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Everything posted by iamjack

  1. Yeah, thats a curious bit of posting. I should go to Octoberfest and say "Sorry, I just don't like German people."
  2. Wow, way to take something humourous and get vindictive.
  3. http://www.adventuregamers.com/ Another look at the most heinously unprofitable video game market in the world. A little more organized yet less varied then justadventure.
  4. [Cena Vs. Angle] Christ I love Angle. I honestly think he can take the title from Cena. Not now nessesarily, they might see this as good enough to draw out to Survivor Series, especially since there aren't really any more legitimate face contenders to the title. By the same note, there aren't alot of heel contenders left for Cena other then Edge. All things point to a nessesary shift in the WWE title dynamic. [Flair Vs. Carlito] I think this one's a dead lock for Flair, and thank god. Carlito's got no ring game yet. His entire finishing premise is cheat to win, and I really doubt he can outcheat Flair. [Micheals Vs. Masters] You Masters is plain, but we really haven't seen a lot of his actual match prowess. Unless I'm mistaken this is his first PPV billing, and I really think he can play well off of HBK. But still sorry they decided not to stick with Micheals as a heel. [Edge vs. Hardy] You forgot to mention it's a cage match. Matt's comeback started bad, I surmise, because of a combination of ring rust and the system shock of wrestling with those extra pounds of muscle, as Hardy made his name as a cruiserweight. Since his match a couple of weeks ago I think we'll get to see the Hardy magic again. But I'm concerned they may not give this one to Hardy as not to jepordize their investment in Edge and his inevitable title shot. [big Show vs. Snitsky] What a waste. They get an A class like Big Show and they waste it on bullsiht like this ever since. Shows how sparse the roster is more then anything; that they can't find anyone better then Snitsky to card opposite him. [The Hurricane & Rosey vs. Cade & Murdoch] I like Rosey and Hurricane, they'd be an ownage tag team if the WWE gave them the support to actually win matches. The way things look, I don't think they're going to knock down Cade and Murdochon a debut title match. If they win the titles it'll be predictable and dumb. [Trish & Ashley vs. Victoria & Torrie] Trish rules, Ashley looks cool but sucks, Victoria is great but has no mic talent, and Torrie has no significance at all. [shelton Benjamin vs. Kerwin White] Benjamin has, in my opinion, THE best ring game in the WWE, but he's got no personality at all. Chavo is good too, and I think he has a genuinly ironic thing going here. This should be a good one.
  5. Quite a first post. I think he joined just to throw in that gem. I like the part on how the aristocracy are supposed to be inferior unhuman bastard fags that deserved to be raped and burned on a slow fire, but then he quickly deffers to "But love is the answer, *tee hee*."
  6. Jak 1 was jaust a par 1st party platformer. Jak 2 would have been a classic, but someone fouled up the balance and ruined alot of great efforts. Jak 3 finally found an equilibrium but it was too little to late as it was pretty much like Jak 2. Ratchet and Clank is far superior but Jak holds an affluence that R&C lacks, so I can say its worth playing.
  7. I say that because he invokes an unoriginal, narccistic, and racist opinion. I think America will decide it needs Kanye as much as it needs the KKK.
  8. Most original PSX throwback platformer series is still Tomba.
  9. lol Aawww just cause he's a childish turd doesn't mean he should get shanked by the illuminati. We're overstating his importance as it is.
  10. Good find there, but I don't see anything about a military campaign to shoot black people. And the second link is dead, but I probably would put a lot of stock in it, "Chinese press" being something of a dead term.
  11. I doubt it. See, these were Sony's in-house first-party franchises, and when the PS2 came alone they differed to some other crappy developers while Insomiac went to work on Ratchet and Clank and Naughty Dog went on to Jak and Daxter, and now Sony's hinging upon them to be their new Mario and Zelda.
