DAMN YOU ASH! ( lol hes a good guy ) lol anybody wanna play kof 00? or 2k3..........( boost up your score -__-) im also wanna play garou.......lol btw:ash has a controller now................beware!
it seems datel wanted to boost up sales and made a new action replay for the ps2 , it has a sega genesis emulator, game saves , blah blah blah action replay max lol any comments? yes i know , i was bored
well i never like playing pc games , but i remember going onto my friends com while he was in the restroom , so i decided to to " I AM A NAZI" for fun and everyone ran away , it was funny and my friend got pi**ed,haha
Ninja Gaiden 1.1! <--- ( not goatse ) i seriuosly cant wait , more tougher ai than before ( as if they werent hard enough ) , better camera angles! , weapons........*drools* Comments and possible flaming begin.
yep , i touch habenero for like 3min then the burning , then the water , then more burning , then water.......*continues* my parents are starting to say im not mexican.......
ive seen this day coming , soon microsoft will own everything.....no not walmart! its all been a conspriracy so bill could be come the ruler of the world.....
same here! ill call myslef the "ulitmo gordo"! lol but i really wanna work with computers and games in someway! ITT here i come! one time my friend's brother was actually training to go into wrestling in mexico, and he wanted to seriously call himself "Super Mantecas" rofl!