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Everything posted by HK$

  1. whats been added to fba is not SH1, it's a 68K system. After all, FBA is a 68K emu.
  2. Oriental Legends and Knights Of Valor are working in MAMEoX.
  3. I dont need it really
  4. This version is cool. It gets tengai and 1945 working! And added an option to the 68K core. sad no source is released.
  5. It's the manto version. cool
  6. hmmmm... If you change the title of a game in the source, then compile and upload the xbe to XBOX. But without deleting the old DRIVERS.list, then the emulator will display the old game title. So there must be some way to edit it. I dont know how the emulator checks if it was edited though.
  7. FTP to your XBOX get that file on PC and edit it and upload
  8. It's in /E/tdata/4d414d46/SYSTEM/
  9. You can already change the rom title by editing the DRIVERS.list file.
  10. puzzle loop 2 use the same driver as ProGear, so it will work if U replace Mighty Pang (Jap) with puzzle loop 2
  11. When you launch a game/app on the xbox hdd, the folder which the game/app is in is mounted to D:\
  12. Cool! Can you post the source aswell so that I can compile it with my romsets? THX in advance
  13. hi + T +, can you tell me how to remove vmm for some drivers? I have looked into it before but found nothing. I have a 128M XBOX so I'd like to remove the vmm code for most of the drivers.
  14. The correct m1d of ss5spnd is 5fcb8b58, not released...
  15. here's some more prviews. Now you can set your favorite games to another color. The color can be set in skin.ini file. And this is added to simple list too (see pic 2). You can just press right some times to set a game favorite and then it will be colorized/highlighted. I've added an option in rom list options page so that you can enable or disable colorizing the favorite games. You cant set both 'Colorize Favorite roms' and 'Colorize ROM status' to 'Yes'. When you enable one of them, the other will be auto set to 'No'. Note that the main changes r made by ebs(Ebsy), I helped about bug fixing and adding options.
  16. I've tryed it and the gunbird works great! seems that it is smoother than MAMEoX.
  17. Yes, as you can see I added an option to select using screenshots of clone or parent rom. Also added two options to set Flicker filter value (0-5) and soften (enabled/disabled). And also fixed the sortMode problem. enjoy!
  18. also for sengoku3.zip? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sengoku 3 (encrypted Cx) isn't supported. Btw, if I update all the sets, I 'll have to update all the Neo*Geo sets to match MAME, Winkawaks & FBa indeed : 3countb aof3 blazstar goalx3 kabukikl kotm2 lastblad magdrop3 mslug neobombe neodrift ninjamas pulstar ragnagrd rbffspec samsho3 samsho4 shocktro sonicwi3 ssideki4 turfmast twinspri tws96 wakuwak7 whp wjammers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have updated them already look here: guess I need to update some more?
  19. Bendermameox use decrypted c roms but encrypted v roms for nd sets.
  20. It's not my code acctrully. It's taken form a previous version MAMEoX. I just found out what is causing the problem. I'm not a expert programmer neither but a compiler myself. So I need to comunicate with the others and share the skills. For the neogeo bios settings update, my code is based on BenderMame0X. I just rewrote some code to let you press left or right to select previous or next bios, not only press A to select bioses one by one. And add some bioses support, and changed from "bios=13" to "NeogeoBios=13" in the ini file by editing the MAMEoXUnit.cpp file. I think that's better. I think you can do it yourself. or I can post the code after I get home some day later. In order to keep the xbe smaller to save memory, I dont add any bootleg or hack neogeo romsets. BritneysPAIRS I will add your msn after get home aswell
  21. OK, I will do what I can to help. Hostly I'd like to make my own build because I dont want some of the changes you made to MAMEoX (such as the VMM changes and.72 driver for MK) and my XBOX have 128m memory so my changes are for better use of it. And I dont use any s roms in my neogeo drivers. Except for kof2003d I use the correct 1m s rom instead of the two 16m c roms (c5,c6) to save memory so that it dont need VMM. I've already posted some compiling and coding skills in the forum to comunicate with the others, but no one cares http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11630
  22. I think it's a problem. Because if it is not a problem, when you set frameskip to off, the game will play more slowly, and the sound should play more slowly as well. The game and the sound will keep sync so there wont be any issues but only some slowdown.
  23. If you set frameskip to off, many games have this sound issues. Just try gunbird and you will notice it too, maybe some games are not noticeable. I think this is a problem of MAMEoX, not only BenderMAMEoX. In my build I have this problem too. Just set frameskip to auto
  24. Anyone get luck to use unibios on kawa-x? I edited KAWA-X to load uni-bios.20 instead of sp-s2.sp1, but I can only get this screen which said illegal instruction :
  25. for what? Mr. X already told you what to do if you want the game to run <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah..it's beyond easy to do..basically...just rename the roms in progear to match the roms in mighty pang...then rename the progear zip file to mpangj..and that's it. It took me all of five minutes.. btw Mr. X..I noticed that the sound effect of the coins/gems being leeched is missing..would that have to do with the two extra sims you have to rename in the progear file?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To recover the missing sounds due to missing samples : in the xbe file, U 've to edit the size allocated for samples in mpangj roms detail, then add 2 roms like samples 5a & 5b in roms detail & type roms images names for 6a & 6b samples in the region where there 'r names of roms for cps1 & 2 games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, you can change the memory region value and the rom size value in the xbe. The key word is 11300 if I dont remember wrong .And the file format is almost the same with MAME source code. I have used this method to make a version that supports the redumped neogeo games. So if you use the mame set of MSLUG with kawa-x it will work fine. As KAWA-X is not continued (Yes I know the updated version that Irez has ) so I have posted a link to the xbe I edited, but was deleted by Prican25 because of the forum rule Yes, I thought progear will work if U replace Mighty Pang (Jap) with ProGear, because they use the same MAME driver. But I hadnt tried it because I have my MAMEoX build to play it. Now that I know it works I will get progear on KAWA-X. THX
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