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Everything posted by StriderSkorpion

  1. I'm not into rap so I really can't say. I feel he's overhyped, but I'm just some white guy into rock and its variations.
  2. On a side note, K Man, weren't Jerry and George going to see it one episode of Seinfield?
  3. Well, you have to admit, "Capcomologist" is a pretty messed up term. Since when have people started studying Capcom as a science? No matter how much of insider the guy is, things sometimes just don't pan out.
  4. Hey now ForceX, do you actually like his music? Anymore it seems he's being controversial for cash rather than just being a plain old American jerk. GryphonKlaw, you're probably right. Getting assassinated wouldn't help matters either. He'd probably be put right up there with Tupac and Biggie.
  5. I don't know why it would neccessarily be crappy. It was done by Konami, so I don't think it'd be crappy (not that Konami hasn't done crappy games). Those movies that are funny/cheesy usually TRY to be scary, but sometimes fail miserably. I can't say that any survival horror game has been that scary to me, but they usually get my adrenaline (sp?) if they're any good.
  6. Now if only Eminem killed himself for his daughter... (j/k)
  7. You've got me confused here dumis. If FBAX supports cheat files, you should be able to use any cheats made for FBA. Just check the site to see if the emulator supports cheats.
  8. Has any of you who like John Carpenter's The Thing seen The Thing from Outer Space? It's the original black and white movie that The Thing is based on. It's not a bad movie for its time, but I didn't think it was scary (could've been for its time, dunno). I like The Thing a lot better, though. BTW, is the game any good? I'm interested in playing it too see if its any good myself.
  9. That's strange as most sites that talk about CD burning mention overburning, but not that much. I guess a DVD burner could do that, but I've never heard of that happening. Technically, it should cause errors in reading the CD since you're burning WAY past the normal limits. I don't know if they've changed the way CD-Rs are made, though. If they have, then that could explain, but I really have no clue what's going on in your case.
  10. Shiba, have you ever put multiple NES emulators on one CD? I don't think that any of the emulators are still being worked on (last I checked, but its been a while). The emulators have different levels of support for NES roms from what I hear. FrNES is based on pNESx isn't it? The author kinda dropped it out of no where (like most emulators). I don't think the author of NesterDC is working on it anymore. Is TuxNES based on any other NES emulator? I know there are patches to make the emulators use the same directory and the bins at sbiffy are probably hacked for that.
  11. Yeah, especially movies that have become a series (i.e. Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th series). I still like them even though they no longer scare me. Sometimes I kinda like it when horror movies parody themselves or are just so bad &/or cheesy they're funny.
  12. Well, it could possibly. I know it lets you play MVS games in console mode (when put into an MVS board). If it let you do that, then you probably could set freeplay on too.
  13. Selling the IPs allows Sammy to make games using Capcom licensed characters. They haven't given it away to Sammy, they're still copyright/trademark/whatever Capcom. Also, Street Fighter 4 could fall through just like Capcom All-Stars, which was probably more developed than SF4 is at this point. Chun-Li originally wasn't in SF3, they added her later in either Double Impact or Third Strike. SFA series fubar when it comes to SF canon, IMO. It's kinda confusing where they fit in relation to SF1, which is almost always overlooked. If Capcom drops SF, it wouldn't be the first time they dropped a famous series. They've essentially dropped the regular Megaman series (and Legends series it seems). You don't really see new Ghost and Goblins games either. I just want to see a new Strider game, even if it doesn't go to the arcade.
  14. The uni-bios is a combination of the debug chip and Neo Genie bios. It works in game too, though (don't know how the debug works). It has a number of cheats in its database also. I think it lets you set dip switches in game, I don't know if the debug would let you do that or not.
  15. All you'd have to do is either hack the bios or get a mod-chip circumvent the check. Unfortunately, no one's done it yet. If the GC itself can read DVDs, then that method would work too. If someone created a loader, though, you could put several GC games on one regular DVD-/+R which would be great.
  16. I prefer Kawaks, but Nebula is easier to mess around with since it uses dats. The Kawaks loader is the only way to change or add to the sets Kawaks recognizes, but there isn't a loader for 1.49 (AFAIK) or 1.48b/dev. I wouldn't bury NeoRageX yet, but wish the source would be released. The hacks are nice and all, but they really can't add some of the features Nebula and Kawaks have.
  17. The current dump is in Japanese only, I think. I can't say for sure because it's hard to tell with the scrambled graphics. Besides, all Neo carts have each language on them, there aren't any region specific ones. They won't have English only if it was never put in or the game happens to be a prototype.
  18. Usually they just edit the dats rather than changing the actual loader. I know of one infamous site that did that to match their rom sets.
  19. Sorry about how happened in the RomShare forum. They deleted your message because you still had EGCG in the title.
  20. Good to hear. I hope they keep them. Although, I wish more of the games were in CDI format rather than NRG, but I can deal with it.
  21. Cheesy humor is another one of Troma's fine points. I didn't think the Shadows of the Vampire movie was scary either, but I did think it was interesting. I especially liked William Defoe's (sp?) character because he was pretty disturbing. Like the scene where he's in the sewer and he starts sucking the blood of a bat or rat (not sure which).
  22. It would have to have been the uni-bios 1.3 since previous versions didn't work on the AES. Usually the Neo Store sells systems with the regular debug bios (I think this one's done by !Arcade! rather than MAS Systems). The shipping company would probably just give you a refund rather than buying you a new NG CD if it were screwed up.
  23. All JAMMA compatible arcade games play on superguns and many JAMMA+ ones do to. The only games that don't play on them are non-JAMMA (usually made pre-JAMMA standards) and games with special controllers like trackballs. You need to buy a motherboard (or whatever you'd call it) for many arcade games. All you'd have to do is switch out the compatible games. It's this way with Neo Geo and CPS-1/2 games for example.
  24. His problem, I believe, is that the cheats don't work on the European version of the roms. I don't know if that really should be an issue or not, but if it is, he might as well grab the Japanese or American roms as they're just as easily available.
  25. Wasn't it you who mentioned these new NeoRageX hacks are like adding biomechanical parts to a dead/dying body?
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