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Everything posted by Madi

  1. im in as soon as i get the rom
  2. i hope it doesnt suck , lol , i think they went a lil too far with the chess
  3. LOL , i wish i was here around that time i would have gotten the chance to post this
  4. Right, it's Cow in Spanish AND.... Since a V in Spanish is pronounced more or less the same as a B in Japanese, you get two for one here: Baka - Stupid Person. This is a sort of running gag between my japanese and mexican friends. wheres teh BEEF!???! IM SERIOUS!
  5. halo 2................for me lol thought unreal tornament 2 is gonna be sweet........meelee weapons , dual weapons.......droooooooolllllll, acrobatic moves screw ut2k4
  6. wheres teh beef??!!!!??! lol , seriously have fun
  7. no lag when i play CvsS2 at my friends ( roadrunner) , i was play someone in japan if i had a better connection i would buy it
  8. meh , me no like rap........rock on....... ratm!!!!!!!!!! lol i wish
  9. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  10. no no thats the clark from the otherside of town , they joined the same tornament and the whole thing is a mess
  11. how dare you dis iori's baddass costume!! teh pwnage!
  12. god damn stop now superhero movies are boring!>_<
  13. cookie:P lol jk : word is - me!
  14. No!!!!!! Not another spanish word!!!!! Since you has been talking about food all day, and you are a future taco stand owner, so I guess you must be talking about food. So.... food! means grilled comida
  15. cookie jk heres the real word : frosting
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