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Everything posted by HK$

  1. Not finished yet, the neogeo source code have been changed a lot in the recent mame releases, I have to merge them in to MAMEoX128 Plus!.
  2. Yeah, games that are marked with adult or mature in catver.ini will be filtered if you enable adult game filter mode. If you enable non-adult game filter mode, there will only be adult games left in the rom list. I dont make skins, so no new skin will be included unless some one make one for MAMEoX128 Plus.
  3. Some more features come: *MAME flyers, cabinet, titles support. And you can select which image to display in the rom list. *Adult games filter mode and non-adult games filter mode. You can filter out all adult games or all non-adult games in the rom list. Now I need a new skin to release it...
  4. Yes, so I wont change it. The main reason is 4d414d45 is "MAME" in hex value. If you change it to 4d414d46, that is "MAMF"...
  5. Done. But when you disable the start menu, you cant play games with IPS patch, you cant record and replay, you cant view history and mameinfo...
  6. I've tested before, and it does cost some time to decrypt the v roms. But maybe I can build 2 xbe, one with the decrypted v roms for the 'd' sets and one with encrypted v roms. I didnt add nd sets because I dont like to use the decrypted P roms. Some game even dont have correct decrypted P roms (Take garou as an example, it dont have a correct decrypted p rom, FA50E446 is incorrect). So the game feeling maybe different using decrypted p roms.
  7. Yeah, I will update all the neogeo romsets to the latest MAME. For the decrypted romsets, I'd like to use both decrypted C and decrypted V roms, because it will take some time to decrypt the encrypted V roms. But FBA-XXX use only decrypted C roms for the 'd' romsets... I'm thinking of maybe adding an option so that users can choose using which V roms by themselves. So if you select using encrypted v roms, the romset is the same with FBA-XXX Pro.
  8. I do have a plan to include a dat file
  9. "White" button is already used in the launcher. About dis-allowing the "start" button, that is easy, but how can you re-active it without get into the options screen?
  10. These are some of the new features in the next build: *compatible with ips reloaded v2 and display the screenshot of ips patch *supported the single monitor bios for playchoice 10 system, and if you select single monitor bios, you can play playchoice 10 games in full screen *added option and shortcut (press right thumb) to switch full game name (game name and the version) or simple game name (game name only). screenshots: full game name: http://image2.sina.com.cn/gm/tvgame/misc/877990381.JPG after you press right thumb: http://image2.sina.com.cn/gm/tvgame/misc/877990386.JPG *you can view the history and mameinfo of the game you select in the launcher. screenshot: http://image2.sina.com.cn/gm/tvgame/misc/877990391.JPG *Lots of drivers updated or added
  11. I think it will run well on 64mb xbox, but I havent tested yet.
  12. Some more pics of Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000
  13. Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000 works well, gfx ok, speed ok, sound ok, but no bgm. Raiden Fighters Jet (US, Single Board) works but will crash in game (not the emu crashes) Raiden Fighters 2.1 (US, Single Board) works good, but bad sound. Other seibuspi games work but show checksum error.
  14. No I dont think I misundertood you. I didnt change the background color to black so it's grey around the skin.
  15. I only changed the background color of the TV adjust screen to black so that it's easier to adjust it. In fact I can add the changes which BritneysPAIRS done for MAMEdOX. But I wont. The emus need to have different features. I told you how to fix the vsync because it's a core issue, but the other features I added are not that important as it. If I add all the features of MAMEdOX into MAMEoX128, and you add all the features of MAMEoX128 into MAMEdOX, then what's that? MAMEdOX or MAMEoX128? What's the difference? I think you will agree with me
  16. OK. Maybe v1.6 xbox or softmoded xbox cant use that code...
  17. Mailed, please test them.
  18. This game works fine on 128M XBOX, but needs even more ram than the other 4. Coz it is a dual screen game. Maybe it wont work on 64m, but you can try.
  19. Does it lock up immediately when you run default.xbe or after you press any key? The led color is set to "default" by default, which means it wont run the led color changing code for the first time. So maybe that's not the problem. The SoftDisplayFilter and FlickerFilter code maybe the problem. But I will build two default.xbe for you to test, one without the led code and the other without the SoftDisplayFilter and FlickerFilter code.
  20. sengoku ACE + blade for PS2 use roms too. the gfx rom is the same. the sound rom is removed and use sound track instead to save memory.
  21. Mame can run Street fighter alpha 3 cause it's a CPS2 game, while Street Fighter Zero 3 upper is a NAOMI game. So it's a big no unless one day NAOMI is emulated.
  22. I wont recommend ppl to rename the game names in the source. As it will bring confusing. Ppl wont know which version they are using or they need to use. There will be many boring questions like 'why this game wont work' or 'why it tells me lots of files are missing'. For fixing the tearing problem, just change 'D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE_OR_IMMEDIATE' to 'D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE' in GraphicsManager.h. easy, right?
  23. I was told it was fake hack, maybe made by Creamymami or by somebody else. It's not on CPS2SHOCK, that's for sure. I use it as a ips patch for progear on MAMEoX, without adding it in the source.
  24. Those xor files are fake hack from progear xors, so it's not worth adding it.
  25. Change 'scancount == 240' to 'scancount == 256' and 'force_partial_update(240)' to 'force_partial_update(256)' in cps2.c fixed it.
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