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Everything posted by Dooz

  1. I must admit, Fatal, your girlfriend has an amazing body.
  2. The only thing I really want is Metal Gear Solid 4. This is it. That's all I want. But Kojima forced me to buy a PS3 for one flocking game. What a dick.
  3. More laws only make a more controlling government, and that is something we should be trying to steer away from. If some kid goes out and shoots a bunch of people because he saw it in a video game then there is something wrong with our society, not or government.
  4. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: You can not wipe out terrorism.
  5. The music of today is just as good as the music of yesterday. In fact, I think it's better, as I love metal, and there's more metal now than ever. So I actually disagree with that statement fully.
  6. Eh, I tend to prefer Opera over Firefox.
  7. Cominus is just angry that people are making laws against his favorite self-portrait.
  8. I agree with Gryphon. It certainly is a fun game, but I think it gets old so fast that I just get bored and stop playing.
  9. There really is no need for an E3 anyways.
  10. Whatever. It's a picture. Get over it.
  11. Here in Israel, they take it into consideration if the age difference between the adult and the minor is 3 years or less. Mmm... I guess my country is not that flocked up after all... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Every country is flocked up, just in different ways.
  12. You're a flocking idiot. A flocking stupid idiot. I know this is redundant, but I feel it is the only way to describe the sheer stupidty of you. You stupid foolish moron.
  13. That's pretty accptable to me actually. I like every type of music in short. But I mostly listen too is free ranged jazz, alternative's full spectrum of alternativeness, grundge, new wave and rock. It's mostly stuff with instruments I'll listen too. Anyone listen to IDB? Intelligent Dance Beats. It's just weird but it works. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is becuase we are superior, obviously.
  14. It's gonna keep going until we can play picture-perfect graphics in realtime. We still haven't mastered volumetric shading and junk such as that yet.
  15. I have weird musical tastes. I love black, viking, death, avant-garde, and experimental metal. Bands like Arcturus, Maudlin of the Well, Opeth, Ulver, and Behemoth. But I don't like all metal. I'm too picky.
  16. Bush really just means that the US is allowed to retaliate against terrorist attacks and the killing of innocent life. Even if we have no evidence as to who performed said killings. Simple slip of the tounge, really.
  17. I ment to say that it was an unofficial siding. All I read was a statement by an ambassader saying that Hezbollah is guilty of many crimes. A statement such as that could be interpreted as siding with Israel. Pure interpretation, though. And someboddy, I agree with your resentments. However, I've lost all hope for humanity, and I really don't think we will ever learn from our mistakes. People are smart when alone, however when banded into groups we are incompetent and impulsive. Peace only ever lasts for a few years. I really don't belive that the value of human lives will be restored, since we never really have any in the first place.
  18. Here is my game collection. I am missing a few games, though.
  19. A censor? Makes sence. Edit: Awesome, we censor the word v agina. Retarded.
  20. Evidentally, the Saudis have "sided" with Israel, in saying that Hezbollah is guilty of many crimes. Good for us in the US, as we have to do anything the Saudis tell us to, due to all of the bonds they lent us.
  21. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Plenty of goofs, though.
  22. You realize you just made the French flag, right?
  23. When you're 12, getting demoted at an emulation forum is serious business.
  24. That was not an opinion-based statement.
  25. I said it was ordinary. GryphonKlaw said, "Not really." Agozer agreed. I explained how it is ordinary. Where did you get the idea that I said it sucks? I DID NOT SAY IT IS A BAD GAME. READ. I SAID IT WAS NOT ANY DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. Is it ordinary? Yes. Is it a bad game? Depends on the person. Obviously I'm going to think less of it, since I just explained how bored I am with crap (Oh, hey, I still didn't say it was crap, look at that). Jesus christ. Go back to grade school.
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