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+ T +

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Posts posted by + T +

  1. For some reason I was just thinking NG games when I said only two. :rolleyes: The two in question being the PCB sets, svcchaos and kof2003 (or as they will be in the next build svcpcb/kf2k3pcb).


    But to suggest this is the 'ultimate' FBA-XXX set is very misleading. It's going to be missing iq's fixes for a start.


    Anyways, better leave it there, discussing ROM distribution is probably not a good direction in which to be taking this thread. :lol:

  2. What's FBA-XXX Pro (


    Since this doesn't sound like it's the latest Pro build at all ("patched"?) I wouldn't be too quick to jump at it. Especially considering there will be several set updates and additions in the next build. :lol:


    He also says he has a "list of games which do not work", well if he is using v1.01 then that list should only have two sets on it. :rolleyes:


    is it possible to burn fbaxx pro to dvdr...

    To answer this question, yes it is.

  3. Well in any case, now that MAME has added the remaining Neo-Geo games I'm going to look into syncing up Pro's supported sets with those providing it all looks good.


    EDIT: Just looking over the MAME sets. What the hell is up with some of their M ROMs? (mslug5's is 64Kb for heaven's sake).


    If these are, as I suspect, nowhere near correct then I guess now's the time to ask the question; is it better for FBA-XXX Pro to use the ROMs that are more accurate or to keep in line with what is regarded as the standard for arcade ROMsets? :rolleyes:

  4. I have searched the newsgroups I am not seeing this in those usual places?  Anyone care to throw me a bone?

    If you're referring to the FBA-XXX Pro v1.01 package then by 'the usual places' I meant xbins. :clapping:


    EDIT: Have now clarified this in the first post.

  5. I haven't run into any bugs yet, but apparently that 270-m1.bin rom (49c9901a) is available now for samsho5, so does that mean that the 270-m1_decrypted.bin can be removed now?

    A decrypted M ROM is required for all newer sets in any emulator because the decryption routines are not yet known. The encrypted M ROM is optional and is added to the set for reference purposes.


    Anybody else experiencing crackly audio during gameplay?.

    I have this version of FBAXXX and the previous one.And i seem to be having problems with the audio.It's not just one or 2 games either...it's all the games.

    Anybody know how i can fix this?.

    I haven't encountered any such problems. As Thraxen suggests try a clean install. If that fails then try packing the XBE (using pack.bat and xbepack.exe from the last FBA-XXX archive) and see if it makes a difference.



    i know this is off topic and there are already alot of ques on this thread, but i wanted to know what is with all the different versions of neogeo.zip. i have noticed three different sets. one for Fbaxxx, one for Mame and then the original 55kb version that even the newest build of Kawaks still uses since way back. are the differnt rom files in the former two zip files a hack or whatever(this does not incluse the unibios offcourse). sorry to be a pain, just wanted to make sense of all this. also i think it would be a good idea to include the bios in the new Fbaxxxpro, since it is indeed a "special" bios set needed for Fbaxxx to run unlike the original set. Thanks

    I'll look into syncing the bios set with MAME for the next release since that should be the most current.


    Not sure you can do anything about this, but sf2ce13 doesn't seem to be running correctly.  When you run the game a lot of the graphics are missing.  You can't see the map or character's faces when at the character select screen.  Then when in a fight you can't see the static background.  All you see are the fighters and any background element that is animated.

    It must require some kind of special decryption in the driver. I just added it with the standard sf2ce driver (most hacks just use this). If I can find a working driver I'll add it to the next build.

  6. +T+, any chance of future builds including a packed version in the archive?

    I'll test it out myself and provided it doesn't cause any problems I'll do so in the next release.


    i would love to see a multiable rom directory location option much like mameox/mamedox have.

    Actually FBA-XXX Pro already supports multiple ROM directories. I just forgot to add them to the archive (oops). To use them, create the following sub-directories in your roms\ folder:







    Any sets you put in these folders will also appear in the ROMlist.

  7. + T + does this version of FBA-XXX Pro has any optimizations for 128MB Xboxes? i'am just curious.

    Thanks in advance.

    FBA-XXX was optimized to work with 128Mb Xboxes so FBA-XXX Pro should be no different.


    i renamed my svcplus romit loaded but its all glitched out.. i renamed the C#.rom files to C#.bin ;) i'll check dats later

    All the svc bootlegs now use the correct encrypted C ROMs. The old decrypted ones will no longer work. Please use the DATs to check your ROMs. I cannot stress this enough.

  8. The new FBA-XXX Pro package is now available in the usual places (xbins, IRC, etc.) and is complete with XBE so no more patches are required. (though I will also continue to update the patch linked to in the old thread).


    Please use this thread for any comments, questions, or bug reports. The information below is taken from the documentation so please read it if you haven't done so already as it addresses many of the most commonly asked questions.


    Enjoy. ;)


    + T +



    What's New?



