a what-what?
  2. I don't have a DVD burner, but I read it to ISO and then opened it with WinISO. How do I know which files are the dummy ones?
  3. I recently bought a copy of Samurai Spirits Zero for the PS2 from a Japanese seller on eBay. The cd was scratched, and I mean SCRATCHED, the game only ran after I used Doctor CD on it to strip off a layer of plastic. Even now it sometimes won't boot up and the PS2 will ask me to insert a game cd. Unfortunately the seller is not accepting returns so I am now stuck with a copy of SS Zero for PS2 that could become a coaster at any minute. Is there any way I can make a copy of this game to a new CDR that will run with my PS2? I've never copied a PS2 game before, as I've never been in this situation before. I tried to copy with Nero but it refused, saying that the SS Zero CD is too big. Indeed I see it's 1.14 gb in size when I insert it in my PC. What can I do?
  4. My DC (which I bought used on ebay) is crashing a lot for some reason. It happens in Skies of Arcadia (which sucks when I cant save) and in Street Fighter 3 Double Impact. I'll be playing happily and suddenly the DC resets itself, sometimes repeatedly, sometimes the screen goes blank and the DC wont reset itself. Turning it off and waiting 10 minutes or so seems to fix it. This has happened several times in the space of an hour yesterday, and happened twice like three weeks ago. Before that, no problem. I've owend the DC now for about a month and a half. Whats wrong with it? It's not the games, they are brand-new retail games or brand-new burned games.
  5. I have a CCD of Mars Matrix, 3 files, IMAGE.CCD, IMAGE.SUB, and IMAGE.IMG. But when I used Alcohol 120% to burn it, the resulting CD was unplayable on my dreamcast, making nasty scratching noises and such. I burned 3 CDs unsuccessfully. First try was RAW DAO, 4x speed. No dice. Second try was same settings, I thought it was a bad CD. Third try was RAW DAO, Rectify Sub-channel data option ON. Still the same effect as the previous two. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Still waiting on the image... what happened guys?
  7. Yeah I thought that game is for Playstation 1 only.
  8. Any good ones besides Skies of Arcadia? I'm looking for one along the lines of Shadowheart or Desgaea for PS2.
  9. Title says it all... I have a Windows XP PC and a regular CD burner.
  10. Yeah I burned @ 4x using Alcohol and it didnt work. Switching to RAW will help ? Which RAW data mode? Alcohol has RAW SAO, RAW SAO + SUB, and RAW + DAO. And TAO.
  11. I got a copy of IKaruga in MDS (Media Descriptor Image) format, it's a perfectly good image file as I can load it using Alchohol's virtual drive and also Daemon tools, but when I burn it to CD, the dreamcast doesn't recognize it as a playable game CD. I used Blindwrite 5 first to burn it, and then Alcohol 120%. Both times, it burned fine but the dreamcast wouldn't recognize the cd as a game. I used DAO/SAO mode in Alcohol. Anyone got ideas or can help?
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