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Everything posted by Madi

  1. i have manhunt , it got kinda hard for me , i love using the xbox mic , its fun to cuss btw:k' did u get a xbox?
  2. BOW DOWN TO ME MERE MORTALS! btw: i think ill stop braggin
  3. i thought you said you werent competin.oh well lol i hope its me in the last match
  4. yes that is exactly why............j/k i seriously couldnt come up with an catagories , the next year will be better
  5. WHOA. half of those threads i havent even seen! lol ok let the pple vote between you and weird!
  6. I disagree. made it a tie , looked over fatals threads , talked a bit on the irc , congrats fatal /slap fatal p.s i thought u were gone! change that lol! *looks at sig and words under ava*
  7. i speakin on behalf of ash , since he is still banned LOL " id like to thank all those who made it possible... my mum my dad my dog... and of course ash crimson AKA god... im not worthy of such award ~*starts to cry*~ i own you all thank you b!tches!! "
  8. there was a small votin process in the irc lol , but next year ill make it better 'gryphonklaw i did the kai player to pple who had rankings , i didnt see u up there
  9. ive been on the boards a bit , dont feel like leaving so , i decided to make my own awards ceremony : teh slappy awards! lol if youve been on the irc you know me and have probibly been slapped by me too well here are the 9 catagories and who gets em! most random person: Emsley , lol who could forgot the pogo thread BoInG! most annoying: Ash_Crimson , no need for explanation stupidest post/thread: jennyx3 , j000 turkey! coolest admin and or moderator:Disoblige , teh noogies hurt ' best thread maker:TIE! Fatalrose & Weirdanzeige , bring back teh word association thread! I looked over a bit and they both made some good threads , lol worst kaillera player: madienmasher ,.........stfu! best slap fight on the irc vs me: 666 ghost , i win most informative/helpful person : wow a tie , Agozer and GyrphonKlaw , thanks for teh help! well heres the biggie one best all around person: k' dash , moderate him already! lol congrats /me slap all
  10. im in no more noogies of death!
  11. madienmasher slaps 666Ghost around a bit with a large trout
  12. it might as well be
  13. that freakin site screwed my irc! /slaps whoever made the thread
  14. "ash drank tea"
  15. farted on a tree
  16. wtf , i thought it was a kids movie! still not watchin it......... that freakin lil nerdy kid!!!!!!!!! they all ready ruined teh endin "what did u do this summer" "i saved the world" ending now dont go watch it
  17. What would you do for a klondike bar? yummy
  18. combo of a and b or tacos! depneding on the person......if it were ash than thats a different story
  19. somone send me the rom and the loader! plz!
  20. .............>_< teh evil bumpage!
  21. i demand to know the teams
  22. http://halo.bungie.org/misc/xboxpic/ it is a nice pic though
  23. no not really... wow , for the first time i agree with ash welcome pple! LEAVE THIS FORUM AND ILL SEND MY NINJAS!
  24. hahaha no one ever suspects me.............
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