hmm ninja gaiden and prince of persia both games piss me off and i love them for that ahem: ninja gaiden 1.bosses very very very very hard let's see there's nunchaku dood that throws you across the screen, samurai on horse with a large sword, fat guy with a huge gun, weird octupus thingy, hard black ninja with the explosives, that huge skelton, the dragon my god i dont know how many times i got swallowed and i saw ryu die still trying to hold its fangs from killing him, umm alma aka booty lady aka ***** f**** b**** it took me 4ever, o yea the fighter jet with machine guns and missles that hurt, and lots of others POP: i hate dying anf the traps are hard and the puzzle with the axles o well im at 95% damn its really hard without the dagger lol