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Everything posted by StriderSkorpion

  1. Xeon, in the title of dumis' post, he wrote Kof 2004 Hero rather than KoF 2003 Hero. In turn, Agozer mentioned that he probably meant 2003 rather than 2004. I don't know about the Hero hack and I don't think I've seen anyone post a driver for it. It may be prehacked for NeoRageX as it was released for the 2k3plus version. I haven't seen anyone post a driver for even the the NeoRageX hack of KoF 2k3, but if someone has one, the "Plus" version shouldn't be too hard to implement.
  2. Why don't you just use bin2boot? I thought I suggested this earlier in a thread not to unsimilar to this. Just grab it from MegaGames and you can get the ISO set up for autoboot no problem. If need be, just you the /nohack option, but you probably don't need to as it hacks the same area and would overwrite it with the same data.
  3. I was about to post that. I figured you were just joking as it could've been easily simulated if you've been in IRC enough and you already had his IP address. I thought it was funny, especially how everyone was talking 1337 speak. The button was kinda what influenced me visit here a little more. Now that all this has come to light, I was wondering why it has your button, especially now.
  4. Heh, apparently you missed the correct forum link. One more link down and you'd have been in the Xbox forum. This post may conflict with the forum rules also. If not, my mistake.
  5. Well, if FBAX is open source, you could (or get someone else to do it) write a driver for it. Dittor for Kawaxs or any other Neo Geo emulator for Xbox.
  6. First off, you have to have the Neo Geo CD bios (probably already knew that). I guess you try to run the bios and during boot up, you have to press escape and somehow load the image or its cue sheet.
  7. Well, the 1st_read.bin was developed using the GCC tools. I figured this out by trying to descramble the binary and it worked. I'm thinking of putting the bleemcast beta on an emulation CD and see if that works. I probably could get the image working using bin2boot, though I'd rather have more emulators on it.
  8. Well, the Home of the Underdogs has some ISOs. You could also try SegaXtreme's (old URL, but it redirects) ftp forum. You have to join the forum to get access to the ftp forum last time I checked.
  9. Unless you know how to compile programs (much less for the Xbox), then there's no chance of getting it to work. Heck, I don't even know if FBAX or Kawax's source is open for editting. I didn't think they'd use dats since only Nebula and the Kawaks loader support them. CRC stands for cyclic redundancy check. Emulators use it to verify if you have the correct rom or not. Since the data has been hacked in those games, their CRC is different from the originals. You could try the Neo Geo debug bios or the Uni-bios, if either FBAX or Kawax supports them. They would allow you to unlock the bosses.
  10. The problem with the official bleemcast discs are that they use some form of copy protection. Someone tried to crack it, but I'm not sure if they were successfull. I've also read that the different beta colors are the same thing. I have problems running the bleemcast image as it reboots the DC everytime I run it. I did find a way to use it over the BBA. What I did was send a menu loader and executed it, I then executed the BBA disc 1st_read.bin and finally sent and executed the descrambled bleemast 1st_read.bin. In fact, I have zip file that could be used as an SBI with Selfboot Inducer. Haven't test if it'd work yet, though.
  11. Yeah, I posted in forums to see if he had any answers to the accusations. I'm not the only one, but there's just two of us AFAIK. I used to think it was a decent place until this incident.
  12. That's cool, I understand how you feel. I'm pretty sure most of us feel the same way you do or close to it. Doubt he could deal with a little bit of your "Cajun justice," though.
  13. I didn't know if there happened to be a city of Illinois near Baton Rouge around because when I do the same whois search, it gives me my city's name (I use Comcast too). I didn't notice that Baton Rouge was listed in the picture before, but automatically saw the Illinois (go figure). Yeah, yeah, never mind that post above. You kinda seem a little hostile about it, I didn't mean to offend you and I was just trying show what I meant.
  14. What emulator are you using? Also, how many p roms are there and what are their sizes and CRCs? I personally don't have problems running it with Winkawaks 1.46p w/ loader, Winkawaks 1.48b/dev, or Nebula 2.23 (unlocked). I haven't tried it with any version of NeoRageX, MAME, or FBA.
  15. Check that image again. It also says Illinois and his IP address falls within that range, which is weird and of course it wasn't a typo (on GameCop's part anyway). Is Illinois a city near Baton Rouge? If so, then it's not so weird. It was pretty lame on his part to just leave his IP address, but good for us he was that stupid.
  16. Tried them, but they too have the "wrong" rom. What's curious is that the US and European roms are reported as LoROM while the Japanese rom is reported as HiROM. It's this way for uCON64 and NSRT. I wonder if it's really LoROM. If it is, it has a lot of junk data (or something) in the first part of the rom. All I can say is weird.
  17. Speaking of NSRT, have you found a dump of WWF Super Wrestlemania (J) that it could detect? Going by the CRC in SNES dat for uCON64, the roms I keep encountering are wrong. Also, uCON64 has problems detecting what type of rom it is (system), which right away tells me something's fubar with it.
  18. That's what I thought, but I didn't know if there was joke or something I missed. No problem, ssv and svc kinda look similar if you're not paying real close attention. In fact, I made a double take to see if that wasn't what he really posted.
  19. That's were I got my version. I really wish people would stop releasing the games as Nero images. I don't mind Clone CD, though, as it doesn't have the problem Nero images have. The problem being that they're either DAO or TAO. If only people would stick to the "standard" DiscJuggler 2/3 CDI format that release groups use(d). After all, you can convert the images later with CDI2Nero.
  20. The LA part is probably a "typo" as even the ISP information in the picture said Illinois. I sincerely doubt this was done by anyone other than "Neo X" because this hack reaks of script kiddie work. Although it's possible a script kiddie could spoof an IP and packet sniff the proper IP address, it would be more of a challenge and serious hackers wouldn't do this kind of stupid crap.
  21. My only real guess is that the image was corrupted or your burner doesn't support the burning of the first session. The first session (audio usually) is small and some burners for some reason can't burn them correctly (or at all, not sure which).
  22. Do you have the original image? If so, grab the CDMage beta and scan for errors. If there are sector errors in the image, try to fix them and/or rebuild the sectors (if you can). After fixing and/or rebuilding, you may want to scan for errors again to see if you have any errors left. Also, if it's a Nero image, make sure you burned it correctly. To test what version it is, you can try testing the image by test burning in DAO or TAO. If it tells you the image is another format, then it's not the format you selected (obviously). If you used Nero, you probably burned it in the proper format, I'm not sure if Alcohol 120% lets burn it wrong or not.
  23. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be a problem. I don't know if all of those games have protection schemes. If you want to convert from NTSC to PAL or vice versa, just grab one of conversion tools from MegaGames. If you need a fix, but can't find it and have a GameShark (or similar device), check Game Software Code Creators Club as they should have cheats to bypass anti-mod and anti-GS.
  24. The only way to say that he didn't (I personally don't feel this way, unless someone hacked his personal site), is that the hacker spoofed his IP address or spoofed the MAC addresses. Both are technically possible, but unlikely unless the hacker some how got the information for both of those (MAC addresses) or did an exploit that was one way only (or had a packet sniffer on his IP address). That'd be pretty difficult unless they knew him or they hacked Comcast. There may be other ways to find the MAC addresses, but like I said earlier, I doubt anyone else did it.
  25. Man, that sucks. I use to browse that site occassionally and never encountered any viruses. Right now, the website is down. It was also down the other day when I tried checking 1Emulation. What would be worse is if it wasn't even the Neo Arcadia X admin. Meaning, if that person was being duped too.
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