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Posts posted by Madi

  1. michelle rodriguez ( no relation sadly lol :D ) played a marine in the level Metroplis , i dont think she was the capt daughter


    house of the dead was so horrible , IN GAME FOOTAGE! and random people all of sudden having guns , and the captin having no expression when the zombies appear "look zombies im gonna pull out my shotgun and shoot em like that one video game" and i also didnt know zombies could use so many trampolines lmao

  2. ha! i played halo 2 online from 6pm-3pm and i took a hour nap and went back and played for 3 and a half more hours , only problem i had was that my eyes kept crying to provide moisture <_<

    See, now that's unhealthy and called obsession. You must have nothing to do if you can play a game online for that long, especially Halo 2 (or any FPS for that matter). :P

    I only get to play on certain occasions since i have no high speed myself so i treasure every minute of it :) like this friday-sunday im gonna be on all the tyme :) YAY NO SCHOOL FRIDAY!

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