  12. Dear 1emulation, Hi, I'm Kayne West. I'd like to apologize for the aformentioned outburst, having realized that in my childish, self-indulgent tirade, I alienated portions of a nationwide audience, denying potential hundreds of thousands of dollars not my own to people in desparate need. I understand that while this is America and I can have whatever close-minded, narccistic opinion I wish, taking advantage of a charitable cause is the ultimate mark of a sexually frustrated loser with an inferiority complex. I thought i was being original and meaningful but in truth I was, as always, a sad, irresponsible, self-centered wannabe. -Kanye West P.S.: I had an affair with Ted Kennedy.
  13. Fact: Spyro's voice was done by the same guy who did the chiuaua in the taco bell commercials. But ya, Spyro is one of those bygone psx series' that don't see a lot modern recoginition, kind of like Crash. Although as i recall the graphics in Spyro made me ill for some reason.
  14. Oh, crap. I completly forgot Mysterio vs. Guerrero. Now that was a sweet match. The whole angle didn't appeal to me but the match was sick.
  15. I thought it was mediocre at best. We get a US title match that lasts 25 seconds. I may think that Orlando is the worst push of all time, and 25 more seconds of him as champion is 26 too many, but this is no way to usher Benoit's title reign. Could have just as well been done on tv. Hardy and Edge actually had a lot of steam, but worse then the match at summerslam was the RAW match next night with the second worst push of all time, Rob Conway. Consider that Hardy's talant was as a cruiserweight, and since he's gotten huge he may not know how to get his ring game back. I really don't like where this angle's going. Pun coming next paragraph. Speaking of angles, Angle vs. Eugene had kind of a wierd subtext but one of the nights better matches. I like how Angle can fued anyone and make it work. I don't think people should have booed Eugene, but It was fun to hear people cheer when Angle made him twist. Thank christ he's the No. 1 contender now. I think Ortan vs. Taker was the best match of the night. It was fairly unpredictable and the conclusion didn't bother me either. Now Ortan stands to take the No. 1 heel spot from JBL at last. Plus managerial characters are sparse and its cool to see Cowboy Bob take a firm role. I wasn't expecting to like Cena vs. Jericho because I'm basically over them both. Rooted for Jericho but I pretty much knew better. Decent show but nothing better then you see on tv. JBL vs. Batista was the real bust of the night. They bill a no holds barred in hometown D.C., I expect Miracles. Damn thing ends in like 5 minutes. And Hogan vs. Michaels delivered in my mind, but none of the fireworks you'd expect or imagine. I know Hogan's not at his peak but i thought he'd surprise us. What really sucks is that Michaels isn't staying heel.
  16. Looks like someone was selling out public interest to the ketchup lobby.
  17. I like how the second comment down declares it a blatent civil rights violation. I figured the discussion of this article would already figure the fact that China is a nation of goose steppers as a given. Even then, I think there would be greater examples of Chinese totalitarianism to war against then the denial of MMORPGs. Like a crowd of protesters being turned into paste.
  18. If stratagy/rpgs fit that line of interest, FF Tactics and Front Mission 3 are the cream.
  19. In all ernest, rpgs, even bad ones were pretty sparse on the Genesis. The only really prolific ones that come to mind are Phantasy Star IV and Shining Force, and even they don't meet the general standard of the SNES.
  20. Actually, towards that end, i was wondering if there was a similar implement for yoshi topsy-turvy.
  21. Broken Sword is the first adventure game you should ever play, and if its your taste you'll be hooked afterwards. But towards mainstream interest, Tomba and Mega Man Legends are the apex niche classics (which i imagine is what you're looking for) on the psx, among many.
  22. I am jack's top 10 psx rpgs. 10. Parasite Eve 9. BoF 3 8. Front Mission 3 7. Star Ocean: The Second Story 6. Suikoden 2 5. Chrono Cross 4. FF8 3. FF Tactics 2. Xenogears 1. FF7 (compilations off the table)
  23. Good show, suh! Case clo zed.
  24. Not enough ninja attacks these days, especially on small, middle class establishments in whatever, Florida. Why don't they strangle Micheal Moore with razor wire and take his millions?
  25. ryuken: good news to me, duder suvo: what's this patch of which you speak and how might i find it?
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