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The Raincheck

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Everything posted by The Raincheck

  1. Is the Neo Geo game listing bug going to be fixed? Everytime I go into the neogeo cata. no games are listed but if i go under Others, there are in there.
  2. Just saw this released: CoinOPS 4 Sunset Standalone (Released) Since CoinOPS 3 Sunset there has been new cores...core updates.....lots of new arcade games never playable on the xbox before....lots of fixed arcade games.....1000s of new console games supported....many new features....the change log is over 10,000 lines long so lets just say more of everything.....when you though CoinOPS couldnt get better it knock the old one out of the park..... Note - Please play fair guys....to the people that want inflict there views, pretending they understand more than they do....please dont hurt inocent people....its unfair and really does cause people grief to many people and isnt very nice...... CoinOPS 4 Sunset Mame Sources are there to patch into anything you require....please remember its mainly the people complaining that have the most to hide..... old pic as this now supports way more....over 18,000 games I assume this is a CO4 version of CO3 Sunset? Unlocked? Links: You know where to go
  3. Cant anyone whos talented enough to make a "freedom" build if you will of CoinOPS or something based off MameoX? Hell combine FBL with MAME cores...make our own "CoinOPS". BP takes retail games, XBMC, and other emu builds and stuffs the shit out of it...how hard is that? Im having re-vert back to CO3 because CO4 dont work for shit...I recently updated to R8 (I have 3000+ games in mind) everytime I select a game it just goes back to the menu....Im like fandangos...its just idiotic to lock down your freedom and choices of emulators.
  4. has anyone else played Espgaluda in 1.7 and had GFX glitches? I played it last nite, rom loaded fine along with the select screen but when i comes on the playfield its garbled.
  5. Fast and Furious 5 = Combat Cars in Russian with new GFX Hack Gran Turismo 5 = Fun Car Rally (UNRELEASED) in Russian with minor GFX Hack NFS Underground = Turbo OUTRUN in Russian (LOL)
  6. VF for me works pretty decent (not full speed though)on 128mb xbox but if you load it on a 64mb it crashes either at bios check or within 5sec of the opening with Sarah and Kage.
  7. What about these? SLIPSTREAM - Capcom's only Sega System32 F1 game and exclusive to Brazil! Rad Mobile/Rad Rally - CoinOPS runs this but the controlls are terrible. Run and Gun 1/2 B-Rap Boys - CoinOPS runs this but later in the first level has gfx problems
  8. Reading this makes me think of the AVGN episode of R.O.B. where he made that ROB-Pad lol
  9. Interesting that you mention that... iq you are the MAN! can't wait for it!
  10. In regards of the OUT OF MEMORY error, I see that CPS3 games are in this build but they dont work because of the RAM issue. Is there a planned CPS3 XBE core down road to handle these games ala Cave Shumps?
  11. Hey +T+ is SNK's P.O.W. Prisoners of War working in FBL 1.4? Ive had issues with this and in FBANext360. Works fine in CoinOPS though. Running POW through FBL has GFX glitches. Thanks and keep up the awesome work!
  12. Does anyone have it up on Usenet? I could certainly download it there and seed up faster.
  13. VF1 worked fine just with minor stuttering in R5 but when i upgraded to R6, VF1 froze either at the Rom Check screen or 3+ secs into the intro, freezing at the Kage v. Sarah fight in the intro. Im running Xbox v1.1 with a Xecuter 2.2 Lite, UnleashX, and EvoX M8+ as my bios. I havent looked into any other game atm.
  14. yeah mame on 360 could REALLY need an update since its from 2007 or so. Im still waiting on any WIP news on FreePSX, it was too buggy at the time i last tested it.
