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Everything posted by Madi

  1. i cant wait till i burn the lil people......Bao still getting burned BURRRRN!!!!
  2. i got lost ina supermarket and cried my ass off till they found me FIN
  3. Lol Mag and i killed agozers army.....
  4. $9 dollar 56k....................................I hate you all......
  5. Yeah you might wanna head over to the Xbox forum......not DSEMU...........
  6. i got to the taco bell next to the gym......does that count?
  7. i suggest that these chars be banned: BISON BLANKA E HONDA >_< GAH I HATE YOU
  8. You should buy it , then i could kick your butt on live
  9. Keep joining it takin use awhile too
  10. Game: Street Fighter Anniversary Collection System: Xbox , PS2 Emulators: SF2 can be played on : Mame , FBA , Kawaks , Zinc. Edit: SF3 can be emulated on chankast *I dont use it since my pc is crappy and i forgot * Note: This review was fueled by Special K cereal bars and Coffee and my dev xbox The whole she-bang in a paragraph: SFA brings back memories from the good ol days of kickin your best friends ass. All the pokin , fireballs , specials , and uppercuts are back.This collection includes 2 of the greatest SF games ever : Street Fighter 2 :(Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II Championship Edition, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo) and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, all for a price you can afford,$30.Its also a great way for people who lived under a rock who didnt play SF to finally join in. *OOOOOOOH YEAH!!!!!* In this collection many extras are added in such as a gallery mode , The SF2 anime movie , and online gameplay mode.Online gameplay mode is avaliable via Xbox Live and is not included in the ps2 version. The games: Once the game has booted you are presented with this lovely screen , which lets you choose which SF you want to play. Street Fighter 2 allows you to play all the characters from all the SF2'S incluiding Akuma ( not shown...) In the player selcection screen you can choose which variant of SF2 to play , it is also possible to mix and match the different games. For example : SF2 Turbo Ryu can fight Champion Ed. Ken The gameplay has almost been untouched , excluding some graphics updates. The controls are the same , but i suggest getting a aracade stick because the xbox controller sucks for fighting games. *HA! TAKE THAT AXL !* Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike offers a handful of features. The Grade Judge System , Parry , Super art moves ( you pick your special move) , and the Leap attack. SF3 is more stylish and flashy , and a bit more complicated than the other any other SF , its beautiful to watch and play. Chracters include :Urien, Necro, Ibuki, Sean, Alex, Yang, Twelve, Makoto, Q, Remy, Yun, Hugo, Elena , Dudley, Oro , Gill , Ken, Ryu, Akuma, and Chun-Li. Despite some character changes , there is still some of the old SF 2 goodness in SF3. Alex is like Zangief , Remy is like Guile , Duley is like Balrog , just to name a few resembelences. Summary: I personally enjoyed this collection and i thought it was a great way to relive the old on the new systems. It goes to show , a game doesnt have to be 3d to be good. Controls: 8.0* (10)** ( * using an xbox controller) (**Using an arcade stick) Gameplay: 9.2 Good ol classics can really never get boring Graphics: 9.0 Perfect emulation of the games with some good eye candy Sound: 9.0 Original soundtracks are good but SF3's music seems to be missing something... maybe its the rap? Overall Score: 8.8 /9.3 Grade: A Dont kill me.......
  11. hey could we do like bets on credits ?i bet 500 creds Axl loses to drake
  12. In New York? lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Look in the right places
  13. *hands out flowers* >_<
  14. i played it , it was pretty good , but it was kinda no challange and somewhat short.......but hey theres the threesome! which makes it all worthwhile.............
  15. remember to buy bootlegs !!
  16. Oddworld stranger meh its ok , gun play is good , being outnumbered and hunting ammo somewhat sucks SF:Third Strike , i can say this is my favorite sf ever and gill sucks
  17. can i get my named changed to just Madi?
  18. if i somehow beat magnis , ill make it a good one , i gaureentee it
  20. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...opic=10759&st=0 This thread , i got a new jacket..... i hate that gray one...........
  21. For most of us unlucky folk , we cannot afford/aquire highspeed internet at the time , but we still want to enjoy the great feeling of online play via kaillera/emulinker , so here are some tips from me 1. Dont have programs open - This means your messengers , p2ps , web browsers.etc..... 2.Delete spyware , it causes lag since it uses your connection and is also annoying while mid game , no one likes it when your playing and a big ad comes up telling you your weenie is too small and you need viagra....XD i reccomend spybot : http://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/ 3. When playing on kaillera , set your connection type to : low ( 12 keyframes per sec) 4.Avoid servers where your ping is over 210ms ( for best results) The lower the better 5.Dont mess around with any other program while playing , and dont configure your emulator during ingame for very long , it will dsync 6. It is possible to play without dsyncing , simply keep playing and dont bring up any other programs 7.Make sure your connection speed is around or above 35kbps , i get around 34-42kbps *if im lucky * If not dial in again till your connection speed is better 8.Have fun.....
  22. could we possibly do this next? teams of 2 would be cool
  23. i find it ironic that magnis and i were playing metal slug 2 and mag goes " ITS AGOZER!!" and then kill t3h mummies...... anyways happy b day!
  24. Axl is not a lag whore , i was hosting with 56k just now and me and him played smooth as a babys ass 155ms was my ping and his was 203 YOUR TEH L@G WHORE and those were the best sf games ever! i won btw 15-13
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