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Everything posted by Madi

  1. lucky me i have a ipod i still havent seen any cheap mp3 players i wanna sell my ipod and make me some money
  2. WHAT THE FLOCKIN HELL?! so random.......they must be on drugs.....
  3. thats sad i hope they get enough money for the operation
  4. YUP! and the list grows longer lol , just today Placebo became one of my favorite bands i love getting random rock cds EVERY ME AND EVERY YOU EVERY ME.....
  5. http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho...0&hl=open+mugen linky linky
  6. Prince sucks......
  7. my desktop owns edit: no i dont not have a porn vid on my desktop....
  8. looks good , fix the pics unless you like pretty red x's
  9. not too bad , lol lots of space , i think my friend might be intrested , make a halo 2 web page
  10. wouldnt that be too cold? or is it someway to control the temp?
  11. ITS K' DASH! lol wow thats almost how i expected fatal to look like
  12. ouch..........well atleast the stun gun knocked him out for a bit
  13. I believe this is for bussiness not for your own pleasure..........
  14. HAHAH! i wonder how many smells they could get this workin with.....
  15. ummmm opps? i gotta go talk to some people about this.......eheheh stop lookin at me
  16. it was my bios i just updated it
  17. Lol im pretty good with xbox emulation but theres enough moderators there
  18. YAY! imagine all the post whoring it took to get here congrats james so.......are there any regular moderator spots open ? it was worth a shot haha
  19. Ill Nino - w00t! Billy Talent <-- random yes? lol Adema - there awesome Breakin Benjamin Chevelle Cold - good stuff lol Finch Incubus - raping ghost! lol Lost prophets Nickelback- some songs not all Papa Roach Offspring Seether Spineshank Slipknot Smashing Pumpkins Smile empty soul Switchfoot System of a down Three days grace i listen to these bands almost everyday , to combat all the damn people rapping in class
  20. all rock except for punk which is just a crappier boy band bitching about thier crapy girlfriends and about how much they suck , i hate everything else espcially rap
  21. Man i hate rap.........ROCK ON!
  22. yeah we are lol
  23. if 1emu money were real then u would haha
  24. You must really miss K' dash eh fatal?
  25. i loved the mummy sequeals lol they were pretty good , which reminds me i should go rent the scoprion king haha
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