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Everything posted by StriderSkorpion

  1. A hydrogen bomb is a nuclear bomb. Instead of fission, like the ones a Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they're fusion. IIRC, they are much more powerful and smaller in size. Oh yeah, when they said they scorched the sky, I thought they meant they used a nuclear bomb. Thus creating fallout and "scorching" the sky. The militaries of the world could've easily created EMP weapons if they thought they needed to fight the robots, they wouldn't be that hard to create. Besides, they only need a small nuke to destroy the robots. They had their own nation, IIRC, which they could've just bombed.
  2. No problem, PRican25. I thought about PMing the link, but I didn't know if those were moderated too or not.
  3. I liked Shareaza for BitTorrent, but sometimes it doesn't always work. For problem torrents and most torrents recently, I used BitTorrent++. It's a memory hog, but it's pretty decent. Oh yeah, if you wanna know your downloads in B/s divide your b/s by 8 (8 bits = 1 byte).
  4. I was just kidding. I wish people followed the "golden rule," but, alas, humans are inherently jerks. If they'd stop being like that maybe we could make a utopian society, but that'd be boring. I usually follow the motto "I do whats I likes and I likes whats I do."
  5. GryphonKlaw, having stupid people as pets would be too much of a chore. You'd have pay real close attention or else they might die or steal your stuff for crack. With pets, at least they can take care of themselves better. Stupid people are likely to crap themselves if you don't teach them how to use the bathroom. Even then, you don't wanna see the bathroom afterwards (ever wonder how public restrooms get so disgusting?). Having nerds/geeks as pets would probably lock up most people on this forum. What point would there be in having them as pets anyways? They'd probably end up killing you in some devious way if they ever got the courage, but that's what bullying is for. You gotta make feel wanted sometimes, though or they'll still go psycho.
  6. Or how about fulfilling your wants? After all, lifes short, play hard (or however it went). Thats what Satanists believe. By Satanists, I'm referring to those who belong to the Church of Satan rather people who actually worship Satan. Besides, to quote the great Homer (Simpson): "Getting people to like you is hard. You have to be nice all the time. Getting people to hate you doesn't require anything." Dang I butchered that quote, oh well.
  7. That is if it wasn't already lost to us forever. The crazyness that came for that guy/girl was pure laughter (at his/her stupidity) inducing madness. Of course, he/she was insulting everybody, inciting the flame war, even though it was pathetic (the insults). Cosplay and SF3 definitely would belong there too. I didn't even read all of the cosplay, but what I did was "classic."
  8. By football, do you mean soccer? If I were to burn one of these, I'd probably do an RPG that it supported or maybe a Megaman game since the petition never worked. I wonder if it could run a PSX game loader kinda like loser's (his doesn't work, but there are other ways)? If so, I'd try to see if I couldn't get MMX4-6 or which ever ones could fit (heck, maybe even MMX3 if I ever download it).
  9. I believe in a Star Trek game (this could've been a hoax, though) there was a cheat/Easter Egg where Spam would appear. The captain would then say something along the lines of "exterminate this inferior species." It may not have been a Star Trek game, but it was definitely space related (the game was definitely real). And to Dynamo, Spam comes in a can. To quote the Thing: " 'Nuff said."
  10. Good enough for me. Bleu cheese goes well with chicken wings or "buffalo" wings if you prefer.
  11. Oh. It doesn't seem bad. I didn't find any GBA or new Neo Geo roms there, much less PS2, Xbox, or Gamecube ISOs.
  12. Unless they had a shield for the nuke, they'd get blasted by the EMP from it. The Matrix could technically have been created from the Terminator world if the Animatrix hadn't ruined this theory. Also, if you were that bored, you could tie I, Robot to the Terminator world (maybe) by ignoring T3 (and who wouldn't ). Speaking of I, Robot, it kinda reminds me of the old Planet of the Apes movies.
  13. No political debates here just us (anti)Christians. Also, Agozer, could you get any cheesier without actually becoming cheese? Oh yeah, I say blah to my own *attempted* joke. Come on, man, Christians doesn't sound a whole lot like chickens. Oh yeah sorry back on topic. Umm.. nm.