  15. Yeah, I know about it. These are the same people that released "Last Hope" on Dreamcast & Neo-Geo CD/MVS/AES. Have you heard about the upcoming game Gun-Lord? Side note -- favorite shmup (any system)? Been loving Ketsui, Espgaluda, and DDP3 lately. Ikaruga rocks my socks. yeah these guys did a great job with fast striker,there is actually 2 versions of fast striker,the original and a 1.5 version for the neogeo.both these versions were included in the dreamcast.the dreamcast also saw a special omake version included and its hard as hell. they did release last hope which was punishingly difficult but there was an updated version released called last hope pink bullets which eased things up a bit and added more options.they also released a pretty good shmup for the dreamcast called Dux,a kind of rtype homage. dont think there will be any neogeo romdumps of these games anytime soon. i know about gunlord i think it is getting a winter 2011 release,there arent any screenshots of it yet though all i know is its a run and gun style game in the metal slug mold. BTW there is another new dreamcast retail game called strumwind coming this summer,it was originally going to be released on the atari jaguar cd but got cancelled bit now the original devs are updating and releasing it on the dreamcast. its looking as good as any ps2 shmup that i have played. as for my fave shmups where to begin....i am enjoying ketsui just now,been emulatin it on pc with final burn,i have dodonpachi dai ou jou and espgaluda on ps2 which are accade perfect ports. my fave shmups list thunderforce 4 megadrive forgotten worlds arcade/megadrive gradius 5 ps2 dodonpachi dao ou jou ps2 ketsui fba/360 ikaruga xbla/dreamcast zero gunner 2 dreamcast under defeat dreamcast and lots more.... iq do you play ikaruga through a dreamcast emulator on pc or do you play it on the actual hardware? BTW i have all the shmups on the xbox 360(japanese releases) buti cant play most of them yet as i dont have a japanese machine but i am considering getting a jtag 360 which lets you play games region free plus lets you play homebrew,namely the final burn alpha port by lantus FBANEXT360. mushimelisima futari black label and espgaluda 2 on 360 are both japanese releases for the 360 by cave but they are both region free.muchi muchi pork has just been released for 360 in japan by cave and that is region free as well. Dude a 360 JTag is SSSOOO worth it, just to play imports from any region, free dlc/arcade games, emulators and homebrew. Im also liking Ketsui, Espluga 2 Black Label, Deathsmiles 1/2, etc...
  16. look up the snesorama fourms in google
  17. FEATURE REQ - Put PSX ISOs in a separate folder ala N64 Roms/Midway/etc....
  18. My Suggestions GAMES TO BE ADDED Run N Gun 1 and/or 2 Virtua Racing Super High Impact Football Martial Champion F1 Super Lap Slipstream (The RARE Capcom F1 Game running on the Sega System32 board) Possible Injection of a few Midway Arcade Treasures/any other noteworthy games (ala Street Fighter 3 Style) - Rush the Rock, Race/Hard Drivin, Primal Rage, MK1, MK2, MK3, Hydro Thunder, Offroad Thunder, etc... games that dont work well natively in Mame for Xbox. GAMES TO BE FIXED ------------------------ B-Rap Boys GFX Fixed (no onscreen char/etc after the first stage going onto the rollercoaster) Rad Rally/Rad Mobile Steering Fixed Virtua Fighter 1 (doesnt load on 64mb xboxes, gives me Malloc error, 128mb xbox untested atm) Thanks BP...still loving CoinOPS since GOLD!
  19. What about these: Run N Gun 1 and/or 2 Added Super High Impact Football Added Martial Champion Added B-Rap Boys GFX Fixed (no onscreen char/etc after the first stage goin onto the rollercoaster) Virtua Racing Added (I know its Model 1, just wondering if it possible on the tech side of things) Virtua Fighter Added (ditto on above) Possible Injection of a few Midway Arcade Treasures/any other noteworthy games (ala Street Fighter 3 Style) - Rush the Rock, Race/Hard Drivin, Primal Rage, MK1, MK2, MK3, Hydro Thunder, Offroad Thunder, etc... games that dont work well natively in Mame for Xbox. Rad Rally/Rad Mobile Steering Fixed F1 Exhaust Note/F1 Super Lap Working Slipstream (The RARE Capcom F1 Game running on the Sega System32 board) Are any of these requests/fixes possible in the next couple of builds of CoinOPS down the road?
  20. Is this available on Usenet somewhere?
  21. I wouldnt mind beta testing CoinOPS EPIC and XBMC The BP Edition.
  22. If you have the rom set for Auto change it to Euro (if you're playing the UE rom) or play the Canadian rom of MM1, ive played the MM on a real genesis and i know the sound is too fast unless you change the settings. Hopefully this helps.
  23. Where is CoinOPS EPIC for download? I dont see it on Demonoid or Usenet.
  24. is it up on usenet? Ive been looking for it for awhile.
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