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Everything posted by Madi

  1. ok , my first one i created sucked so , lets try another made up game........... this you play as a chicken who likes n sync who has to take on britney spears and her silicone minions....... this one wasnt very good either im out of ideas,if anyone could come up with a came please do lol
  2. well its sort of like it , its not a actual game....im making it up and you name it
  3. bah i felt bored so i wanted to start a topic......here's how it goes , im going to make up a game and you get to name it so here goes......... a co-op arcade game where you and your friend play as 2 chicks in bikini's takin on the evil cooperation ,SNOOPI. side scroller. lol this is so random
  4. me too lol im the only person in my entire family who wants to go , lol but i would like to stay in here in houston , texas........just move a lil bit so i can get dsl
  5. if you right click on where his avatar and sig should be and you highlight the link and go to it you see it just fine after that lol
  6. if you have the pics on you computer you could make them as attachments and put them up on my website if you want or just pm them to me
  7. wtf? are you serious? does it say that now? its been like that for quite somewhile....lol sorry for that ill nino is still a good metal band.....
  8. 11 pm when i got school , 6am when im playing halo or mtg , 12pm on the weekends where i just sit around listening to music , mainly ill nino or adema
  9. i liked confession it had some good songs , revoulution was awesome but they used to sound really good when they were undergroung and they had a different singer if you listen to " circle the drain " or " down on me" youll see what i mean..........lol i was wondering why confession was $9.99 and revoultion revoultion was $13.99 at best buy
  10. i hate punk becuase they all sound the same........i especailly hate weird al i hate i so much..arrggg
  11. ill nino is friggin awesome , there my favorite band Weirdanzeige i think you listen to them there hispanic , its nothing like that other stuff vamos a bailar!
  12. lol did u watch snl that way funny everyone was just staring at her, meh celebirtys suck i would just go out with someone around here too much media
  13. geogre lopez is my favorite "mexi-can" pride!
  14. rock i hate everything else.......bad lyrics......
  15. i hate anything but rock , alternative or heavy metal , punk is so gay.......... i hate rap alot mainly because i cant understand it , the lyrics are bad ( milkshake! shake it right thurr! ) bah.....i also hate musica mexicana , i mean im mexican but geez i find it way annyoing..................vamos a bailar, vamos a bailar duduududududu
  16. "You have just made the worst mistake of your life. You hear someone in the crowd shout "Hey, that guy just DUMPED A BEER on the FLOOR!!!!!! The crowd frenzies. Your feeble attempts to beg for mercy are ignored, as the crowd shreds you into a thousand bloody pieces. " damn i hate pple who drink or do drugs..........
  17. me and my friend are going to do something similar to this but we plan to be funnier ill most likly post the vid here as soon as were done
  18. these look better than the one at mexico then again they dont have xbox bootlegs
  19. cool i just noticed how to change it hehe i like cookies
  20. holy crap! gimme!
  21. what does smoking have to do with anything?!?!? anyways be sure to drink plenty of water during those long gaming binges. wouldn't want you to die like those evercrack fools. i drink sobe, coke, or red bull or a mix of all 3 games have a different affect on differnet types of pple
  22. Heck yeah! Capcom forever! psshh so what? i dont see anything new like snk has been making capcom is old news snk 4 life ! i admit i do like ken but he cant compete with k', iori or kyo
  23. omg! i dont know what to feel k' looks so damn good...............its a shame this has to go on ps2 since it graphics suck.....ill wait till ps 3
  24. i play for many reasons most bragging rights but the top proirity is beating the crap out of him....he talks way to much smack
  25. not only that but you can select not to share and not show your list my vote is No, most of my music collections come from using mirc damn i could never firgure out how to dl a file from there i used ircspy.com to find a program for my xbox and it just opened up the irc............then my mirc trial ran out..........are there any free programs to get the mirc to dl?
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