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Everything posted by 028

  1. also go SLOW, check everything your doing twice and read the readmes over twice hell three times if you have too. when it comes to the daxr file. it's best to make your own. unless your pretty sure and turst your source man. if it's the wrong daxr file your bricked bro. not to scare you but your better off knowing then guessing. the whole thing is super dead easy after you've gotten your self to firmware 1.5. shouldn't take too long. but read the readme line for line man. and answer Mooney question. thats something you should know before you even start out on this road.
  2. the guys on fire man he's on v.0.5.1 now and he got a previews otpion as well as fixing the saves names. damn slick.
  3. nice i just started trying this one out yesterday. i do like the custom options for game save and backgrounds. makes my psp soo much better. at first i thought to my self do i really care about ps1 games on the go. but after trying it i'm hooked only problem now is finding the time for the games. hot damn there on v.0.4 do you know if it improved the speed of the conversions at all?
  4. dude that sounds strange. how are you doing the POPStation conversions. are you using a gui or straight command line. and how are you putting them on your memory card. is it in the game folder under it's own folder.
  5. Oh man here are some more for the must revisit list. of the ones that arent listed. Metal gear solid + VR missions Rtype delta Einhinder Vandal hearts 1+2 Silent bomber Ghost in the shell - the one where you’re a fuchicoma. Even though I didn’t like it bushido blade my roommate and friends loved it I don’t understand why but there must have been something there.
  6. Saiyuki: Journey West is gonna be a hard one to find isn't it. looks like i got my work cut out for me if i want that one. again i dunno how i over looked these at all. i'm just not very good at spotting the hidden gems i guess, or should broaden the places i goto for news on games.
  7. Kartia looks awsome, how the hell did i ever miss this one. as for arc the lad thats going on the list. i never did play any of those, but i suppose there must be something to them if it has the following that it does. Disoblige thank you for the suggestions. agian Kartia looks awsome.
  8. hell yea! this is what we need! i remeber playing oh so many games but i can't recall them all. oh the wo's. don't forget puzzle fighter devil dice! i remember the pain those games brought me and my roommate. puzzle fighter because it eventually got you pissed off enough and my brain melting from the dice.
  9. So after new firmware upgrade and a little bit of tinkering I found my self looking for some things to play or get around to trying . I love srpgs but sadly other than the basics Vandel hearts 1 and 2 and ff tactics what else is there any one know? More or less I’m looking for some srpg recommendations. It doesn’t have to be ps1 only hell I can go gba, nds, snes or ps2, just preferably ps1 and gba games. More or less I’m looking for the same type of game. Yes I know I need to branch out but I can’t help it. I dunno why I get so addicted to these games. But the whole midevil fantasy anime type srpg is what I’m looking for. Any help is well appreciated. Thanks guys. Now back to spectral souls
  10. some quick little gems for you all silent bomber and r-type delta. oh don't for get Einhander we should make a new thred for this games to re-visit on your psp.
  11. no!!! Taiko Drum Master for psp kicks ass, songs aren't that bad and the minigames are sooo good. you haven't played takio till you played the summo game multiplayer. sooo good.
  12. anyone know if there is a compatibility list anywhere for MVSpsp like the one on maxconsole for cps2 games? or do all the games work but they just have to be mame dumps?
  13. nice thanks for the heads up
  14. Mooney this was what i was looking for. thank you thank you
  15. this is my first time with the firmware and so far it's doing me good. although i do miss devhook and this is because, i don't understand and don't have enough info on it yet.( i know it will work on my firmware but I want to get more info before I try it. like whats the devhook re-flasher folder for?) i like everything so far athough never having SE-B to compare it too prob doesn’t help answer your question. but it seems he's pushing the modules. i think that’s where it'll get really interesting. sucks about the lamers messing with his name. though. i just checked his site and he seems really down. if your reading this Dark Alex keep up the good work man f the lamers briking psp. it's just plain dirty.
  16. hey just wanted to know what games people were playing on ka xlinki, not the games we are trying to play, god i've spent some time on sfa3 to no avail. seems like monster hunter is big on kai. any how i just wanted to compile a list of playable games on kai. i know the site has a list of games that everyone says works but do they really. i've spent some times with a bunch of them and it seems like they never work or the rooms are just empty. yes i know that this could mean the games might suck, but damn it be nice to have a list to refer to that we know works.
  17. wait till you do a group beatdown man, it great. brings a smile to my face everytime.
