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+ T +

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Everything posted by + T +

  1. You may need to move them to E:\TDATA\FFFF0504\screenshots since that's where they would have been saved when running from DVD. I'll look into fixing this. No, everything is correct now. You probably need to delete your old savegame to remove any previously stored controller settings.
  2. FBA-XXX Pro v1.11 ============= - Fixed inverted CPS buttons 5 and 6. - Fixed inverted CPS PPP and KKK controls. - Other fixes to controller config. (should be perfect now) - Fixed sf2ce default dipswitch settings.
  3. I'll look into it but it may not be for a while. In the meantime just re-map the controls to your liking.
  4. It's intentional. This is the result of fixing a bug from previous builds where mappings to the Black and White buttons were reversed.
  5. The correct CRCs of ROMs are confirmed by those who have or know others who have the original boards/cartridges. Until such confirmation exists for a set, it can't be regarded as accurate. It has nothing at all to do with how well a set plays. The confirmed ms5boot has sound problems towards the end of the game (even on the original board), the old incorrect set did not. But the current set is correct so that is the one Pro supports, sound problems and all. In my experience there is no performance gain or noticeable gameplay differences in using accurate ROMs as opposed to inaccurate ones. The appeal is solely to ROM collectors like myself who like to have the latest sets and want something to play them on. If you're tired of updating your ROMs then just stick with an older build (or FBA-XXX) and you'll never need to update again. But Pro's sets will continue to change as new information becomes available since that's the whole point of the project.
  6. As I'm sure you well know, it's a huge hassle trying to establish what's publicly available and what isn't. I would rather just add the sets and have the CRCs there for future reference. I realise this may not sit too well with people who like to have everything green in the DAT but it's alot easier for me this way since I have no 100% reliable source for ROM availability. The jgokushi driver came from FBA Plus so Ferchogtx may or may not be able to help you out there. For the new NG bootleg ROMs I would suggest requesting patches in the RS thread on the subject since some people definitely seem to have them and a patch for the kf2k2pls P ROM is already there.
  7. FBA-XXX Pro v1.10 ============= NOTE: You should delete your old FBA-XXX Pro savefile from the MS dashboard or the folder E:\TDATA\ffff0504 before running this release. - Replaced 'Auto Unibios' option with 'Auto Neo-Bios'. Can be set to MVS, AES, Debug, Universe, Off. - The following sets have been added: kof96pls - Updated some ROMsets based on the latest information. (thanks to Ferchogtx and iq_132) - Fixed extra button press when entering Diagnostics Mode. - Fixed reversed controls on Black and White buttons. - The following sets have been added: jgokushi hsf2 hsf2j (XORs for these CPS2 sets are not yet available so for the time being they are non-working) - Fixed dipswitches in msword. (bug from PC version) - Fixed X-Arcade control configuration not saving. - Cleaned up UI menus. - Also I understand that the correct (non-fake) samsho5 M1 ROM is now available. Enjoy!
  8. I'm in the process of fixing all these reported bugs. Hopefully all should be resolved in the next build. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. One question I would like to ask. Are the M1D ROMs that FBA Plus uses for svc, samsho5, and samsh5sp more recent and correct than the ones from JB'S DATs?
  10. That would be awesome. Thanks FerchogtX. It's great to see you here. I'm already implementing some of the changes you posted over at the RS forum. If possible could you please post the descrambling code for the new ms4plus P1? Thanks.
  11. Why would re-mapping the shortcut make a difference to that?
  12. In the meantime you can always select the uni-bios in the dipswitches. Yes, that's the previous one that was incorrect for kf2k2mp2.
  13. Dammit. I was playing around with that code and I guess I forgot to put it back for the release build. Apologies for that. I may just throw out a v1.09a to correct this issue since I've pretty much run out of other things to update for the time being and so I've no idea when the next release will be.
  14. That's why there is no 'nd' garou set in FBA-XXX Pro. You will find all decrypted P ROMs used by Pro are correct. I don't use fully decrypted sets either but I know some people do (for cross-compatiblility with the Kawa-X Hack and such). That's why I included support for them in Pro. I'm just saying that if you added them to MAMEoX128 Plus as well then all 3 Xbox NG emulators could use the same ROMsets, which would be cool.
