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Everything posted by Madi

  1. Its people like you who made my past halloweens the best......*takes the whole tray*
  2. Gamertag: ILL NIN0 (thats a zero not a "o") Games: Halo 2 Ghost Recon - 1 and 3 Splinter Cell 2 theres a bunch more i dont feel like listing......
  3. I loved FarCry on live its fun,but NGB is sweet I dont see whats so good about Burnout, i dont find it fun at all
  4. I heard there new stuff is emo-like :S i dunno ill have to get the cd for myself
  5. I want that cellphone game.......now......
  6. Geez im a fan but no way am i gonna spend $80 bucks on a ticket >_<
  7. My xbox, 30 inch tv, Logitech speakers, 1 gba, 1 dreamcast ( not in pic, and a bunch of games that are in my closet >_< then theres my broken ps and ps2.....
  8. I love the winter, i like the cold tempetures and winds, i cant stand sweating >_< Damn i hate Texas.....and its heat.....
  9. i liked inspector gadget, he has everything! XD
  10. i had one, then she became a total biatch lol MEH! lol Bewbs are fun
  11. I liked the mortal komabat and street fighter movies
  12. I didnt even know this song exsisted The Legend Of Zelda - System of a Down "Link you come to town! COME TO SAVE THE PRINCESS ZELDA, Ganon tooked her away, now the children dont play...dodoodd"
  13. BWAHAHA! Next thing you know we find the skelton of a cyclops!
  14. Dont even mention HOD..............i gonna watch the movie eitherway, i liked the fps view
  15. I hope she comes out alright. My prayers are with you.
  16. Im alive and i didnt get looted! w00t
  17. I think rita can go screw herself. (Madi Lives in Houston,Texas) Im not evacuating though,im gonna stay and hope to hell that this crap shack i live in gets demolished so i can move -__-' Ill update if i survive ! Just in case anyone was wondering: Madi's Backpack (If we do evac) 1.Clothing 2.NDS with 7 gba games 3.DORITOS! 4.Alg 2 hw (aint it great?) 5.Wallet 6.Toothbrush, deorderant,etc. 7.IPOD i am soo prepared.....but i feel like eating those doritos right now.......
  18. Playing lucky hit for the 1st time and finding out that i was the only person playing blue stinger :S
  19. Black Hawk Down and Fable..........both are very good, ive beat fable before but my gamesave is no where to be found go figure Black Hawk Down is just awesome
  21. *IN A DEEP REDNECK VOICE* GO VIAGRA CAR GO! funny thing is i really heard an old reckneck guy say this.....
  23. Im getting the $400 package,i know this xbox will most likely stay unmodded so im fine with 20gbs , plus the hd standalone cost $100 might as well get the better package with the remote and headset
  24. Aerials - System Of A Down
  25. Lost
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