  14. Eh, he's not bad. They just have a personal feud, I guess. BTW, iq_132, is there anything on Edge Emulation that goes against RomShare's rules? That "search engine" at the top is an ad, I think. I'm just curious because ender thought there was something wrong with that site.
  15. Yeah, I should be in bed and have been sleeping as its early morning here as I post. If the rom names match (also make sure the roms in zip's file names match what's listed in asr.dat), then check the file sizes and CRCs. The file sizes are listed in hex, so 8MB = 800000 & 4MB = 400000 (I think you get the trend) & 128KB = 20000. If the m or s rom is double/quadruple or half the size, just multiple or divide the number by factor of its size (i.e. if its half, divide 20000 by two).
  16. I wouldn't know about vBulletin or any other forum setup. Square74 mentioned that he split the thread at RomShare, which I thought was what happened.
  17. Hmm, that explains his post. Ah well, not everybody can be your friend or even neutral (that usually suffices). Is there any reason for this shared hatred? Such as you slurring his nationality or what not.
  18. Actually, since we're not a RomShare, I can give you a link. You can grab them here. You'll have to combine either v1 with v2 or v3 and v2 or v3 with v4.
  19. Nope ender didn't bother. Iq didn't really get on your case, it was Square, like I said. PRican25, here's your post from RomShare. I know you didn't say much, but apparently they believed you were asking for the rom. I mentioned in the thread (and in this thread) that I could provide patches for you (maybe).
  20. Weird, I was just curious because the post confused the heck out of me. I was expecting to see the current post, but all I found was your request and iq_132, ender, and Square74 jumping all over you for it (mainly Square, not positive about ender posting).
  21. Actually, PRican, the post asked for mslug4k, which got you banned. The mods/admin(s) must've thought you were talking about the rom. I replied about the patches. BTW, what CRCs do you need a patch for the v roms (original rom CRCs)? On the banning note, apparently you can come back eventually (don't know about the downloads, though). After all, wasn't Niemend banned twice (I think it says that in his/her title or whatever it's called).
  22. For it to work, the game listing in asr.dat must have the same rom names as the ones in your zip file. Also, the file sizes and CRCs must match up. You can edit asr.dat in notepad as it's essentially a text file. For patches, if it's.ips, you'll need a program like Lunar IPS Patcher. You'll need to extract the proper rom from the zip file and use the program to patch the rom. You then put the patched rom back in the zip file replacing the old one. If it's an.exe (program), just run it and point it at the extracted rom. You might want to be sure you have the correct CRC for the patch, though. What program do you use for zip files? I can tell you how to check the roms' CRC with the program you use. If you're confused still, just ask and I'll try to clarify myself.
  23. Well, so is Christmas (a Pagan holiday). Most theologists believe Christ was born sometime in the Summer or Fall (not sure about this, but it was before December). The Catholic Church is notorious for converting local gods into Saints. Whatever god the people worshipped this and that was replaced by the Patron Saint. The beginning of the Bible was supposedly written by Moses who came along several years after many of the events were to have happened. Honestly there is no evidence of any form of after life and the reverse can be said. I'm not sure what to believe, but I definitely do not like organized religion. It gets too political anymore.
  24. I use SpywareBlaster. It protects you against spyware and tracking cookies. They also have other useful tools there like SpywareGuard, which I used to use. It acts kinda like anti-virus software. It alerts you if a program is trying to alter certain settings or if it has detected spyware.
  25. Weirdanzeige, didn't you get in trouble recently at the RomShare forums? Square74 said something about how they've dealt with all your rule breaking until you requested a Metal Slug 4 rom and he said that was your last warning? I only mention this because there are two topics (one was technically moved the Recycle Bin) that asks which are the best v roms for Metal Slug 4. Shiba, that's not too weird. I kinda just showed up and tried to help in most areas. Of course, my first post was a rom request just like most new people.
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