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Everything posted by Madi

  1. hmm ninja gaiden and prince of persia both games piss me off and i love them for that ahem: ninja gaiden 1.bosses very very very very hard let's see there's nunchaku dood that throws you across the screen, samurai on horse with a large sword, fat guy with a huge gun, weird octupus thingy, hard black ninja with the explosives, that huge skelton, the dragon my god i dont know how many times i got swallowed and i saw ryu die still trying to hold its fangs from killing him, umm alma aka booty lady aka ***** f**** b**** it took me 4ever, o yea the fighter jet with machine guns and missles that hurt, and lots of others POP: i hate dying anf the traps are hard and the puzzle with the axles o well im at 95% damn its really hard without the dagger lol
  2. bah! i played the 1st one and got bored..........ninja gaiden was so much better than this and its actually satisfying when you beat it............believe me ps: i didnt feel like positng ovr 100 lol
  3. 1.halo ( i love moddin it haha ) 2.raw 2 ( it was ok ) 3.that simpsons game is sweet i dont know anymore
  4. thanks for the info prican I wouldn't go near the silent scope gun, number one it looks silly as hell. and I ain't paying 50 bucks for a light gun, hell I rarely pay that for a game. I was just thinking of one of those 20 dolla blasters. yea i was gonna buy the rifle either im getting a berrta
  5. same here i fixing on getting the gun and house of the dead 3 and silent scope
  6. can someone post a screen?
  7. i cant wait till advent rising comes out it looks freaking cool and just might give halo a good kick in the jewels!
  8. the nest saga was ok i like the music they had in 01' i hope the have some good techno in this title! or some good music, hopefully rock music lol i liked 00' music it had a nice jumpy tune to it new sig and avatar woot!
  9. i ran ( so far away ) from bowling for soup orgianlly sang by flock of seagulls it has a nice rock tune to it and i luv rock
  10. yippe i luv k' and rock
  11. how bout happy if kyo's in then ioris gotta defintly be in there i just hope it isnt like the arcade versions were he look baddass when he just standing then on crack when he moves
  12. even more screenies! (theres a limit on how many pics you can put up per post )
  13. whoopie! new screens ! so we've all seen those weird pics of the gangstersbug deal...time to get to the classics! terry,athena, yuri, clark, ralf, leona, and ryo are in! omg omg omfg! kyo's in!. new people lien and mingnon. its looking really pretty got these from gametab.com! forgive me if this is too long heh! i cant wait hehe and if these pics have been posted tell me so i can delte my post
  14. dvd! you mean like a movie! 4 me: 1.halo 2 2. halo editing kit ( i love modin ) 3.anything thing to do with kof 4.next ill nino, linkin park and adema cd!
  15. sounds intresting.....me wantie haha where can i get it?
  16. i know how you feel i want dsl too i want a cookie! there the best!
  17. where the heck do you get a clip of that??????? humanity seems disoriented and feeding off of violence bad bad people cant we all just live long happy lives?
  18. family guy! lol i dont watch anything else............i remember the first episode oh no! oh no! ( kool aid man comes in ) o yea!!!!!!! lmao i was laughing for 10min straight and i usally laugh in the middle of class thinking about it
  19. i could never find the roms for that lol my gba got stolen and all i have is the game...i think i know who it is its my cousin! lol still trying to find out anyways... i loved it kof on the go! i wanted k'...........but iori will do hehe
  20. where is kusangi anyways i have my bios on debug and i can only get to rugal...help heh
  21. re4! i dont do the cube' though so ill pass....one question how can that leon live when he got friggin sliced with a chainsaw? lol i must have stared at that pic in my gameinformer for like 3 min. and why arent they zombies? this makes it very intresting
  22. i think half life is gonna be ported to xbox as well ( i think ) halo is friggin sweet its just simply fun ( espcially modding it ) watch halo 2 is gonna be the best im also keeping a eye on advent rising and chronicles of riddick edit: half-life 2 will be on xbox
  23. madienmasher- iori ( i love iori ) heat, heaven, chain drives by k' there also some other cool moves by iori but i dont know jap. here they are San Shingi Kore Futtatsu - that one is soo cool Ura 316 Shiki Saika-sweet........
  24. xbox because u can run emu's on it and i think its cheaper at the moment..ps2 has crappy loading times not to mention graphics as well
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