    - Added all the new and updated Others drivers from FBA (http://www.barryharris.me.uk). These include some entirely new supported games. (see below)


    - Fixed Reset Game function.


    - Fixed Auto-Bios defaulting to AES.


    - Corrected some DAT errors.


    - Some minor ROM updates.


    - The following sets have been added:












































    How is this different from FBA-XXX?


    The main purpose of FBA-XXX Pro is to support the latest and most accurate ROMsets available to the emulation scene. A great many changes and additions have been made to the rather outdated sets supported by the original build, including new parents, new clones, new bootlegs, support for both encrypted and decrypted Neo-Geo sets, as well as the latest CPS and other set updates from MAME. Alot of new code has been added to improve the accuracy of the emulation, there are some minor tweaks and bugfixes to the emulator itself, and a new default skin (a modified version of the excellent Fighter skin by Duracelleur) is included.


    Both Romcenter and ClrMAMEPro DATs can also be found in the package so please make use of them to ensure the ROMsets you have are the ones FBA-XXX Pro requires. And don't forget you'll also need the Neo-Geo bios set (neogeo.zip) in your ROMs folder.



    Why 'Pro'?


    FBA-XXX Pro is so called because it is primarily intended for those who are a little more serious about ROM collecting and/or emulation than perhaps the casual user. The newer ROM dumps required by many of Pro's supported sets can be far more difficult to acquire than the older files found in FBA-XXX. For this reason I would say if you can't find the necessary sets and just want to play the games you would be much better off sticking with the original non-Pro build.



    A ROMset is giving me errors but it works fine on another emulator, what's up?


    FBA-XXX Pro requires the most up-to-date ROM dumps. Please use the DATs to find out which of the files in your set need updating.



    Can I not just use my old sets with FBA-XXX Pro?


    Like FBA-XXX, Pro has the option to disable the CRC check on ROMs before loading. This means that providing the files in your set are named correctly you should be able to play from any combination of decrypted ROMs. However this completely defeats the point of using FBA-XXX Pro and this option has only really been left in for testing purposes.



    What are all the new sets you say are supported?


    You can check the DATs or the included gamelist.txt for a list of all supported ROMsets.



    Why can't I reset the game with L+R+White like in FBA-XXX?


    Because some users found this combination too easy to press by accident. L+R+Start is the new ROM reset combination.



    Why are the game names so long on the ROM list screen?


    If you don't like it you can click the left thumbstick to switch between long and short names. FBA-XXX had this option too but Pro's long names are more complete.



    Why isn't "XXXX Super Magic Ultra Plus Hack" supported?


    FBA-XXX Pro only supports hacks that come from genuine bootleg boards or cartridges. ROM-hacks are deliberately not supported.



    I can't find this ROM anywhere. Can you tell me where to get it?


    No. So please don't ask.




    Coded by


    + T +



    GogoAckman & Team XXX





    Many Thanks to




    All the coders on the NeoSource boards

    Everyone here at the www.1emulation.com forums

    Jan Klaasen and the FBA team

  9. UPDATE:


    - Corrected lans2004 S ROM.


    - Enabled new C decryption code for cthd2003/ct2k3a/ct2k3sp (by iq_132)


    - kof2002b/kf2k2pls/kf2k2pla now working with correct ROMs (by iq_132)


    - kof2k3up now working with correct ROMs (by iq_132)


    - Some other small but important tweaks and updates.




    EDIT: FBA-XXX Pro v1.01 has now been officially released and is available in the usual places. Also I've started a new discussion thread here:




    So if possible, to avoid confusion, could the next mod that reads this please close this one. Thank you. ;)

  10. UPDATE:


    The following sets are now correct and working (no more substitute C ROMs):


    - kog

    - lans2004

    - svcboot

    - svcplus

    - svcplusa

    - svcsplus

    - samsh5bl


    All credit goes to iq_132. I wouldn't have figured this out in a million years. :lol:. The build is still in patch form only at the moment.



    As a point of interest the only remaining sets that aren't working or using substitute ROMs are as follows:


    svcchaos - freezes during loading. (must be to do with the size of the P/C ROMs since svchaosa works fine using the exact same code.)

    kof2003 - reset loop after HW test. (again kof2003a is fine)

    kof2002b/kf2k2pls/kf2k2pla - C ROM code uses NeoSpriteROM.

    kof2k3up - P ROM code. (don't remember exactly. will check)

  11. iq, I can't thank you enough. You're a genius. :lol:


    With some minor modications, the above code works beautifully. I haven't tested all the sets that this should fix yet but I will later today and all being well should have an updated build ready this evening.


    Also, you guys might be interested to know that Iriez has graciously allowed me to host future builds of FBA-XXX Pro on xbins as a complete package. Which means no more having to patch the FBA-XXX XBE (which I know many people are having trouble finding now). Of course I will continue to post a patch here for those who prefer doing it this way. ;)


    BTW, do you post your source ever?

