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Everything posted by Madi

  1. shenmue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sonic adeventure 2!!!!!!!!!!! i cant friggin wait!
  2. btw did anyone know its coming out on 10-15-04
  3. i think i may have saw one.........lol my sig i got inspired..........
  4. thanks , well here it is : lol kof mi is gonna be great
  5. i was just wondering how big sigs can be becuase i worked on a new one..........
  6. nah , its not my type of system , ill just hope they will port it heh.......
  7. so it does have something to do with the gangs but why are the orginal kof chracters there? how are they involved? ps2 doesnt deserve this xbox does.............( its the envy kickin in)
  8. I don't think Alba and Soiree have anything to do with KOF Kyo... huh? i didnt mention anything about kof kyo............thanks for the translation site boomba_goose!
  9. yup , the graphics look awesome............i believe there is a video of it on kof 98,96,or 97 i cant remember which one......... there were also many new characters
  10. hmmmmmmm does anyone know about the story? i cant read jap! lol i think it has to do with the "gangsters" and if you look to the side of the jap site you see 2 backs with tattos i believe those belong to the meria brothers, alba and soriee , well thats what i think
  11. wait isnt terry in king of fighters kyo ?
  12. whats wild ambition??????? ive never heard of it
  13. me too , isnt it just delightful?
  14. i liked the illegal and underground street racing games...........i also like rush 2043 ( is that right?)
  15. edit:sorry
  16. im sorry wtf is this topic about??????????? beer?
  17. meh , its free for xbox i suppose sony's gonna have a good time with this..........support the xbox!!!!!!
  18. my god.....................................im getting metal arms!!!!!!!!!! damn i wish they would give us a date thanks for the info!
  19. same here...........i gotta pass these well i did pass the others , but i gotta get into high school im tired of middle school argg!! i got ela tommorw
  20. hmm well favorite music is when im playing counter strike on xbox and "freaking out" or " immortal " by adema start playing from the hd........ but in game it would be..........the kof 2000 screen selection music
  21. as long as i see some blood and iori beating the crap out of someone im good
  22. offspring - hit that smashing pumpkins- rat in a cage
  23. hes back! he must have been suspended but he looked like he had a huge hang over.............he was too quiet by then he would have us doin push ups...........
  24. metal horse. trojan man! lol im sorry that was random but it popped into my mind for some weird reason
  25. yea its the same make a xbox iso using a program i prefer qwix but others work as well then it run just fine........ edit: must have modded xbox ( im just saying that because i didnt undertand this "Once I have no Evox installed in my XBOX, this is the only way I think." lol evox is sweet......
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