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Everything posted by Madi

  1. every single class im takin except p.e and science are advanced , science i have honors i got ahead lol , so this year i take geometry and my last year of froeign language last year i really slacked off yes you would believe how much they scared the crap outta everyone
  2. well guys schools about to start in a couple of days for me , im finally goin to high school * quivers in fear * im not gonna have time to post around or be in the irc chan, im actually gonna have to study this year i gonna say im gonna miss this place while im gone someone keep slappin ash for me some random qoute: POKEMON! POKEMON where the thing comes outta the ball and its like awhahaha! *waves bye*
  3. yup looks freakin sick , altough the 1st one scared the shiet outta me
  4. lol , most of the sites were created for fun including : www.whatbadgerseat.com hahaha
  5. THERE ARE NO TACOS! 9.9999999999999999/10 yippe im in it! haha , didnt know that pple noticed me
  6. tub of cheese
  7. gimme the cookie and no one gets hurt
  8. my desktop ownz j00! dont mess with me
  9. god you know everything! /slap btw: i wonder if i can play the cat from shenmue 1 hehe
  10. i want a freakin US version! ooooooh put it on xbox and on live......droooollllllll
  11. a foggy mornin
  12. lol that reminds me.........i wasnt getting enuff refreshment outta a mint gum so i chunked the whole pack into my mouth , every single stick , lol freshness , then i got thirsty..........bad idea super ice cold water
  13. thats nice........i would post a stfu pic but naaaaaahh someone will post a pic soon , i smell it comin.....
  14. i had Du Hast stuck in my mind for the past week.........its still goin....... Du Du Hast mish........then there was the week of offspring where i could only think of offspring songs lol
  15. i would destroy marshalls ( yes marshalls.....the clothes shop) , or rap.......hehe
  16. seems like ash isnt cooperating or doesnt want to come back.......close this already...... meh i dont care anymore
  17. i wouldnt have perm banned him , i would at least give him another month or so...... maybe if he apolgizes?
  18. bring him back , i need a rival
  19. i played pokemon , yugioh and magic ive quit everyone cept magic but i havent bought cards in 4 months and plauyed in less than 6 weeks
  20. no ken = teh most crappiest capcom fighting game i am a ken whore
  21. ill enjoy it while i can............ i freakin lost the championship .............. stupid kiddie! emotion flood
  22. ill enjoy it while i can............
  23. i would really like to play MvsC 2 player teams but if garou is it , ill have to sharpen my skills
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