after reading the read me again all i spotted was the bit I added to very bottom which I understand however I want the following setup for all the MK arcade games but it seem to mess it up as I dont know what the buttons map to so dont what ones to change... Blue = High Punch Green = Low Punch Yellow = Block Red = Block White = High Kick Block = Low Kick From read me: A member wanted a config for CPS2 games (some Capcom games use LPunch+MPunch+HPunch, same for Kicks) If for example LPunch=LTrigger, MPunch=X, HPunch=Y and you want a shortcut for furies on WHITE BUTTON then "remap the game" this way: P1 Button 1 = J1_LTrigger or J1_White P1 Button 2 = J1_X or J1_White P1 Button 3 = J1_Y or J1_White Pressing White will call the 3 Punch Buttons !