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Everything posted by Madi

  1. You know he's going to flame you when he wakes up. Then We get to blame you for forcing me to close this topic!!!! sorry but you know.....stop braggin!
  2. counter-strike
  3. KILL ASH , KILL ASH , KILL ASH , KILL ASH , KILL ASH , KILL ASH KILL ASH , , KILL ASH , im pissed off cuz ash is a patsy! lol jk ash is good guy he also likes gettin spanked ha!
  4. birthday lol what a cowinsidence ( however the hell you spell it )
  5. algebra note: i miss my algebra teacher ms.demontigny , she was cool lol
  6. no no make him slap ash!
  7. he throws the battery to a off distance so it would distract the scientist , he tries o open the cage with the letter opener
  8. i will use the 20 dollars to enjoy a burger feast and some ramen.......~_^ and smoke away...........
  9. id sure like to press her buttons.......and i dont mean the control.......hehe
  10. slap ash for me damn what could be wrong...... it depends on what you'd want me to slap him with slap him with anything thing .............LOL i finally got in , but no ones in here i hope i can get in there again
  11. slap ash for me damn what could be wrong......
  12. why why why wont it fffffffffrrrrrrrreakinnnnnnn work!!!!!!???!?!?!??!?!??!?! sorry im a bit mad right now....i want to beat up ash on kof 2k3 and i cant get on........
  13. wow the case looks really nice
  14. it wont work in mirc , unresolved server!??!
  15. the music should be -9999999999999999999999999/10.........yeah thats better
  16. my mirc expired.........
  17. why cant i get on anymore?????!??! Perl interface loaded --- Looking up GameWarriors.NJ.US.GameSurge.Net.. --- Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it? wtf????! ?!??!!
  18. * crawls in the corner............practices with shingo , kyo , and iori.........* i will own one of u , hopefully ash ...........ROFL
  19. There's a only one person who can explain my feelings towards this...... oooooh yeaaaaah!
  20. lol i had been here a couple of times before i had registered , in kof 2k3 days i was trying to get kof 2k3 working on my xbox and i finally learned how and i saw that this forum was fun i was about to leave , but then ashy came along so i decide to stick around and mess with him and talk around on the irc chan with k' dash and the countless other fun pple. lol ash still kicks my arse but im gettin there......... this site ownz J00!
  21. lol whats that in total? about 18-5?? im still gonna whoop yo ass even more!! bring it on ashy!
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