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Everything posted by Madi

  1. you just reminded me of that one weird novella " zapatos color de roza"( i actually think its laces but i forgot how to say it in spanish lol ) atleast i think thats what it is.........it drove me crazy! edit: is it abujetas???????? lol im not good at spellIng!
  2. yep i remember those times.........using pine cones as toliet papers and cleaning up the ol mule for a drive around town........ i liked the movie back then heh
  3. i quit watchin spanish movies ever since my mom made me watch all the pedro infante movies...........other pple like them but not me my favorite movie is kung pow......lol so random most pple hate it but it fits me! what do you get when you cross a owl with a bungie cord? my a$$- betty
  4. either way she will always be sexy because you would be drugged!
  5. yea i just noticed...right after i posted......damn im stupid
  6. wtf........................cyclops vs james bond!
  7. i voted hybrid i thought i was gonna be people trying to kill you , lol well it is resident evil lol
  8. i am skipping school when halo 2 comes out.........damn stupid tuesday well atleast there wont be much kids when i get there ! prince of persia 2 is gonna be good too new effects and combat , including fighting with 2 weapons and using enemys weapons against themselves! lol
  9. i believe, always have.........think of it this way once the earth's only living creatures were tiny weeny microrganisms and eventually evolved into us , humans , or homosapies ( lol ). there's a endless amount of space out there that we havent discovered , there many be other planets beyond our sight that have the living conditions similar to earth which would allow evoulution.....we are not alone.......if they are peaceful we be ok if all else fails we go halo on thier a$$es
  10. face it we (the entire game community) got duped. no console, no handheld, no shenmue III. consider it an internet rumor life lesson i thought shenmue 3 was gonna be on xbox........?
  11. nintendo is screwed, i wonder how devil may cry would look......
  12. ......................damn that was good
  13. as my friends always say "wham bam thank you mam'am" yet again there retarted..... try it and see how it goes i guess
  14. nah im not a drunkard ive only been drunk once becuase i aciddenlty drank some achol im to young to drink and i dont even want to. im only 13......lol i think it was the medicine i took this morning
  15. ahh psp is gonna win , nintendo is gonna be pumping more kiddy and family games........psp will have good games like socom and grand turismo ( atleast i think) bttr specs as well.....then again that's my opinion n-gage was the worst thing ever.....
  16. hmmm........a trucking game where you pump out poop out of portopotties while defending the unvierse from aliens...........damn i feel drunk
  17. Let me guess, they call you lazy and always tell you crap about your ways? thats my situtation , there always stop playing xbox , go outside , dont eat that churro , get off of those forums! yea but its all cool
  18. nah........but you made me notice something he has a redneck!
  19. ummmmmmmm intresting yet disgusting.............*sneaks over to blockbuster*
  20. coach is satan if you talk to him he will snap back at you and give you detention and iss the coach plays around with him , one time he made him tie his shoe and wouldnt stop bothering him about it until he did it i couldnt stop it myself but i did talk to the nurse about it and filed a report
  21. gangster name? lol no , i personally know him becuase i work in the nurse's office and we give him his medication i think he getting sued That is gangster. You cut peoples heads off like a samurai with a name like that. What do you do in the nurses office? What are the benifits of working there? lol , well there's not much benefit , free pepperments , crusing around the hallway , and a free easy 100......... im still in 8th grade going to high school........very scared
  22. gangster name? lol no , i personally know him becuase i work in the nurse's office and we give him his medication i think he getting sued
  23. hahhahahah lmao
  24. i was in p.e and in the locker room changing and there was this special ed kid named tunji he was mentally disabled but still had to attend certain classes. i saw the coach put him in a closet and turned off the lights and locked him in. he cried and was scared until they let him out. information about the incident soon leaked out and the next day he wasnt there.....we still dont know what happend to him there was a rumor he got abuducted by aliens and another about his grandma being sick......if you had the choice would you suspend him or fire him? i would fire his a$$ personally , that was harsh for tunji
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