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Everything posted by Madi

  1. say what you will about my xbox you know its better lol , EMU MACHINE BABY! he sold it to me without a control but im using an old ps1 control lol , he doesnt have a chip in there ( i want one though ) he sold it becuase he plays pc more
  2. is there anyway to get bootleg ps1 games working on a ps2 without a modchip? lol i got some games from my broken ps1
  3. i just got a ps2 for 50 bucks! and vice city for $2 im glad now , i can get kof mi now im still looking for some good games , i just got killzone...not to shabby i still like my xbox more
  4. ......how the hell am i suppose to get the real important news now?! lol *silence*
  5. HHAHAHAH , she such a loser like her sister liquid or ice?
  6. WOW HE IS SO STUPID! he could have hired hobos for less than less than $10 , plus it would look more realistic!
  7. too many leaks lol
  8. bacon cheese 3 meat patties pickles lettauce more cheese chilli great now im hungry
  9. i want it i paid for it already but i can wait no god damn more! *cant find it anyways *
  10. mortal komabt decpetion is pretty fun at least liu kangs back eerr well hes a zombie lol KOBRA OWNS!
  11. god i loved yoshis island
  12. snes , i had kirby and all the mortal kombats , tons more games , and goof troop LOL
  13. ive been trying to make a logo for my xbox case mod , im basing it off a halo theme and i wanted to make a logo that said " cortana inside" like the pentium inside logo but my photoshop crashed and i cant do crap if i had it anyways so i was wondering if anyone could make me one ? thanks
  14. hmmm * stares at car for a long time*
  15. kof 2k3 freakin owns! i love change
  16. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i like to break aim chains
  17. gonna buy it tommrow with guilty gear xx reload , damn it now i wish i had high speed online play is suppose to be quite smooth
  18. argg no not smaller!!!!!!!! i mean its both bad and good , i mean i really like the hd ( hehe exploit-modded xbox ) , i guess this means no hd , im also hoping they make it backawards compatiable with xbox games oh well atleast itll be easier to lug at lan partys lol
  19. WTF goatse was on CNN? lol my favorite is tub girl , it so much fun to own n00bs who want halo mods , or hahha good times
  20. keep up the good work lol now only if i could do something like that
  21. well i think there gonna grow another one on his arm , like they do with other people..............yes ive seen a picture of it growing on a arm weird lol
  22. im still getting one since i never owned a ps2 , or i might wait lol
  23. yeah ti just fixed it so everyone knows what happend lol , censor blocked it so i put in a synonym hehe
  24. Orignal news link LOL , i hope this doesnt get closed lol! poor dog!
  25. hell im gonna be there in line by 8pm november 8 and be having it by 12 , gonna need some redbulls lol , im taking the day off screw school
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