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Everything posted by HK$

  1. If you add banned neogeo drivers to MAMEoX, DONT release it to the public. MAMEoX is still an active project, do you want it to stop developing as FBAx and KAWA-X? Get source code and compile youself, and then keep it to yourself. That my thought.
  2. Try disable frameskip, you may notice some slow down, especially if there are lots of bullet on the screen. So if you enable frameskip, there will be some frameskip. Or you can press F11 with a USB keyboard to check the frameskip.
  3. Well, I added it to MAMEoX already, and works great except some frameskip. And it should use sgemf input instead of 19xx input in your driver. Because MAME 0.90 is out and added this driver along with another set progeara(not working, no xor released), and use sgemf input_port.
  4. I'd like to add original games only to keep the xbe smaller, no hacks and bootlegs. BTW, this version also have these bugs the same as FBA-XXX 9-18: The unibios setting not saved. The replay not work (at least on my 128M memory XBOX) The bENABLE128M bug. Is kof2003 driver for FBA still not work? I've added the kof2003 driver for MAME into MAMEoX, and it works fine on my 128m memory XBOX.
  5. is GOGO's 2-11 source code released?
  6. Which CPS1/CPS2 roms 'R changed in the new MAME?
  7. When compiling this: UINT8 *s1 = memory_region( REGION_GFX1 ); size_t s1_size = memory_region_length( REGION_GFX1 ); I got these error: src\drivers\neogeo.c(7112) : error C2275: 'UINT8' : illegal use of this type as an expression ../MAMEoX\Includes\osd_cpu.h(33) : see declaration of 'UINT8' src\drivers\neogeo.c(7112) : error C2065: 's1' : undeclared identifier src\drivers\neogeo.c(7113) : error C2275: 'size_t' : illegal use of this type as an expression C:\Program Files\Microsoft Xbox SDK\xbox\include\StdDef.h(112) : see declaration of 'size_t' src\drivers\neogeo.c(7113) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 's1_size' src\drivers\neogeo.c(7113) : error C2144: syntax error : '<Unknown>' should be preceded by '<Unknown>' src\drivers\neogeo.c(7113) : error C2144: syntax error : '<Unknown>' should be preceded by '<Unknown>' src\drivers\neogeo.c(7113) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'identifier' src\drivers\neogeo.c(7113) : error C2065: 's1_size' : undeclared identifier
  8. I got lots of errors compiling them into MAMEoX.
  9. I think it's not allowed to link to the xbe directly, but it's OK to link to a website witch have the download. Such as xbox-scene link to gueux.be.
  10. I ve alread added the driver to MAMEoX with the decrypted m1 and v1 and it works great. Loads quickly on my 128M RAM xbox(no need VMM).
  11. Let's stop adding new games, there r other things to do. EG, fix the rompath.ini bug, add 512K s1 (these must require asm knowledge), and change the romsets to match MAME/MAME32plus! Here's a page about what I've made right now(with download as well): *nope*
  12. I add samsho5 and samsh5nd drivers to FBAx and both get bank error. But I add samsh5nd to mameox and it works perfectly
  13. OK, I got the kawaks1.48/dev decrypted samsho5 work with mameox too, which always give you a bank error with FBAx. pic: But for the kawaks1.48/dev encrypted samsho5, I got this screen below. I think there's some problem with the c rom decrypting.
  14. Yes, gunbird2, 1945II, 1945III, dragonblaze dont work even with 128m ram. So I guess Daraku Tenshi which is use the same sh2 cpu wont work.
  15. Read this thread: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=98909 I got the chips from a broken xbox, and found a people have the skills to add it for me...
  16. OK, I tried adding kof2003 driver to MAMEoX. And it works perfectly on my 128m ram xbox. It's very hard to add other new drivers, but not hard to add neogeo drivers. pics:
  17. I will try adding neogeo drivers to mameox, but it's not as easy as fbax.
  18. Which 30 roms are the new rom set of MAME? And whats the rom name of them to seperate from the old roms? I would like to have old and new drivers at the same time
  19. I tried adding samsho Kawaks 1.48 Dev set driver before, but got bank error after loading rom. read this thread: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...topic=7110&st=0
  20. It compiles fine for me. You have to edit the.vcproj and specify where nasm is.
  21. I download some neogeo cheat codes and it works for me.
  22. Maybe they forgot to add gogo's "final fix for cps1 sound", we can add it ourselves
  23. FBA dont use m roms?
  24. Well, the link works for me. I will see if I can find a place to upload the v1 and v2. You can try the driver with the decrypted rom set first.
  25. here is the link that contain both encrypted and decrypted roms. It's big. You can use apps that can download specific files form zip file.
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