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  1. sorry for all the posts... but yeah, i messed witha couple things, everything is fixed now except for the slowing down. you wouldnt have any idea on what could be done for that?
  2. hmm actually, it helped the slowdown a bit with the OGL2, but swirls arent coming out, and everything outside of the battles are like really fast, but once i get into the battles, its normal speed T_T
  3. its a P4 2.4 with hyper threading. 1 gig of PC3200 ram
  4. oh and i did that option already.. still not getting swirls.. =( Also, is there anyway to fix the slow down on the beginning of battle and end?
  5. What he said. If you don't get proper swirls, you have not enabled enough FrameBuffer effects. What are your settings for OpenGL? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hmm its full screen mode 800X600 Use FPS Limit Auto Detect frame Texture quality R8 G8 B8 A8 High Res Textures None Off screen drawing 3 (enhanced) Framebuffer textures GFX card buffer (2) Fframebuffer access 0-Emulated vram And everything under misc is unchecked I fixed the sound btw... now its just slow going into battles and when i get the experience at the end =( and the swirlys of course =(
  6. Hi guys, i recently started playing ff7 over again, and noticed alot of the sounds (sword slices, battle sound etc) are really weird sounding for this game. Also.. the random battles dont swirl in when i get attacked. Im using ePSXe and PetesOpenGL 1.76 for graphics, and ePSXe SPU core 1.5.2. Are there better drivers to use that would correct these problems? Thanks in advance =)
  7. hey... actually.. kinda random question about it... it seems like it wont input the spell commands like soul steal.. its like crazy difficult to do it and i only get it to come out very rarely... i had no trouble with it on console.. but yeah... is it the emulator? is there any way to fix this?
  8. nvm.. figured it out =)
  9. Hmm.. i seem to be hated on the emuforums.com place, and i just made an account there.. people are angry at me for asking how to configure my SOTN to the correct speed... so yeah... theyre like flaming me when im simply asking for help.. so im gonna ask here now Umm.. well.. here are my computer specs 2.1 Ghz 640 MB RAM some crappy integrated 16-32 MB video card (forget which) Im running it in 640X480 resolution, but the sound kinda crackles sometimes, and if im using Petes D3D driver, it goes too fast, and if i use the OpenGL it goes too fast, and if i use the DX6 one, it goes too slow. I have the FPS Limit at 80 on the D3D driver... anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in adv ance
  10. hmm.. since i cant ask directly where theyre located at, dont suppose u guys could tell me if theyre on certain torrents, or p2p networks? =(
  11. Just wondering if anyone knew a good place to find it as an ISO to play on epsxe?
  12. Im really sorry for asking this, but im kind of a noob to setting up these kinds of roms and stuff.. so if anyone could walk me through this? I dled kawaks 1.46, and also the MAME one that was on this thread back around page 13-15. I dunno if maybe the rom doesnt come with the emulator, or if i have to dl the rom seperately, but it seems like even after u do that, u have to set up some other stuff? lol i dont get it.. so yeah.. ne feedback is appreciated.. i just want to play some svc.. =( Scratch that.. umm.. i dled the rom and the kawaks link on page like 94, the link is http://rgdc.webhop.biz/. Any help on what i can do from here? When i try to open the svc rom it says password protected, argh.. i just need help with this in general.. =(
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