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Everything posted by Madi

  1. It has to make them buy the system to be a killer app , not just look good note: Wario ware is fun , but my friend bought the Sims..........grrr
  2. Showering at night keeps me awake O.0 , I take showers in the morning to wake me up , plus i gotta make my hair look good now
  3. FREE MONEY $$ Personally i think its gonna boil down to Me vs Z-Neo
  4. My hd is so messed up it starts to freeze and crash , im so mad , but atleast i can get a new one
  5. I went to the movies to go see it ,it was ok , i could go either way on the adding of depth to the past of willy wonka,The Oompa Loompas were pretty messed up
  6. has anybody played splinter cell ds?i thought that would be a killer app , but it was kinda crappy, Infact both handhelds need killer apps
  7. I loved how peter snuck lois out of jail. Rofl!
  8. every 2 days i remember the most i went without showering was like 3 weeks dont ask
  9. Well it did say he admitted he was a Playstation fan
  10. DOH! i meant pocket fighter! Mag and i play it on kia sometimes, EVIL FAN OF DEATH!
  11. ^^^ reminds me of Why are you Crying HAHAH Family Guy is my favorite , i liked it from the beginning even before all the craze set it and fox made the stupid misake of canceling it twice i was sooo mad at them
  12. 1King of fighters 99-2k3 2.Street fighter 2 and 3: Third Strike 3.Dead or Alive 4.Puzzle Fighter 5.Guilty Gear XX
  13. Ill kill him i swear i will Have these people heard of furniture? Its really great.
  14. Gamesurge pride baby!
  15. Yes i think it deserves its own forum , the handheld section , plus im kinda tired going to psphacker forums. I actually know alot about psp emulation , haha maybe i could help out
  16. I like it , now only if i can get $60 to buy a nin hoodie..........
  17. Me , but xs semi sucks for emu support
  18. There still making another splinter cell *_*
  19. Advent rising! The story was the best part of the game , it had so many cool twists and stuff.Pulling your borther torugh the psace station was awesome.
  21. go in the middle and get a psp
  22. it had to be this early ? ill probibly be sleepin............................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  23. *hears dueling banjos in the distance*
  24. softmods dont always conclude to tsop...............me = audio hack
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