  15. Yeah, I will update all the neogeo romsets to the latest MAME. For the decrypted romsets, I'd like to use both decrypted C and decrypted V roms, because it will take some time to decrypt the encrypted V roms. But FBA-XXX use only decrypted C roms for the 'd' romsets... I'm thinking of maybe adding an option so that users can choose using which V roms by themselves. So if you select using encrypted v roms, the romset is the same with FBA-XXX Pro. Decrypting V ROMs doesn't add much at all to the loading time. Only decrypting C ROMs takes alot of time. There isn't really any reason to use decrypted V's in 'd' sets unless you don't have the code to run encrypted ones. FBA-XXX Pro does support 'nd' sets though which include decrypted V ROMs. It would be good to include these fully decrypted sets since many other emulators use them too. If you'd like to save the time of adding all these extra sets then I'd be happy to help out if you send me the Neo-Geo section of your source. Thanks for all the work you've put into this.
  16. kf2k2mp2 uses the same P2 ROM as kf2k2bl. Previously it was using the kf2k2mp P2 ROM which was a mistake and caused graphics problems. The correct ROM works fine for me in both the DAT and the emulator.
  17. FBA-XXX Pro v1.09 ============= - Fixed incorrect kf2k2mp2 P2 ROM. - Fixed corrupted GFX in ms5boot. - Fixed sound in ms4boot. - Fixed missed controller presses when navigating menus. - Removed switch to hide clone sets from ROMlist. (for some games the only working sets are clones so this option is useless) - All INI files are now saved to the emulator's TDATA folder. - Updates to default skin. To those who requested an option to hide non-working sets from the ROMlist; Over the last few days I've been trying to re-implement and fix the old ShowNotWorking code that caused problems in a past build of FBA-XXX. But no matter what I do, playing a clone set of a non-working parent with this option enabled always causes the emulator to crash when clicking the right thumbstick to enter the in-game menu. I have no idea why this is and until I do I'm afraid I won't be able to add this feature.
  18. Great news HK$. Your build is by far the ultimate MAME for Xbox. Would you be at all interested in syncing up the Neo-Geo ROMsets with FBA-XXX Pro? It would be awesome if both emus supported the same sets.
  19. Both are listed in the Help screens of the emu. I'll add an entry to the FAQ section of the readme to make this more clear. I did try running a compressed XBE a couple of times. Each time it crashed my Xbox so that was the end of that as far as I was concerned. Could you possibly be more specific about what parts of the program you've noticed running better with a compressed XBE? Or what hiccups you get when using an uncompressed one? If the differences are significant enough then I'll look into this further. Thanks.
  20. I am aware of the slight pausing. It isn't just in the ROMlist but also in the setup menus. This is an FBA-XXX bug. I'll look into fixing it if I can at some point but I really have no clue as to what the cause could be. The delay when changing CPU speeds is interesting. It's no doubt due to the fact that a CPU speed adjustment causes a write to the ini file. Though why deleting previous config files makes this easier for the emu I don't know. To be honest, I really don't like the way FBA-XXX uses the root directory for its savefiles if being run from HDD. For the next build I may consider just having the emulator use the TDATA folder whatever it's being run from. At least then everybody's savegame will be in the same place and issues like this will be easier to address.
  21. FBA-XXX had the option to hide non-working games but I removed it from Pro since it caused the emulator to crash when playing a clone of a non-working parent. I'll take a quick look at the code to see if there's anything obvious that might fix it but don't get your hopes up. Though technically, since Pro is designed for ROM collectors and not just playing games it shouldn't really have the option to hide clones anymore either. Diagnostics mode already has a gamepad shortcut. It's Back + White. And for Service mode, Back + Black.
  22. These are fixed and will be working in the next build.
  23. That's correct. The encrypted M ROMs are for reference purposes only.
  24. No, the ms4boot V ROMs in the DAT are not the correct ones they are just the ones being used for now so these sets can be played with sound. The CRCs for the correct V ROMs are unknown at this time. The M ROM you mention is not available but there is an available fake that has the correct CRC so you should still be able to put together a set that reports no missing ROMs.
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