I finally found it!!!!!! Here I hope this helps anybody else trying to do the same thing. http://www.slagcoin.com/joystick/pcb_diagr...ox_diagram4.jpg http://www.slagcoin.com/joystick/pcb_diagr...ox_diagram3.jpg
I want to add my emulators in the XBMC "programs" tab. seems like every time I try the add source, I get all the files in there and never the shortcut.
Yes I did. I got them all loaded in and working great. I even got that mortal combat pack burned on a DVD and plays great as well!!!! I'm going to pop in my 160GB hard drive I just picked up and start burning games over to it. Fun times ahead.
Hey BP, I want to thank you for CoinOps, and all 3 of my kids just love it, and thank you as well. I cant wait to make an arcade cabinet and I'm going to use CoinOps ShowCase as the heart of it.
Oh Transparency, sounds intriguing. I'm looking for it right now. There was another guy here on line that built a few arcade cab's and the way his home screen was SICK. Looked like something you would see in a real arcade. Have you seen the one I'm talking about?
Oh yeah, just FTP'd the newest version of XBMC, reboot and works like a charm. I'm going to install the Rapier skin for it nest. than finally going to FTP the new CoinOps Showcase emulator. and play some well deserved games!!!!!
Question, if I wanna re-reformat my new 40GB hard drive to be totally striped down I mean to have a super fresh install. How do I do this. I want the bare minimun. How would I do this? What files would I need.
Okay now I went to reload the Evox software and I get this error. Batch Process failed: the last item was: no xboxdash.xbe or existing xb0xdash.xbe Action: rename
OOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOSSSHHHHHHHH you guys freaking know what the whole problem was this whole time. Freaking idiot!! Do you want to lock the hard drive (Y/N) ? = YES Wrong you need to type = Y not YES Freaking drive is locked up now. I'm connected FTP to the box as we speak!! Yeah I fingered or figured it out!!! So now when I boot up my xbox it takes me to the evoX screen What should my next step be? (((hands are shaking)))