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Everything posted by HK$

  1. Only m1 is missing in the encrypted set.
  2. I compiled FBA-XXX with this driver, but I could only get bank error warning after loading rom...Anyone have the same problem?
  3. I hope there would be a unofficial version that support ISO/BIN images now that lantus wont do that
  4. So if the rom set matches the dat from kawaks 1.48 dev, we can say it's a original version(not bootleg) such as kof2003? And is this the FBA driver for this samsho5 version? // Samurai Shodown 5 static struct BurnRomInfo samsho5RomDesc[] = { {"270-p1.bin", 0x400000, 0x4a2a09e6, 0x10}, // 0 68K code {"270-p2.bin", 0x400000, 0xe0c74c85, 0x10}, // 1 {"270-c1.bin", 0x800000, 0xd2f25449, 1}, // 2 Sprite data {"270-c2.bin", 0x800000, 0x42213a1a, 1}, // 3 {"270-c3.bin", 0x800000, 0x838f0260, 1}, // 4 {"270-c4.bin", 0x800000, 0x32193104, 1}, // 5 {"270-c5.bin", 0x800000, 0x789e8bea, 1}, // 6 {"270-c6.bin", 0x800000, 0x98f5baac, 1}, // 7 {"270-c7.bin", 0x800000, 0xd28fbc3c, 1}, // 8 {"270-c8.bin", 0x800000, 0xc13281aa, 1}, // 9 {"270-m1d.bin", 0x020000, 0x18114FB1, 0x10}, // 10 Z80 code (decrypted) // {"270-m1.bin" , 0x040000, 0xe4a5ab0c, 0x10}, // 10 {"270-v1d.bin", 0x800000, 0xe5c71699, 2}, // 10 Sound data {"270-v2d.bin", 0x800000, 0x70b7083d, 2}, // 11 // {"270-v1.bin" , 0x800000, 0x7541763a, 2}, // 12 // {"270-v2.bin" , 0x800000, 0x4e6e7d98, 2}, // 13 }; STDROMPICKEXT(samsho5, samsho5, neogeo); STD_ROM_FN(samsho5); static void samsho5Decrypt() { *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xEC98)) = 0x4E71; // MVS protection *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xEC9A)) = 0x4E71; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EC2)) = 0x7CCC; // menu AES color text fix *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EC4)) = 0x1DC7; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7ECA)) = 0x2DB0; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7ECE)) = 0x4C90; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7ED2)) = 0x4C60; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7ED6)) = 0x6B30; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EE2)) = 0x7CCC; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EE4)) = 0x1BCE; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EEA)) = 0x549D; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EEE)) = 0x117D; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EF2)) = 0x204C; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7EF6)) = 0x302C; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F02)) = 0x7CCC; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F04)) = 0x45B1; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F06)) = 0x14A0; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F08)) = 0x2290; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F0A)) = 0x4390; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F0C)) = 0x2280; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F0E)) = 0x2170; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F12)) = 0x0060; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F16)) = 0x0050; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F18)) = 0x0040; *((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + 0xE7F1C)) = 0x0020; unsigned char* src = Neo68KROM01; unsigned char* dst = (unsigned char*)malloc(0x800000); int sec[] = {0x000000,0x080000,0x700000,0x680000,0x500000,0x180000,0x200000,0x480000,0x30000 0,0x780000,0x600000,0x280000,0x100000,0x580000,0x400000,0x380000}; if (dst) { memcpy(dst,src,0x800000); for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { memcpy(src+i*0x80000,dst+sec[i],0x80000); } free(dst); } } static int samsho5Init() { nNeoProtectionXor = 0x0f; pNeoInitCallback = samsho5Decrypt; return NeoInit(); } struct BurnDriver BurnDrvSamSho5 = { {"samsho5", "Samurai Shodown V", "Japanese title is Samurai Spirits Zero", "Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore", "Neo Geo", "2003", NULL, "neogeo"}, BDF_GAME_WORKING, 2, HARDWARE_SNK_NEOGEO | HARDWARE_SNK_ENCRYPTED_B, NULL, samsho5RomInfo, samsho5RomName, neogeoInputInfo, neogeoDIPInfo, samsho5Init, NeoExit, NeoFrame, NeoRender, NeoScan, &NeoRecalcPalette, nNeoScreenWidth, 224, 4, 3 }; // Samurai Shodown 5 (Decrypted C-ROMs) static struct BurnRomInfo samsh5ndRomDesc[] = { {"270-p1.bin", 0x400000, 0x4a2a09e6, 0x10}, // 0 68K code {"270-p2.bin", 0x400000, 0xe0c74c85, 0x10}, // 1 {"ss5_c1.rom", 0x800000, 0xa2fe269f, 1}, // 2 Sprite data {"ss5_c2.rom", 0x800000, 0xac0309e5, 1}, // 3 {"ss5_c3.rom", 0x800000, 0x8275bb23, 1}, // 4 {"ss5_c4.rom", 0x800000, 0x7a69cc1f, 1}, // 5 {"ss5_c5.rom", 0x800000, 0x5298d011, 1}, // 6 {"ss5_c6.rom", 0x800000, 0xa33c04df, 1}, // 7 {"ss5_c7.rom", 0x800000, 0x61025f97, 1}, // 8 {"ss5_c8.rom", 0x800000, 0xdf3993ce, 1}, // 9 {"270-m1d.bin", 0x020000, 0x18114FB1, 0x10}, // 10 Z80 code {"270-v1d.bin", 0x800000, 0xe5c71699, 2}, // 11 Sound data {"270-v2d.bin", 0x800000, 0x70b7083d, 2}, // 12 }; STDROMPICKEXT(samsh5nd, samsh5nd, neogeo); STD_ROM_FN(samsh5nd); struct BurnDriver BurnDrvSamSh5nd = { {"samsh5nd", "Samurai Shodown V", "Decrypted C-ROMs, Japanese title is Samurai Spirits Zero", "Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore", "Neo Geo", "2003", "samsho5", "neogeo"}, BDF_GAME_WORKING | BDF_CLONE, 2, HARDWARE_SNK_NEOGEO, NULL, samsh5ndRomInfo, samsh5ndRomName, neogeoInputInfo, neogeoDIPInfo, samsho5Init, NeoExit, NeoFrame, NeoRender, NeoScan, &NeoRecalcPalette, nNeoScreenWidth, 224, 4, 3 };
  5. There's a thread about how to merge new mame src to mameox on the official forum of mameox: http://mameox.sourceforge.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=119 It looks rather difficult
  6. I compiled MAMEoX some times too, but it to hard to add dirvers to it
  7. rename kof2k1nd.zip to kof2001d.zip. Should work. I think this is a little bug of fba-xxx
  8. Hey, I fixed your problem, read the post of page 13
  9. What's the diffrence between the MAME set cthd2003 and the one used in FBA before?
  10. Yes I got those errors the first time, but then I fixed that. You have to change the path of the include files. right clink on the project "FBA"(not the solution) > select properties > clink C/C++ > additional include directories > set it to where your xdk include files are, ie. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Xbox SDK\Samples\Xbox\Common\Include I think manto who edit the src installed his xdk on E drive, so he changed the path to E.
  11. The MAME driver of ms5plus was released, I hope iq_132 or someone can figure out one for fba
  12. I've been wondering why you need a pmame.bin for KOF2003b with FBAx while you can simply use the p roms of kof2003b with pc FBA. Shouldnt they be the same? I tried rename kof2003f(include both the p roms of kof2003b and the strange pmame.bin) to kof2003 and load it with FBA-XXX, but it gave me errors said some bios files not found....really strange.
  13. The new version works good, especially the ripping s rom from c roms. s1945p, guroun, and kof2000 work perfectly now. Tough it's a little slow loading rom. The moves some times make my XBOX crash. Maybe it's because I load up the moves when playing a clone rom.
  14. I always look into the source code to see what files I need. Without any trouble uploading and downloading sets
  15. You can use the init of kouryu for turyu as if the rom size is the same. And there wont be any diffrence.
  16. I compiled the latest source too. And I find that he has changed the name of fbaxx.ini to fbaxxx.ini. So rename your fbaxx.ini to fbaxxx.ini will fix your problem.
  17. The source is updated And I think this is the special version:
  18. The format of the ini's changed in this version, you should re-edit it.
  19. They are not tied together, you can set button config for every menu seperatly. In the latest version(12-04-04)
  20. Let's say you want to add ghostlop. You first add "DRV BurnDrvghostlop;" in driverlist.h, then do NOT add " &BurnDrvghostlop," in "struct BurnDriver* pDriver[] = { }" of driverlist.h. But for the official b4, you should add the " &BurnDrvghostlop," in pDriver[] I dont see anything he add at the bottom of driverlist.h. I add some drivers and dont have any problem
  21. In GOGO's version, there's only one place should be added in the driverlist.h
  22. You mean....they will add sega games and psikyo games support in FBA-XXX without a official release of PC FBA ? I cant see his wip pics coz I cant access membres.lycos.fr
  23. A crazy people want to stop lantus from developing b5! http://www.lantus-x.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=947 STOP him!
  24. Yeah! I love Psikyo games!
  25. There are 5 inis. Which should be edit to see the roms? I too put all the roms in KAWA-X dir because only KAWA-X cant change rom dir.
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