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Everything posted by Madi

  1. well ive been bored this summer and i feel like moddin my xbox case. im leaving it black but i want some suggestions ( led color , style, etc.) right now i have a case being shipped to me , in the mean time im trying to get a new center jewel and i can decide..which one do you think i should get? thanks for any help
  2. haha fatal might need a xbox! lol hmm all we need i kof mi on xbox and i wouldnt need to buy one gonna buy the kof 2k2+2k3 double pack for the box once it comes out
  3. hehe wonder if it hurts more if you point it in a certain "area" of the body
  4. i played the demo and its frickin awesome i might go buy it but i have to get somehtin for a friends birthday
  5. yes it is , i actually bought it liked it for awhile and eventuall got bored......if you get caught your usually dead im just trying to get a hold of a gun in the game
  6. halo is my favorite game i could see it know "millions of people rush to buy halo 2 , serveral fatter, slower people killed by the trampling" i cant wait till halo 2
  7. i hate stealth , i more of a shoot em kick thier butts in front of there face kinda person , but if i had to choose metal gear , it seems so much better and i like the "!" on the guys when they find you
  8. wtf help help! i cant talk! i can sign in but i can talk! #1emu cannot send to channel did i get banned! help..................
  9. yes i am going to get one now but im worried about the updated dc.......
  10. wow good deal 1 yes 9 left to go You'll be able to play backups if you get the correct model. You won't regret bying a DC. so if it get the wrong model it wont work with back ups? ummm *starts to regret*
  11. wow good deal 1 yes 9 left to go
  12. can someone tell me why i should buy a dreamcast (again) lol , im a little bit unsure lol dunno if this should be moved to the dc section....... give me 10 yes's and i will buy it!
  13. someone get the heck on!!!!!!!!!! im sorry but the only people who seem to be talking is me , fatal , and weirdanzeige
  14. hows about a link http://www.xchat.org/files/binary/win32/xchat-2.0.8c.exe
  15. does it support downloading stuff ?
  16. Halo on the XBOX is much better than Halo on the PC. And Halo on the XBOX isn't even that good... i need it so i can use hek ( halo editing kit ) so i can make new maps for multiplayer...........halo is good!
  17. i like it , plus i need a better pc......................i still cant play halo pc on this piece of crap!
  18. agreed! you can also soft mod your xbox now with out getting into the clock loops so it will work all good and stuff! hmm games 1.counter-strike ( if your gonna get live ) 2.capcom vs snk 2 ( its fun! ) 3.prince of persia i think everyone else pretty much said everything else
  19. hmm buy it! ,if you dont like the smell trade it in and get a new one ! that or just get a really long extention cable...................kitties are f***** awesome! lol cept when the try to bite you...............
  20. i assume it still is.............they cant just leave ryo in the cave with that girl.........unless............
  21. i hope we got more intresting coversations like this: Wong[to Ryo]: Hey what was it like to go through puberty? Jianmin [to Ryo]: Use Iron Palm to help your grip on the more private things in life. Ryo [to Ine-San]: I wish Lan-Di killed you instead of my father. Ryo [to Shenhua]: Hey you look like the girl of my dreams. lol weird.........
  22. http://www.planetxbox.com/shenmuedojo/shenmue3_preview.shtml its kinda old but look at the bottom there are some screens there yea i really loves shenmue.............espicially making people cuss at ryo.......
  23. ive seen pics of shenmue 3 last year.......i swear i did im glad i have a xbox
  24. is kof 2003 playable on killera?
  25. k' , if i could get killera or a neogeo emu with online play to work ill get a can of whoop-a$$ out
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