    I'd like to take a look at it if you do smile.gif

    Check PM. :)

  12. UPDATE:


    - Fixed mslug5/mslug5d


    Thanks for reporting that problem.



    awsome wish i knew how you fix things like that.

    In terms of the sound problem it was just that the PCM byteswap used by the svcboot driver to play sound properly wasn't being reset to 0 after exiting the game. Hence any game played afterwards would also have byteswapped sound.

  13. also why sometimes when i want to scroll down the game list it wont let me?

    if i hold down n scroll to the last game in list it starts scrolling back up by itself :blink:

    Hmm, since I've never experienced anything like that I would say that perhaps your analog stick isn't centering properly. Try a different controller and see if it does the same thing.

  14. +T+  nice glad i grabbed those you just added ahead of time. :blink:


    all in all good


    is your ct2k3sp  working 


    mine loads and runs but the graphix are all jumbled

    crcs check out fine




    I don't have this set so any changes made to improve compatibility are based entirely on guesswork.


    Ok i have to ask this, i posted on Gogo's site regarding this. Whats the deal with Metal slug 2. Why does this game come to a crawl even with the cpu overclocked at 150. I new that it would slow down bad in the 1st level(just as you reach the first building its really bad when the cpu is at 100%) and the overclock feature fixed it, but today i decided to play it through and in the later levels it got bad. I dont understand this, considering it plays all the other Mslug games perfect. Can this be fixed? is there a configuration that works? Thanks

    My understanding is that Metal Slug 2 suffers from these slowdown problems even on original hardware. If this is the case then the emulator is doing its job and there's nothing to be fixed.

  15. UPDATE:


    - Added King of Gladiator (using decrypted Cs)


    - Added Lansquenet 2004 (using decrypted Cs)


    - Added Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (CD Hack)


    - Updates, additions, and changes to several CPS/Misc sets (see DATs for details).


    Massive thanks to iq_132 for all the above drivers and for the tool to decrypt the ROMs.


    I just haven't had the chance to look into any of the other things I wanted to so apologies for that.


    I've also added a driver for the correct ROMset of kof2003a (again by iq). And although the ROM loads with no problems, after the HW test it just gives a black screen. All other sets that use the PVC and bankswitch code work with no problems and the PCM2 code is there. Any ideas as to what might need changing here would be more than appreciated. :P

  16. The packed xbe seems to be sometimes a little faster and more optimised, but the main reason is that fbaxxx vmm (neogeo games) seems to crash on some xboxs, but when packed, it seems to be fine, so it s up to ppl to test.

    Interesting. Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to give it a try.


    One more thing is the latest build compatible with the new Universe bios 2.2?

    If you turn CRC Check off then v2.2 should work fine as long it's named 'uni-bios.rom'. I was going to add it to the latest build but I don't like the fact that you can't disable the splash screen in this version so I stuck with v2.1. I'll see about having the option for either in the next build.


    How hard would it be to add an extra option so that when using widescreen mode the emulator would rotate the screen 270 instead of just 90 degrees?

    As I've said elsewhere in this thread, I want to keep Pro as close as possible to FBA-XXX apart from the supported ROMsets and anything necessary to their functionality. So I'm not really interested in adding extra options/features.

  17. Very well...


    I have a problem with some games:


    Rage of the Dragons, Last Blade, Metal Slug 5, King of Fighters 2003 and Samurai Shodown 4...


    they won't work... but with other emus they work....


    Fbaxxxpro want from last blade a v4.bin wich is 4 mb big but the v4 is only 2 mb big...


    I don't know what to do... i tried much versions of this games....

    FBA-XXX Pro uses the most up-to-date ROM dumps in its supported sets, other emus do not, that's why your ROMsets won't work. If you're not bothered about the accuracy of your ROMs and just want to play the games then I would suggest using the official FBA-XXX. Pro is called Pro for a reason. :clapping:


    I have a quick question, do i need to run pack.bat after i apply the pro patch on 26_8, and what the hell does it do? Gogo does not explain it well in the Nfo. Thanks

    It's up to you. The build should work just the same whether the XBE is packed or not. As for what exactly it does, I'm not too sure. It certainly compresses the XBE to a smaller file size but Gogo seems to imply in the nfo that it also has some effect on the running of the emulator. I'd be interested in any info anyone else has on this.

  18. well im using a ps2 converter cause its easier to have the x3 punches n x3 kicks n everyother button.... while i was playing sf2 i pressed on ps2 the L 1 n 2 + R 1 n 2 buttons n the game reseted...

    is this a glitch or its something thats been there...

    if its something thats been there, wouldnt it be better to take that off since u can reset the rom through fbaxxx pro menu...

    on xbox controller its the L + R + black + white buttons...

    On a PSX pad L1=White and R1=Black (or is it the other way around?). But basically you just pressed FBA's reset combination.


    I did actually change this to L+R+Start in a past Pro build but I guess I forgot to include that change in the more recent ones. When I eventually get around to compiling a new build I'll re-implement it.

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