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Everything posted by Bigby

  1. 最終的な燃焼の伝説〜は最高! ビッグビー..東京、日本 Final Burn Legends Rulez Bigby.. Tokyo, Japan
  2. Yeah, aswell as Antarctic Adventure (prequel to penguin adventure) and F-1 Spirit 3D Special. I tried that cyborg Z in BlueMSX (PC), but I had to rename the extension to .sg (from .sms).
  3. Look for these titles in the soon to be released MSX Xtras too Hey, thanks Fu, for the Cyborg Z link. Didn't have that one.
  4. Well if it's a choice between the two, for now I'd say go with the single global screen size setting.
  5. Added Sega Counter Run bootleg b
  6. What a nice surprise! Thanks to +T+ and iq_132 BTW, has the bug been fixed when using the image viewer ? (After viewing an image, the skin would white screen after)
  7. Whilst queuing in Game today, I saw an old mate. He was always one of these that had to go one better than you. He asked "What game are you getting?". I replied "Mafia 2" He said "Oh I'm getting Mafia 2 too" The clever cunt will never change.
  8. You can get the iso/mp3 rips from
  9. It's your Moustache
  10. Don't forget this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennis_for_Two
  11. I guess he said nothing
  12. Here is what Madmab had to say about Pcsx4all -
  13. Think I've said enough
  14. You need to update your DirectX 9 files - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=35
  15. Bigby reporting in!
  16. Thanks for the update XxHellsFuryxX Here's a quick video I made earlier of the Level Flip filter in action...
  17. sbpaabck ? Do I win a prize ?
  18. I voted no... where else am I gonna get my daily laughs
  19. Who are you talking to ?
  20. The Emu is the largest bird native to Australia and the only Xtras member of the genus Dromaius.
  21. It's only a 'preview' release and works quite well for some of the games I've tried. Who knows what it will be capable of in 5 years Here's a compatibilty list of what's working so far - MAME_PS3 compatilbility Sorry MMQ, erm.. thanks to all the devs who contributed to CoinOPS and those who brought it down
  22. If you didn't know already, mame 0.142 has been ported to PS3! So there are even more ways to get your arcade fix Mame v0.142 romset (over 10 thousand roms) is scanned in as little as 5 seconds, no waiting minutes here
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