  18. 1. More SRPS 2. should be matte black f the gloss. 3. more infrastructure games 4. it needs a better browser 5. that keypad nonsense blows give me a real on screen keyboard not a numpad. there are plenty of things i don't like about my psp but games are the lest of my worries i don’t know understand why this is a problem, but I do understand the other side of the argument, I just don’t agree. I own both a psp and a ds and i have to say i do play my psp more than my ds. it boils down to the type of games you like. i like tekken and streetfighter, and rpgs, as my pick up and go games this is something i would never be happy with on my ds (except the rpgs you can finds a slew of them on the ds). however if i want to play games with other people who aren't into the games, the ds hits the spot. i'm not saying one is better than the other just that if you don't like the type of games you find on a psp and you want games like Mario, Wario Ware and Cooking momma, (because work time fun is the worst thing ever made) maybe you should look into a ds. Every time I walk into a gamestop or an eb it’s the same (maybe I’m too picky and broke) but I don’t even want ¾ of the games I see for both systems that I see on the wall. that said don't for get about taiko. sooo good. As far as the this wasn’t the first time it was closed down. If I recall I think big old MS and Nintendo had a hand in shuting them down last time, but they came back a few months later. If you want imports there plenty of places playasia for one or if your in a city in the US, check out your local Chinatown or anime shop. What I do want more of if anything else on the psp is more 2 ½ d games. I had a chance to check out the megamans and ghost and globlins and was very impressed. I hope that they make a castleviana for the psp some time. it would just look sweet on the psp.
  19. nice i hope it doesn't let you down, I’ve been sickly addicted to it for some time now. the one big thing you have to keep in mind is it just dumps you into the middle of things with not explanation. It took me sometime before I knew what and when to use all the commands like hold and charge. Even the in game tutorials and videos weren't really helpful. I believe it was this and the load times that gave it such a sour score. But after the third battle and forth battle I began to understand. It's set up slightly different from the other srpg but not by much. Give it some time like I said and you'll see that it's really one of the best srpgs to date.
  20. i just found this today, granted no ones prob cares. this game got really bad grades everywhere but if you gave it some time and got past the loadtimes it's trully one of the best srpgs i've played to date. http://ruliweb.dreamwiz.com/data/rulinews/read.htm?num=14852 any how i had to share. 028
  21. I have a bunch of games but to tell you the truth my gems are these SFA3Max Taiko Drum Master Tekken DR field commander lumines burnout these I play and replay and Taiko never leaves my side. I would like to have streetfighter by my side more often but it not as fun by your self and not many around me have it or are into it. But by far it is my fighting game of choice. Tekken does the job for now because it’s got the game sharing and loads quick. Ahhh soul caliber you know it’s coming. This is what I’m currently playing Spectral Souls This is good. I didn’t like it at first and the story and load times hurt a lot. But stick with it. It’s good. I love srpgs. And this one is good. At first I thought it was way too complicated but after three battles you get the mechanics of the fights and what to do. After that like any srpg you get into the power up and destroy all in my path mode. Disgaea will be good. I think this is the best type of game for a portable system. Now if it where only two player.
  22. 028


    yea i got mine when i first got my lite. now i wished i would of waited. it does stick out quite a bit. but it'll have to do till for now. the new lite adapters look nice though, but i have a feeling there will be more ds cart size adapters comming soon.
  23. 028


    i have the m3 mini sd with the pass 3 card. it works fine on my lite. i belive it should work for you also. but maybe you can get another person here to chime in also to confirm. i know mine works but i don't know much about the gba homebrew scene at all.
  24. it's just so damn painful with the bountou, i just want them to fight and get it all over with. i know it's asking for a bit much, but i really do hope they give us some good fights at the end of this damn arc. the last two eps have been really painful. every time there is a new ep, i hope someone will finally die or at least get in a real fight, and every time all they do is talk, and talk. i know you herd it all before i just had to get it off my chest.
  25. damn, I can't say that doesn’t frustrate me at all, I will have to just deal, despite all it's flaws I do enjoy it. I will have to learn my air juggles well and pay attention to what hits are launchers. not every 3d fighter can be a good as soulcalibur (yes i know its far from perfect it just plays so well) . but this does do me good for the time being. I will have to work a lot harder now that you all have posted ghosts at such levels. Tekken Lord, damn you all, look at you guys, bastards, very envious.
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