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Everything posted by Subedii

  1. Well for starters, go to this thread. That'll get you Metal Slug 5 and the relevant.dat file. You'll need to use WinRar or a similar program to extract the 2 files together into one file. I won't bother explaining that since it's pretty simple stuff that you probably already know. Next you'll need a copy of Winkawaks 1.46 + Loader, which you can pick up by clicking Here. You run the loader by using the star shaped icon (not just the regualr kawawks icon) that reads 'kawaks 1.46 hack' Now I'm pretty certain that this version of Loader already has the details for Metal Slug 5 already in the.dat file. But if it doesn't (and you'll know it doesn't if when running kawaks you can't pick up / run Metal Slug 5), thenyou just need to put the relevant.dat info into the loader. To do this, simply open the Metal Slug 5.dat that you've downloaded with Notepad. Copy the contents of the document. Next, open up the file asr.dat in the Kawaks folder using Notepad. Paste the Metal Slug 5 info in at the bottom. That's it, you should be ready to run now. BTW, This is a marked improvement on Metal Slug 4, but it still isn't a patch on the first 3 in the series. At least I didn't think so anyway.
  2. I had no idea Progear was dumped either. Does it run OK?
  3. Thanks all. After much googling, and a few seconds of Filemirrors.com (once I realised googling was pointless ) I found the loader for Kawaks 1.46. Copied the.dat file contents, and Metal Slug 5 is now working.
  4. OK, I've got the ROM, the associated.dat file, NeoGeo BIOS, and the latest version of Nebula. Nebula recognises Metal Slug 5 and loads it up without reporting any errors at all. However, when it finishes loading up, all I get is a line across the top saying: I'm assuming this is something to do with the designers of Nebula deciding not to support the most recently released games. So do I need a hacked version of Nebula? Or am I just doing something else completely stupid and easily rectified. Bear in mind I've been out of the whole NeoGeo emulation scene for around 2 years now, so I apologise if this is a frequently asked / obvious question.
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