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Everything posted by StriderSkorpion

  1. I don't usually experiment, I just setup the layout of the CD. Selfboot Inducer should make a proper image since it uses mkisofs (or whatever the program's called) and bin2boot. There shouldn't be any image errors and I'll have all the goodies I want on the CD.
  2. Either way it's definitely a good thing if you're getting 800MB. Usually when you buy them, they'll tell you that they're 90 minute CD-Rs. I've never heard of anyone passing them off as 80 minutes, though. I guess it's possible since you don't really see 90 or 99 minute CD-Rs in stores.
  3. Ah, Hammer, they're definitely classics of the genre. Unfortunately, I've lived a sheltered life and have yet to see very many (possibly any) of there films. On a side note, I really wish Bram Stoker's estate didn't sue the makers of the silent film Nosferatu. Has anybody seen the fictional movie based on the making of the film? It was William Defoe as the vampire and John Malkovich (if I'm not mistaken) as the director. I think it also has the main character from Princess Bride and Robin Hood Men in Tights.
  4. I know what you're saying, that's way too much for shipping. Even for air travel. The most I've ever paid for shipping was like $40, which is half that amount. The items usually came the next day or pretty soon after I made the payment.
  5. Bah! I'm sticking to buying mostly MVS carts and old, used (hence cheaper) AES. I'll buy the new ones when I have the money (when being the operative word) as they're WAY cheaper than that. I don't know how rare Kizuna Encounter (E) is, but I'd never pay that much. Especially since all Neo games work on any system. The only difference is the box art and manual.
  6. So, does that mean you're a fan of Full Moon or (possibly) Troma? I don't know about Troma, but Full Moon has a huge library of horror movies. Out of them, I like the Puppet Master series (not all of them since some are hokey like Retro Puppet Master) and the Howling series (I believe that's the name). What's weird is Full Moon ripped itself off with some Puppet Master clone. I can't remeber the name, but it was lame (and funny because of that).
  7. Dang, garageink, that's total BS! I got an MVS version for less than $50. That mofo is messed in the head to think Metal Slug should be sold for that much, even if the game's in mint condition. Some people...
  8. You could do it like a bootleg, but then you'd have to have an MVS cart and an (E)EPROM programmer. You'd have to reburn the chips each time you wanted to change the game. There's also the Multi Game Doctor 2, but the Neo Geo version is very rare. Also, all the MGD2 stuff is expensive. You could make a MAME cab, but that's the closest to actual arcade experience you could get (w/ roms).
  9. I just like total control (is it so wrong? ) of the project I'm messing with. If I ever really got into releasing ISOs (actually CDIs, but you know what I mean), I'd distribute a Selfboot Loader (or whatever its name is) with three NES emulators, DreamSNES, bleemcast beta, a Doom port w/ mods, and some arcade emulators (probably more stuff would go on it as well). But, alas, I'm lazy when it comes to getting stuff done usually.
  10. Are you sure? I know that some 90 minute CD-Rs disguise themselves as 80 minute CD-Rs (to the burner), but I've never heard of actual 80 minute ones that could go that far. I think maybe you're mistaken or the label is lying to you, but I can't really say for sure (800MB is a STEEP increase from the normal max.).
  11. I probably already mentioned this in the thread, but around me, there are hardly any arcades. There's only one of any significance, but they don't support the Neo Geo. They have one machine, but they haven't kept decent care of it (controls are broken, eats quarters, screen is faded, etc.). The arcade used to be a lot better, but the new owners don't seem to understand that the games need some TLC too. They would probably get SF4 IF it ever came out, but there wouldn't be very many people there for fighting as most of arcade rats have abadoned it for better lighted ground.
  12. Also make sure there are no spaces at the end of the lines. I don't know if it's a problem for the Kawaks loader, but it definitely causes problems for Nebula.
  13. You just have to compile your own versions of MAME and FBA. If you follow the tutorial (for MAME, at least) and follow the instructions posted for the driver, you can compile it easily. For the dat, just copy the main text and paste it into notepad and save the file as a dat file. If you're editting the asr.dat, just put a line of % at the bottom and then paste the text below that and save.
  14. Do you know when it will be released? Hopefully the c roms are different because if they aren't, then we have a bigger issue on are hands than we first thought. If they are different, that should mean the old ones were corrupt or something similar. Are the m and v roms decrypted (if you know)? I hope they are, then it should fully work with Nebula.
  15. Ha, that would be funny. Too bad the GBA is lacking all the buttons necessary for true SNES emulation. Has anyone come up with a way to add buttons to the GBA or do you avoid games that use most of the buttons? I remember Atani saying he made a GBA emulator for the DC, but he/she said that it wouldn't be released because of the incident related to Atani's Genesis emulator. Is anyone else working on one? Haven't really been into the DC emulation scene in a while...
  16. That and if the CD-R supports this. Most newer burners support overburn, but I've never heard of one burning an 80 minute with 800MB. That sounds more like a 90 or 99 minute CD-R (unless that's what you were talking about, then nevermind).
  17. But you don't get to customize the games you have on it. That's my only real gripe. I mean, you rip it and redo the whole process, but I'd rather do the whole thing myself.
  18. Yeah, I have most of the games including the Mega Drive game. It's the Japanese version (Rockman: Mega World), but that's just as well since I haven't seen a PAL to NTSC converter cartridge in a while. The only area I'm lacking in MM games is the GB( C). I don't have any of the regular MM games or Megaman Xtreme 2.
  19. Nintendo's lost me and most of their stuff anymore. Their games are starting to turn their games into kid friendly pieces of crap, IMO. Before, they had a broad audience and appeal, but they keep changing things for the worst. Shigeru Miyamoto (sp?) has got to be out of his mind. Donkey Konga? I'm sorry, that's the last straw.
  20. I'd watch it because the thing reeked of inconsistency. I just don't know where I'd get it from. There aren't many video rental places around where I live. Mainly Blockbusters, but they don't carry anything above an R rating, unfortunately. Hopefully, if I do get to see it, it'll be much better, but like GryphonKlaw said "4 hours?" That's a little bit much, IMO, then again, I haven't seen it yet...
  21. I don't think it's too terribly heavy (don't have one, so can't say for sure). I don't know if shiba noticed, but him and I are on the same level. Cominus, where'd you see the system go for about $90 and was that the closing price? If it was, I wish I had been there (and had the money). My only guess about the high shipping price is international + weight + shipping method and service, but mostly jacking it up. Too many sellers on eBay tend to do this, IMO, which is so lame it isn't funny.
  22. If only someone could make a mod-chip for the Panasonic Q, then maybe people could finally play their backups. I don't know about the generic GameCube, but the Q definitely can play DVDs and if someone can figure a way to load games off CD/DVDs then that'd add a whole new dimension to GC piracy, er... I mean backups. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  23. I don't personally know of any. It's quite possible, but you'd have to search for yourself as I haven't had any results (I haven't really searched all that hard, though).
  24. Hate the colors, they're kinda too bright for my taste. Not really all that interesting, IMO. Seems just like another KoF website. Not that it's a bad thing, I'm just not necessarily into those kinda websites.
  25. Go to RomShare to grab any of the older Neo Geo and CPS-1/2 roms. You'll have to sign up, but it's free. They have every version of the roms, they should be in the MAME section for the most part.
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