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Everything posted by Madi

  1. dude! i had 3 people try to convert me , finally i just flicked them off.....lol talk about bothersome.......
  2. K's was cute.......yours was just weird.......
  3. who is that guy in your ava, you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> GOD I HOPE NOT!....... K's waha banner.........cuttttttteeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
  4. lets get 666 the cd coated with anthrax
  5. you have issues 666......
  6. im kinda workin on writng a softmod tut.......still revising it
  7. mmmm ice now thats a good lunch....... lol
  8. so long thq maybe someone else will make a wwe game that doesnt always end up to be $10 bucks this time
  9. must they take everything away!!!!!! we must rebuild.....
  10. we get it later so it should be fixed by then!
  11. DUDE YOU JUST GOT OWNED!!!!!!!111111 looks like you need a calendar for christmas
  12. im starting to hate ea.........alot!! they messed up goldeneye 2....
  13. Rofl thats a nice crew you got there weirdy
  14. ROFL it would have been better if smokey the bear teamed up with captain planet to fight the bad guys RAWR!
  15. WORST GIFT EVER! - madi aka the ds hater! GO SONY!
  16. I heard the batteries for the psp will be around $45 , not too bad
  17. ROFL commies go home! that or hilter has possed a bunch of coaches to rebuild who better than cheerleaders to fight a war?
  18. Online gaming is awesome for certain games , then again there are those faggots who just like to cuss and talk smack even when they get 0wned btw : awwwwwwww cute! @ k's banner
  19. ROFL , i remeber the halo 2 release it was so much fun , everyone was talking about matches and eating bbq and chips and drinkin coke now that was a release!
  20. Shiba sony confirmed an acessory to protect the psp screen i saw it on ign somewhere...
  21. i dont even trust kazza anymore a friend of mine got a call about his downloading
  22. ROFL beating up yugioh monsters , i wonder who get in from shaman king.....
  23. ROFL thats great strum , i can just barely remember the show haha , much less the theme song but it should stir some good memories ill talk to u on the irc tom.
  24. man fox was the freakin best channel for back then....now its just a bunch of anime and some crappy ass tv shows except sonic x btw does anybody remember the old school sonic cartoon? man i used to remember waking up when i was in Kinder just to see it , Tails > sonic
  25. really ? you too? i thought it was just me lol , i guess ill have to go back to evil lyrics
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